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新课标英语  阅读理解周计划
新课标英语  阅读理解周计划

新课标英语 阅读理解周计划PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡壮麟主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:光明日报出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7802061970
  • 页数:339 页
《新课标英语 阅读理解周计划》目录

Week One第一周 1

读有奇招Monday 2

A Directions of medicine服药说明B Forgetful grass失忆草Tuesday 5

A A secret lover秘密情人B The richest country最富有的国家Wednesday 8

A It's alie!那是谎言!B Fish go in net by themselves? 鱼儿自投罗网?Thursday 11

A A balloon traveling一次气球旅行B Man surfed wave to survive冲浪得救的人Friday 14

A DIY自己做B Let me fly!让我飞吧!Saturday 17

Stone soup石头汤Sunday 20

Halloween万圣节Week Two 第二周 22

读有奇招Monday 23

A The keep dog拾物狗B The rich man and his gold富人和他的金子Tuesday 26

A Bob and Grandpa 鲍博和爷爷B The origin of Mother's Day母亲节的起源Wednesday 30

A Being a clever clothes shopper 做个聪明的购衣者B What makes great soccer players?怎样成为足球明星?Thursday 33

A Better than nothing总比不响好B Rock stars and their money 摇滚明星与他们的金钱Friday 36

A World economy世界经济B Net library网络图书馆Saturday 39

A glass of milk一杯牛奶Sunday 41

Alaconic answer简明的回答Week Three第三周 42

读有奇招Monday 43

A First life on land 陆地上最早的生物B Dog and right养狗和权利Tuesday 46

A Three wishes三个愿望B First roller-skating最早的轮滑Wednesday 49

A Young gold medal winners年轻的金牌获得者B New use of glass 玻璃的新用途Thursday 52

A A notice通知B America grows older美国在变老Friday 55

A Standley and pirates斯丹德利和海盗B One way to build self-respect塑造自尊的方式Saturday 58

Carrot,egg or coffee胡萝卜,鸡蛋,还是咖啡Sunday 60

Cats as bad as rats?猫和老鼠一样坏吗?Week Four第四周 62

读有奇招Monday 63

A My summer vacation我的暑假B Bill Gates's tory比尔·盖茨的故事Tuesday 66

A Alarm clock and I我和闹钟B Mary Lincoln玛丽·林肯Wednesday 69

A Lie or not?说不说谎?B Poor Tom可怜的汤姆Thursday 72

A A clever question聪明的问题B Noise kills noise?噪音相抵?Friday 75

A Tents left忘带帐篷了B Tomorrow's cars—clean and clever未来的环保智能汽车Saturday 78

Catch ofa lifetime一生的收获Sunday 80

How monkey looked for trouble 猴子找麻烦Week Five第五周 82

读有奇招Monday 83

AFarmer and a picture农夫和画B Ways to deal with problem ofenergy 解决能源问题的方法Tuesday 86

A The story of zero零的故事B Snakes and jewels毒蛇与珍宝Wednesday 88

A Safety first also at home 家中也要安全第一B Lincoln,a great president 伟大的林肯总统Thursday 91

A St.LuciaDay圣·卢西娅日B An unforgettable lesson难忘的一课Friday 94

A Pisa or pizza?比萨斜塔还是比萨饼?B A letter一封信Saturday 97

Two frogs 两只青蛙Sunday 99

King John and the Abbot国王约翰和修道院长Week Six第六周 101

读有奇招Monday 102

A Bad memories坏记性B Ideas about the future未来畅想Tuesday 105

A Do you wear safety belts?你系安全带吗?B Do you have breakfast?你吃早餐吗?Wednesday 108

A Picky eating挑食B Pumpkin pie is my home南瓜派我的家Thursday 111

A Why horse's toe is a hoof? 为什么马的脚趾叫马蹄?B Mother's Day and Father's Day 母亲节和父亲节Friday 114

A Health and a joke健康和笑话B We all make mistakes我们都会犯错啊Saturday 117

Why为什么Sunday 120

Three women三个女人的故事Week Seven第七周 121

读有奇招Monday 122

A Sorry对不起B Eatinglowerblood pressure饮食降血压Tuesday 125

A Take a chance again再冒一次险B Computer and telephone计算机与电话Wednesday 128

A English,easy or not?学英语,易还是难?B Thistle and Scotland蓟花和苏格兰Thursday 132

A Mary's birthday party玛丽的生日派对B Meaning of Olympic Games奥运会的意义Friday 135

A Talk no much寡言的人B English from different languages英语源自不同语言Saturday 138

My secondfather我的第二个父亲Sunday 140

A joke about white and black 一个白人和黑人的笑话Week Eight第八周 141

读有奇招Monday 142

A This isn't my home这不是我的家!B Day天Tuesday 145

A Water水B Undersea world海底世界Wednesday 148

A Traveling animals旅行的动物B Youth summit中美青年交流会Thursday 151

A Camouflage保护色B TheTower ofLondon伦敦塔Friday 154

A Events赛事广告B Time to learn broadly广泛学习的时候Saturday 158

Competition in my own world我的竞争观Sunday 160

The gift礼物Week Nine第九周 161

读有奇招Monday 162

A A letter about holiday度假来信B Eat too much?吃的太多了吗?Tuesday 165

A Speaking in learning foreign language说在外语学习中的作用B Fashion时装Wednesday 168

A Woolworth and his stores 沃尔沃和他的连锁店B A new electronic system in supermarkets 超市里的新电子系统Thursday 171

A Caught this morning今天早晨已经抓到了B Two important things before shopping 购物前的两项原则Friday 174

A That wasn't long,was it? 时间并不长,不是吗?B Virus“Melissa”梅利莎病毒Saturday 177

Find the cheese and be happy 找到奶酪,快乐起来Sunday 178

Be a brave new girl to win in life 做一个勇敢的新时代成功女孩Week Ten第十周 179

读有奇招Monday 180

A Letters of asking and answering来信与复信B Headphones without noise没有噪音的耳机Tuesday 183

A Ditto同上B Rapidly developed Tokyo facing newproblems快速发展的东京面临新问题Wednesday 186

A Making international calls打国际长途电话B Only English in schools? 学校里只能讲英语吗?Thursday 189

A No piano and better不弹钢琴就会好了B An essay changes一篇文章能改变什么Friday 192

A Tools and ages工具与时代B Valuing water珍重水源Saturday 195

An apple tree一棵苹果树Sunday 197

You're awesome!超越卓越的你!Week Eleven第十一周 198

读有奇招Monday 199

A To be a good reader做一个会阅读的人B Attitude about fire decides关键是对待火灾的态度Tuesday 202

A TOEFL托福考试B Serious and sad Queen Victoria 严肃而悲伤的维多利亚女王Wednesday 205

A The torch travels of Olympic Games奥运会的火炬接力B The Open House inthe USA 美国的白宫开放日Thursday 208

A How to grow avocados?如何培植鳄梨?B Rules for daughter给女儿的规定Friday 211

A Buildings of two kinds两种建筑B Wonders of touch触摸的奇迹Saturday 214

The most beautiful heart最美丽的心Sunday 216

Unusual echoes不同寻常的回音Week Twelve第十二周 217

读有奇招Monday 218

A Good and bad are the same things? 好坏都一样?B Reading habits changed阅读习惯的改变Tuesday 221

A Not much of a driver不大像一个司机B“Side-by-side”living style in America 美国并存的多种生活方式Wednesday 224

A News on the hour整点新闻B Festival of storytelling讲故事节Thursday 227

A Tie a knotinthe equator给赤道打个结B Olympic Games,good or bad? 奥运会,是好还是坏?Friday 231

A Driving an old ambulance to work?开着救护车上班?B First cloned human?第一个克隆人?Saturday 234

Flowers on the bus溢满鲜花的巴士Sunday 236

Suppose someone gave you a pen假如给你一支笔Week Thirteen第十三周 237

读有奇招Monday 238

A Flight timetable航班时间表B Notice通知Tuesday 241

A Performance表演B Attend the forum!快来加入论坛!Wednesday 245

A Can't sleep无法入眠B Special events this weekend周末要闻Thursday 248

A Rollerworld welcome you轮滑世界欢迎你B Guide in college大学指导Friday 252

A No drowning rules免溺规则B Best hotels最好的宾馆Saturday 255

The builder建设者Sunday 257

Bronze rat青铜鼠Week Fourteen第十四周 258

读有奇招Monday 259

A Alan Iverson阿伦·艾弗森B Whose chocolate I ate?我吃了谁的巧克力?Tuesday 262

A Freaky Friday《辣妈辣妹》B Chickens catch cold小鸡感冒了Wednesday 265

A Giving no more quarters无须多给钱B Chinese in France中法文化交流节Thursday 268

A What will you be?你将来干什么?B 30 each or for all?全部三十还是每人三十?Friday 271

A Do you like Bungee jumping?你喜欢蹦极吗?B Cool down the water把水温降下来Saturday 274

Awoman'stears女人的眼泪Sunday 276

How to heal a friendship怎样维护自己的友谊Week Fifteen第十五周 278

读有奇招Monday 279

A Study exchange交换学习B Tell the truth or just lie?说实话还是撒谎?Tuesday 282

A Pressure too much?压力太大?B NBA,who will teach you to play? NBA,谁将教你打篮球?Wednesday 285

A New economy online网上新经济B Reform of Security Council安理会改革Thursday 288

A Harry Potter 哈利·波特B Everybody can become president 每个人都可做总统Friday 291

A Never lend again再也不借了B Keep up with the lates tweblish 跟上最新的网络英语Saturday 294

Do things for himself自己做吧Sunday 296

My irreplaceable treasure 我的不可替代的珍宝附录:答案详解与思路点拨 297
