第二届宝钢学术年会论文集 第3分册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢企华,徐乐江主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7543929473
- 页数:504 页
Resource and Enviroument 1
1.Develop Cycling Economy to Enhance Baosteel's Sustainable Competitiveness&ZOU Kuan 1
2.Sustainability and the International Iron and Steel Industry&Vanessa RIEDEMANN 10
3.Modern Aspects of Resource Conservation at ThyssenKrupp Steel Corp&Juergen A.PHILIPP 19
4.Nippon Steel's Activities and Technologies for Environmental Protection and its Perspective&K.YONEZAWA 32
5.Life Cycle Inventory Study of Electrogalvanized Stcel Sheet of Baosteel&LIU Yinghao 39
6.Determination of PCDDs,PCDFs,PCBs and HCB Emissions from the Metallurgical Sector in Poland&Adam GROCHOWALSKI 46
7.Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of 75 PCDD and 135 PCDF in the Gas Phase Using a Density Functional Method&Oleszek-Kudlak SYLWIA 52
8.CO2,a Technological Challenge for the Long Term Strategy of the Steel Industry&Jean Pierre BIRAT 58
9.Research on Dioxin Emissions in Iron&Steel Industry&Alfons BUEKENS 66
10.Gangue in Raw Materials for Blast Furnaces&T.MUKHERJEE 72
11.Microstructural Evolution of Slags during EAF Stainless Steelmaking&Dirk DURINCK 80
12.Mechanism of Removal and Recycling of Heavy Metals from Copper by Chlorination Reaction&Yang CUI 86
13.Chromium Recovery in EAF Stainless Steel Refining&GUO Muxing 90
14.The control and Comprehensive Utility of Iron-making Solid Waste&ZHU Renliang 95
15.Extracting Vanadium from Steel Slag with Alkaline Roasting Leaching Process&ZHANG Linnan 103
16.Evaporation Kinetics of Metal Chloride in ZnCl2-PbCl2 System&WANG Canguo 107
17.Eliminating Trace Element Zinc Hurting to Baosteel's Blast Furnace Process&LI Zhaoyi 111
18.Environmental Protection and Ecological Development of Steel Industry in Germany and Japan(in Chinese)&CANG Daqiang 115
19.Technical Practice and Stratagem Conceiving for Developing Cyclic Economy of Shougang(in Chinese)&LIAO Hongqiang 123
20.Some Notion to Develop Circulation Economy in the Iron and Steel Group Corp(in Chinese )&DONG Xudong 127
21.The Practice of Cirhcular Economy in Shigang(in Chinese)&WANG Liping 130
22.The Characteristic of the Panzhihua Mineral Resources and Study on the Strategy of Circulating Economy Development(in Chinese)&YANG Baoxiang 134
23.GHG Emission and Its Mitigation of Steel Industry(in Chinese)&ZHANG Chunxia 139
24.Materials Flows and Energy Flows in Iron & steel Factory and Their Influencc on CO2Emissions(in Chinese)&CAI Jiuju 145
25.Distribution of Elements in Solidified Converter Slag(in Chinese)&DONG Yuanchi 152
26.Researching and Practicing the Industry Technology System Solution of the BaoSteel's Steel Slag(in Chinese)&JIN Qing 157
27.Development and Application of Baosteel Short Slag Flow(BSSF)(in Chinese)&XIAO Yongli 161
28.Trial Research of Recovery Chrome From Chromium-Bearing Sludge(in Chinese)&ZHOU Yusheng 166
29.Study on the Preparation of Titanium-rich Feedstock by Carbonation(in Chinese)&SI Xiuli 172
30.Research on Circular Utilization of Iron-Bearing Dust Sludge at Masteel(in Chinese)&ZHANG Guangrong 176
31.Development and Application of a New Process of Waste Water Treatment in Clearing Dust of Converter Fume(in Chinese)&WANG Da 179
32.Generating System by Using Waste Heat of Sintering Cooler of MaSteel(in Chinese)&DING Yi 183
33.Study on Real-time Computing Technique of Thermal Efficiency for Gas Fuel Boiler and its Software(in Chinese)&CAO Xianchang 187
34.Application of Energy Saving in Bar Heating Furnace at Xuansteel(in Chinese)&WANG Jiguang 192
35.Study on the Growth Regularity and Control of Microorganism in Baosteel Classic Circulation Cooling Water System(in Chinese)&WANG Hong 198
36.Study on the Ecological Treatment of Baosteel Reservoir(in Chinese)&ZHANG Yimei 201
Stainless Steel and Its Process 204
37.An Outlook on Brand Competition in China's Stainless Steel Market&LIU An 204
38.How to Specify Stainless Steels Cost Effectively&Jacques CHARLES 211
39.Stainless Steel Making with BF Hot Metal&FU Zhongzhe 218
40.High Nitrogen Stainless Steels——The Ultimate Fine Grain Steels&Markus O.SPEIDEL 224
41.POSCO's Development of Ferritic Stainless Steel&Kwangyuk KIM 228
42.Ultra Purity Ferritic Stainless Steels——Grades,Refining Operations,and Applications&JIANG Zhouhua 232
43.Research on the Improvement of Ridging of 409L Stainless Steel&YU Haifeng 239
44.Preparation of Ultrafine Grain Austenitic Stainless Steel by SPS&LIU Jing 246
45.Process Controlling of SS-VOD in Stainless Steelmaking&LI Shi 251
46.The Study of Stainless-steel Slab Casting Technology&ZHENG Qun 255
47.Study on S-EMS in Continuous Casting of Ferritic Stainless Steel&WANG Lijiang 261
48.The New Concept of an Integrated Line for the Stainless Steel Business of Arcelor&Jacques HENRION 265
49.Effect of Nitrogen Content and Thermo-Mechanical Processing on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of AISI 304 Steel&JIANG Laizhu 271
50.Research&Development of High Nitrogen Medical Grade Austenitic Stainless Steel&YANG Ke 277
51.Study and Application Prospect on Antibacterial Stainless Steel&YANG Ke 282
52.Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Low Nickel Content&XU Jun 287
53.Microstructural Evolution of AISI 304 Stainless Steel with Near-Rapid Solidification&YANG Yuansheng 291
54.Electrochemical Behavior of Hot-Rolled 304 Stainless Steel during Chemical Pickling in HCl-Based Electrolytes&LI Lian-Fu 297
55.Corrosion-induced Metal Release from Stainless Steel and Its Alloy Constituents into Different Media&Inger Odnevall WALLINDER 305
56.The Latest Development of Ferritic Stainless Steel in TISCO(in Chinese)&FAN Guangwei 310
57.Research of a New Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel(in Chinese)&LANG Yuping 317
58.Investigation of the Pitting Corrosion Behavior of 316 and 304 Stainless Steels in NaCl Solutions by Means of Electro-chemical Methods(in Chinese)&WU Weiwei 322
59.Dynamic Model and Its Application in the Refining Process of Stainless Steel in Argon-Oxygen Decarburiza-tion Converter Ⅰ(in Chinese)&LI Qing 328
60.Dynamic Model and Its Application in the Refining Process of Stainless Steel in Argon-Oxygen Decarburiza-tion Converter Ⅱ(in Chinese)&LI Qing 333
61.Optimize ACC Model in the Furnace of 1780 Hot Strip Mill(in Chinese)&CAO Weiqiong 340
62.Application of Sinusoid in Hot Roll Prodution(in Chinese)&SHAO Yinuo 344
Special Steel and Its Process 348
63.Development of PAM Single Melt Technology&K.O.YU 348
64.Boron Nitride Inclusions in Boron Bearing High Cr Ferrite Heat Resistant Steel&Kazuyuki SAKURAYA 353
65.The Use of a Fe-30 111258072 and Fe-30 0-Nb Alloy as a Model Systems for Studying the Microstrnctural Evolution during the Hot Deformation of Austenite&W.M.RAINFORTH 359
66.Research and Development of AerMet100 Steel(in Chinese)&LI Zhi 366
67.The Development of T250 Cobalt-free Maraging Steel(in Chinese)&ZHANG Jinghai 372
68.Effect of Homogenizing Process on Hot-working Ductility of a High Temperature Duplex Bearing Alloy(in Chinese)&CHEN Guosheng 377
69.The Study of Phase Structure and Corrosion Resistance of 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N Duplex Stainless Steel(in Chinese)&ZHAO Junliang 381
70.Studying on the Structure and Properties of φ 2000mm Extra-Large Superalloy Turbine Disk(in Chinese)&MA Tianjun 386
71.Research on the Pre-hardened Process of Bigger Forging Block for Plastic Moulds(in Chinese)&BO Xintao 392
72.Development of Blooming Process of High Alloy Cold Working Ledeburitic Die Steel to Replace the Con-ventional Hammer Cogging(in Chinese)&GU Xingen 399
73.New Technology & Characteristics of Deformation Process for Hydraulic Radial Forging Machine(in Chinese)&WANG Wenge 403
74.Research of Control Technology of Homogeneity of Composition in Large-dimension TC4 Alloy Ingot(in Chinese)&JI Bo 408
75.Influence of Refining Slag Composition on D Type Inclusion in Bearing Steel(in Chinese)&LI Zheng 411
76.Computer Simulation and Analysis on the Isothermal Formation of Bigger Vane Forging(in Chinese)&WU Ruiheng 415
77.Application of Numerical Simulation Technique in Prehardening Heat Treatment of Big Die Blocks(in Chinese)&WANG Qingliang 419
Metallurical Aualysis and Quality Control 423
78.Traceability of Surface Chemical Analysis in Iron and Steel Industry&K.KAKITA 423
79.Application of Modulation Technique to Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry&Kazuaki WAGATSUMA 428
80.Recent Developments in AES and XPS and Their Applications in Metals&WANG Daoyuan 432
81.Improved Analysis of C,N and O in Low Alloy Steels and other Recent Analytical Developments in the Analysis of the Iron Matrix by OES&Jean-Marc B?HLEN 438
82.Effects of the Striking Edge Radius on the Charpy Impact Test at Different Temperature&LI Heping 443
83.Oxide Scale Microstructure Characteristics of Hot-Rolled Low Carbon Steel by AFM&LI Jian 447
84.Survey on the Methods for Determination of Oil Volume on Tin Plate Surface&LI Lei 452
85.Study of Analysis of Nano Film on Metals by Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry&ZHANG Yi 456
86.Evaluating Strength and Toughness Properties of Laser Weldment by Dynamic Testing&FANG Jian 463
87.Laser-based Diagnostics for the Steel Industry&Jean Pierre MONCHALIN 468
88.Determination of Trace Elements in Steel by High Sensitivity Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry without Matrix Separation&NIE Lingqing 473
Others 477
89.Modification of the National Standardization Law and its Effect on Enterprise(in Chinese)&LI Yuguang 477
90.The Primary Discussion of Registered Trademark and Protection of Intellectual Properties of Baosteel(in Chinese)&SUN Zhongming 486
91.New JIS Mark Certification Scheme (in Chinese)&YU Chengfeng 492
92.Innovation of science and technology is basic support for industry improvement of Shougang Group(in Chinese)&ZHAO Minge 496
93.Thermodynamical Studies on the Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation for Preparing Vanadium Nitride&YU Sansan 500
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