- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆铁镛主编
- 出 版 社:北京:测绘出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7503004509
- 页数:610 页
Lesson One Surveying 1
Lesson Two Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying 8
Lesson Three Types of Surveys 15
Lesson Four Map Projection and Maps 21
Lesson Five Accuracy and Precision,Errors and Mistakes 28
Lesson Six Systematic Errors 35
Lesson Seven Field Notes and Notebook 44
Lesson Eight Recording Data 52
Lesson Nine Computations and Checking 59
Lesson Ten Computational Aids 65
Lesson Eleven Electronic Distance Measurements 72
Lesson Twelve Basic EDM Theory 78
Lesson Thirteen Errors in Electronic Distance Measurement 85
Lesson Fourteen Leveling and Levels(1) 92
Lesson Fifteen Leveling and Levels(2) 100
Lesson Sixteen Ordinary Leveling(1) 107
Lesson Seventeen Ordinary Leveling(2) 115
Lesson Eighteen Profile Leveling 122
Lesson Nineteen Common Leveling Mistakes and Errors(1) 130
Lesson Twenty Common Leveling Mistakes and Errors(2) 136
Lesson Twenty-one Care of Equipment 142
Lesson Twenty-two Transits and Theodolites 148
Lesson Twenty-three Traversing 153
Lesson Twenty-four Control Surveys 163
Lesson Twenty-five Triangulation(1) 169
Lesson Twenty-six Triangulation(2) 176
Lesson Twenty-seven Trilateration 183
Lesson Twenty-eight Topographic Surveying 188
Lesson Twenty-nine Contours 194
Lesson Thirty Photogrammetry 203
Lesson Thirty-one Aerial Photographs 209
Lesson Thirty-two Photogrammetric Control Surveys 218
Lesson Thirty-three Mosasics and Orthophotos 228
Lesson Thirty-four Photogrammetric Stereoplotters 231
Lesson Thirty-five Orientation and Map Compilation 239
Lesson Thirty-six Close Range Photogrammetry and its Origins 245
Lesson Thirty-seven Instrumentation for Close Range Photogrammetry 252
Lesson Thirty-eight Remote Sensing(1) 259
Lesson Thirty-nine Remote Sensing(2) 268
Lesson Forty Remote Sensing(3) 274
Lesson Forty-one Construction Surveying 282
Lesson Forty-two Preliminary Surveys and staking 287
Lesson Forty-three Building Layout 297
Lesson Forty-four Bridge Surveys and Pipe Laying 305
Lesson Forty-five Route Surveys 313
Lesson Forty-six Grade and Alignment by Laser-equipped Instruments 321
Lesson Forty-seven Dams 327
Lesson Forty-eight Gyro-theodolite(1) 332
Lesson Forty-nine Gyro-theodolite(2) 340
Lesson Fifty Applications of Geodesy 349
Lesson Fifty-one The Celestial Sphere 356
Lesson Fifty-two Azimuth and Latitude Determination 364
Lesson Fifty-three Satellite Geodesy 372
Lesson Fifty-four Inertial Survey System 377
Lesson Fifty-five Global Geodesy 384
Lesson Fifty-six Adjustment Computation by Least Squares(1) 390
Lesson Fifty-seven Adjustment Computation by Least Squares(2) 395
Lesson Fifty-eight The Spheroidal Earth 402
Lesson Fifty-nine The Art and Science of Cartography 410
Lesson Sixty The Scope and Nature of Cartography 417
Lesson Sixty-one Topographical Map Projection(1) 428
Lesson Sixty-two Topographical Map Projection(2) 438
Lesson Sixty-three Map Grid 445
Lesson Sixty-four Relief(1) 453
Lesson Sixty-five Relief(2) 461
Lesson Sixty-six In the Cartographic Drawing Office(1) 468
Lesson Sixty-seven In the Cartographic Drawing Office(2) 477
Lesson Sixty-eight In the Cartographic Drawing Office(3) 486
Lesson Sixty-nine Something about Map Reproduction 494
Lesson Seventy Computers and Cartography 508
Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary 518
Appendix Ⅱ Key to the Exercises 603
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