- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨卫平主编
- 出 版 社:海口:海南出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7544313670
- 页数:386 页
第一部分 中学英语阅读概述 1
如何结合新课程标准选择阅读材料 3
快乐阅读——提高阅读能力的法宝 5
教师如何有效地训练提高学生的阅读能力 6
第二部分 文学经典 9
The Little Match Girl 11
The Emperor's New Clothes 17
The Frog-prince 27
The Thousand and One Nights 35
The Little Mermaid 39
The Cop and the Anthem 41
The Old Man and the Sea 43
The Last Lesson 47
The Diamond Necklace 54
The Sick Lion 73
The Travellers and the Bear 75
Venus and the Cat 77
The Farmer and His Sons 79
The Peacock and the Crane 81
The King's Son and the Painted Lion 83
The Kid and the Wolf 85
The Lion and the Mouse 87
The Countryman and the Snake 89
The Miser 90
The Horse and the Stag 92
The Widow and the Hen 94
第三部分 名人轶事 95
A Joke about Mark Twain 97
Churchilland a Taxi-driver 99
Mark Twain and the Old Man 101
Napoleon 103
Abraham Lincoln 107
Columbus Discovers America 111
A Great Woman Scientist 115
Benjamin Franklin 119
China's First astronaut 123
Einstein's Coat 125
A Story about Rockfeller 127
Napoleon's Last Fault 129
George Washington and His Hatchet 131
Thomas Edison 133
A Great Musician 137
Marco Polo 140
The Success of McDonald's 143
第四部分 风土人情 145
Christmas Customs 147
Thanksgiving Day 149
Japanese Marriage 151
Manners Expected in the United States 153
General Hints on Conversation with Westerners 155
Folk Music 158
Blue Jeans 160
April Fools'Day 162
Americans'Weekends 165
Dances in American Colleges and High Schools 167
Different People,Different Music 169
Cars for Americans 171
I Am Her Father 173
How to Call a Married Woman in Some Western Countries 175
Mother's Day 177
Naming Children 179
Beautiful Parks 181
London 183
The White House 185
Body Language 187
Breakfast in America 189
American Dinner 191
The Story of April Fools'Day 193
Cherry Trees in Japan 195
Sports in the US 197
Love of Privacy 199
Halloween 201
Number 13 203
Sign Language 205
Polite or Not 207
第五部分 成长之路 209
Eisenhower's Ambition 211
English Words 213
Courses in American High Schools 215
The Importance of Computers 217
The Best Way to Learn a Language 219
Having Plenty of Gold Doesn't Mean Happiness 221
Ladder 223
The Pleasure and Value of Books 224
The Open University 226
Use as Few Words as Possible 229
Education 232
Ways of Education:East versus West 235
A Story-telling Competition 238
The Plum Tree 240
A Picture of Bamboo 242
A Diligent Boy 244
Five Fingers 246
Grace Valley 248
A Foolish Man 250
A Perfect Party 252
Colorful Lily 254
Bob's New Kite 256
A Hard-working Boy 258
第六部分 真情感悟 261
Remembering My Grandparents 263
A Brave Mother 266
A Brother like That 268
Miss Zhao 270
The Real Value of Christmas 272
The Old Cat 275
第七部分 精灵驿站 277
A Foolish Cat 279
Greedy Pluto 280
A Cat and Ugly Duch 282
A Crow and an Oriole 284
A Monkey or a Dog 286
Two Little Pigs 287
A Lonely Bear 288
Brown Learnt Skills 290
I'm the Strongest 292
A Hunter and a Fox 294
A Bird and the King 296
An Ant and an Elephant 297
A Famous Fisherman 299
Mr Lion and Mr Tiger 301
第八部分 缤纷小屋 303
Sour Grapes 305
Story of Pencil 307
London Bridge 310
Kites 312
How Big Ben Was Born 314
Music 316
Sandwich 318
OK 319
Put Oneself before Others 321
It Is Yours 323
New Shoes and Old Shoes 325
Where Was the Millionaire 327
We'd Better Hurry Home Quick 329
The Boss of the Parrots 331
Delicious 332
Ramon Was Proud of Blackie 333
My First Customer 335
Paying the American Way 337
Can You Identify Yourself 339
Next Time 341
Office Hour or Leisure Hour 342
The First Job 344
Appealing Power 346
Surprise 348
They Are Here in My Hand 350
Pension 352
A Rich Man and His Wife 354
A Letter of Apology 356
Glasses 358
Husband and Wife 360
She Wanted a Bargain 361
Eating in Space 362
A Nation of Drinkers 364
The Story of Hamburger 366
Master and His Servant 368
A Dutiful Son 370
The Way to Make Money 372
Tearful Soup 374
An Epicure 376
答 案 377
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