- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:傅伟良等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:750215132X
- 页数:402 页
Unit One Economic Growth(经济增长) 1
1.1 Despite sign of global recovery,OECD points to many risks 4
1.2 Growth in US is fasted for 20 years 10
1.3 Optimism picks up in U.S.along with GDP 15
1.4 OPEC cut could slow recovery 21
1.5 Factories in Europe show gains in output 27
1.6 Japanese growth revised down 31
1.7 Production surges 1.3% in France 35
1.8 Business confidence in Germany rises again 39
Unit Two Employment(就业) 44
2.1 Keeping employees happy is rising cost for U.S. firms 46
2.2 Indians bridle at being target of U.S. over job tension 51
2.3 Australian employment declines as companies seek to trim costs 61
2.4 Unemployment rate falls in New Zealand 64
2.5 New Zealand unemployment increase 68
2.6 Jobless rate hits record in Singapore 72
2.7 Boosting employment now a top priority 76
Unit Three Banking(银行业) 82
3.1 China raises bank cap ahead of bailout 85
3.2 Nation frees up lending rates 92
3.3 Germany rejects EU's call to trim its deficit 97
3.4 Tokyo sees no fallout in bank takeover 102
3.5 H.K.authority buys $200 million 106
3.6 Chinese central bank plans to auction bills 111
3.7 "Big four"bad loans witness big drop 116
3.8 China takes bad debt on the road 122
3.9 Bank gets ready for going public 127
3.10 What global asset bubbles may have in common 132
Unit Four Currency and Exchange Rate(货币与利率) 136
4.1 IMF backs China on value of yuan 139
4.2 Little hope in U.S.on yuan rate 144
4.3 China urged to link yuan to"basket" 148
4.4 China gets ally in currency feud 153
4.5 Surging currency lowers Japan exports 158
4.6 U.K.sales risek,adding to rate push 161
4.7 Japan sees expansion next year 165
4.8 G7 Says It Wants Flexible Currencies 169
4.9 FOREX-Dollar jumps on record U.S. capital inflows 174
4.10 Weak Japan survey helps dollar to rally 177
4.11 Stability of Renminbi reaffirmed 181
Unit Five Securities Market(证券市场) 185
5.1 Japanese companies turn to convertible bond shares 189
5.2 H.K.charges Shanghai Land officials 193
5.3 U.S.House acts on mutual funds 196
5.4 Mainland may rally as curbs are lifted 200
5.5 Brokers protest Thai efforts to rein in a hot stock market 206
5.6 Life after Yukos 212
5.7 New options in Japan 215
5.8 China seeks to sell government stakes 220
Unit Six International Balance of Payments(国际收支) 223
6.1 Foreign trade becoming balanced 225
6.2 Greenspan says trade deficit may prove costly 230
6.3 Import surge pushes up trade deficit 234
6.4 Nation must control surpluses(Ⅰ) 238
6.5 Nation must control surpluses(Ⅱ) 241
6.6 Nation must control surpluses(Ⅲ) 246
6.7 Record exports buoy Japanese surplus 249
Unit Seven International Trade(国际贸易) 253
7.1 Sino-Indian trade,co-op promote 255
7.2 Americas trade talks have modest agenda 259
7.3 Singapore export growth slows as electronics shipments drop 264
7.4 Tax rebate proposed for nation's bonded zones 268
7.5 China posts strong trade data 274
Unit Eight International Trade Disputes(贸易争端) 280
8.1 China hints at new rise in tariffs 281
8.2 U.S.urges China to open markets and help break an impasse in global trade talks 286
8.3 US files first WTO complaint against China 291
8.4 Textile talks kick off 297
8.5 Second round of textile talks to kick off soon 301
Unit Nine China's Economy(中国经济) 307
9.1 China blames lone agent for copper trades 309
9.2 China must cut farming population,says OECD 313
9.3 China warns of too-hot growth(Ⅰ) 317
9.4 China warns of too-hot growth(Ⅱ) 320
9.5 Experts find easing pressure on deflation 323
9.6 Philips forecasts huge growth in China 327
9.7 Shopping on Internet spurned by Chinese 330
Unit Ten Consumption and Investment(消费与投资) 334
10.1 Non-income factors vital for consumption 336
10.2 Lending rate change to spur private sector(Ⅰ) 339
10.3 Lending rate change to spur private secto(Ⅱ) 343
10.4 Lending rate change to spur private sector(Ⅲ) 346
10.5 Hey,big spender,the U.S.economic recovery needs you(Ⅰ) 351
10.6 Hey,big spender,the U.S.economic recovery needs you(Ⅱ) 353
10.7 Hey,big spender,the U.S.economic recovery needs you(Ⅲ) 356
Supplementary:Explanatory Notes to Bilingual Finance(补充阅读材料:金融双语解读) 361
1)Money and its functions 361
2)Monetary measures 362
3)The demand for and supply of money(Ⅰ) 364
4)The demand for and supply of money(Ⅱ) 366
5)Central bank independence and macroeconomic performance 367
6)The Federal Reserve System in the United States 369
7)Financial markets 371
8)Major money market instruments 374
9)Capital market instruments 376
10)Real GDP and nominal GDP 378
11)Risks faced by all Financial Intermediaries(FIs) 380
12)Financialinnovation 382
13)Balance of international indebtedness 384
14)Currency board 386
15)Exchange arbitrage 389
16)Exchange rate and real income 391
17)Exchange rate and realinterest rates 392
18)Exchange rate determination in a free market 394
19)Interest arbitrage 397
20)Policy instrument 400
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