英语学习背景知识 欧洲概观PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:来鲁宁编注
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7301068964
- 页数:414 页
1.Major Regions 1
(1)The British Isles 1
(2)The"Big Three"of Continental Western Europe 3
(3)Scandinavia 8
(4)The Low Countries 11
(5)The Alpine Nations 14
(6)The Iberian Peninsula 15
2.Climate and Environment 18
(1)Major Climate Types 18
(2)Minor Climate Types 25
(3)Human Influence on Climate and Weather 27
(4)Environmental Problems and Protection 30
3.European Cities 37
(1)Urban Hierarchies Inter-linkages,and Functions 38
(2)The Morphology of European Cities 42
(3)Urban Problems and Policies 47
4.A Brief History 53
(1)Modernization and European History 55
(2)The Medieval World 57
(3)The Renaissance 61
(4)The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment 68
(5)The Decline of Europe 80
(6)Political Changes in Europe 88
(7)The Second World War 96
5.Cultural Heritage 112
(1)A Cultural Community 112
(2)Language—the Vehicle of Cultural Contacts 117
(3)Science 126
(4)Music 137
(5)Paining and Sculpture 141
(6)Architecture 146
(7)Literature 151
(8)Education—Foundation of Science and Economy 160
(9)Philosophy 163
6.People and Languages 168
(1)Population 168
(2)Historical Overview of European Peoples 168
(3)European Population Totals and Distribution 170
(4)Languages 182
(5)Major Languages Spoken in Western Europe 187
7.Religion 190
(1)Christianity 192
(2)Other Religions in Europe 196
(3)The Church in Modem Europe 200
8.Economy 202
(1)Development Levels of Europe's Countries and Regions 203
(2)Natural Resources 205
(3)Agriculture 211
(4)Transportation and Communication 215
(5)Manufacturing 224
(6)Services 227
(7)International Trade 231
9.Welfare 233
(1)Old Age Pensions 234
(2)Health Care 240
(3)Unemployment Compensation 248
(4)Benefit Cuts 249
(5)Other Benefits 253
(6)Expansion of Provision 255
(7)Trends in Welfare Retrenchment and Reform 255
(8)Conclusion:The Trend to Recommodification 259
10.Education 261
(1)Primary Education 263
(2)Secondary Education 265
(3)Higher Education 276
(4)Exchange Program—Socrates and Erasmus 282
(5)Costs of Higher Education 285
11.Leisure and Lifestyle 295
12.European Integration:From ECSC to EU 301
(1)The Treaty of Rome 305
(2)The Single European Act 327
(3)The Single-Market Program 330
(4)Relaunching the Community 335
(5)Negotiating the Maastricht Treaty 346
(6)Ratification and Beyond 352
13.Laeken Declaration on the Future of the European Union 360
(1)Europe at a Crossroads 360
(2)Challenges and Reforms in a Renewed Union 364
Appendix 371
1.European Nations 371
2.Major Cities in Western Europe 373
3.Major Universities in Western Europe 380
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