- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵成华主编;李慧等编
- 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7215014401
- 页数:468 页
Part One Nouns 1
1.ability capacity capability competence 1
2.access approach 2
3.accident event incident happening 3
4.account report statement 5
5.act action deed 6
6.address speech lecture talk 8
7.amount number quantity 9
8.anger rage indignation fury 10
9.appearance look aspect semblance 12
10.area district region zone belt 13
11.award prize reward honour 15
12.band belt ribbon strap 17
13.base basis foundation 19
14.benefit profit advantage 20
15.boundary border frontier 21
16.break pause interruption interval 22
17.cause reason ground excuse 24
18.choice alternative preference 26
19.clothing clothes dress suit 27
20.confusion disorder mess 28
21.cost price value 29
22.country nation state land 31
23.couple pair set suit 32
24.crime sin guilt 34
25.custom habit practice usage 35
26.damage harm hurt injury 37
27.danger hazard peril risk adventure 38
28.deputy representative delegate 40
29.device instrument apparatus appliance tool implement equipment 41
30.disease illness sickness 44
31.doubt suspicion distrust 45
32.duty obligation responsibility 47
33.environment surroundings circumstance 48
34.evening dusk twilight 50
35.example instance case illustration 51
36.fate fortune destiny luck 52
37.fear fright scare horror terror 54
38.fight battle war campaign combat 56
39.food provision ration diet 58
40.form shape figure 59
41.freedom liberty 60
42.gift present 61
43.heap pile stack 62
44.hunger famine starvation 63
notion 65
45.idea thought impression concept 65
46.journey trip travel tour voyage 67
47.kind sort species class type 68
48.labour toil work job 70
49.load burden 72
50.location site spot situation place 73
51.machinery machine 74
52.meeting conference congress assembly council rally 75
53.mistake error fault shortcoming flaw defect 77
54.movement campaign motion 80
55.nature character personality 81
56.nought zero 83
57.opportunity chance occasion 83
58.origin source beginning 85
59.period epoch era age 86
60.process procedure proceeding 88
61.purpose goal aim 89
62.qual ity property characteristic feature 90
63.question problem issue 92
64.range scope compass 93
65.result effect consequence outcome 94
66.salary wage pay 96
67.scenery scene landscape view 97
68.shore bank coast 99
69.sign signal symbol mark 99
70.sketch diagram chart graph 101
71.sound noise voice roar 103
72.speed velocity rate pace 104
73.street avenue road lane path highway way 106
74.strength power force energy vigor might 108
75.subject topic theme title 110
76.substance matter material stuff 111
77.summary digest abstract 113
78.surprise astonishment wonder amazement 114
79.thesis paper essay article 116
80.way method means mode 117
81.weather climate 119
82.wood forest grove jungle 119
Test One 121
Part Two Verbs 136
1.absorb bury 136
2.accept receive 137
3.accuse charge 138
4.acquire gain obtain attain get 139
5.admit confess acknowledge 141
7.agree consent comply 143
6.affect influence 143
8.answer reply respond 145
9.appear look seem 146
10.argue debate dispute quarrel 148
11.arise rise raise ascend 149
12.arrive reach get 151
13.ask beg request demand 152
14.ask inquire question interrogate 154
15.assume presume suppose 156
16.assure ensure insure undertake pledge guaranttee 157
17.bear stand endure tolerate suffer 160
18.beat strike hit pound slap 162
19.begin start commence initiate open 164
20.blame scold chide 166
21.borrow lend loan 167
22.bother disturb trouble annoy 168
23.bring take fetch get carry 170
24.build construct found establish erect 172
25.buy purchase order get 174
26.catch seize grasp grip capture 175
27.cheat deceive trick fool 177
28.choose select pick elect 179
29.combine connect join link 181
30.comfort console relieve 182
31.compare contrast 184
32.compile dramatize 185
33.consist constitute compose 185
34.continue resume last 187
35.conyince persuade prevail induce 188
36.cost take spend expend 190
37.count calculate work out 192
38.cure heal remedy treat 193
39.damage destroy ruin wreck spoil 195
40.declare announce proclaim assert pronounce 197
41.decrease reduce diminish lessen 199
42.defend guard protect safeguard shield 201
43.delay postpone prolong 203
44.desert abandon forsake 205
45.desire hope wish want expect 206
46.divide separate part 209
47.doubt suspect distrust 210
48.entertain amuse 212
49.examine inspect investigate 213
50.excuse pardon forgive 214
51.expand extend stretch spread 215
52.finish complete fulfil accomplish achieve 217
53.forbid prohibit ban inhibit 219
54.force comple impel coerce 221
55.foresee predict foretell forecast 222
56.gather collect assemble congregate 224
57.give send present confer 226
58.glance glimpse peep 227
59.happen occur chance take place 228
60.help aid assist 231
61.hide conceal dissemble 232
62.hinder prevent block bar check 233
63.hint intimate insinuate 235
64.hire employ engage 236
65.hurt wound injure harm 238
66.ignore neglet overlook slight 239
67.imagine conceive 241
68.imply mean indicate 242
69.include comprise contain comprehend 243
70.infer deduce conclude 245
71.insist persist persevere 247
72.invent create 248
73.jump leap spring hop vault 249
74.lead guide conduct direct 251
75.like love prefer enjoy 252
76.meet encounter 254
77.oppose resist 255
78.perform execute discharge 256
79.permit allow admit let 257
80.preserve reserve store keep 259
81.pretend assume simulate affect 261
82.propose suggest 262
83.pull draw drag haul tow 263
84.pursue chase follow hunt trai ltrack trace 265
85.put place set lay lie 268
86.quote cite 270
87.recognize know identify 271
88.recover restore recuperate 272
89.refuse declinc reject repel rebuff 273
90.rely depend 275
91.remember recall remind memorize 276
92.repair fix mend patch 278
93.replace subst itute 280
94.rescue del iver save salvage 281
95.revenge avenge 283
96.rotate revolve orbit circle spin turn 284
97.search explore rummage 286
98.see look watch notice 287
99.sentence convict 289
100.shake tremble shiver quiver quake 289
101.smash break crack crush fracture 291
102.stare gaze glare peer gape 293
103.stop cease pause halt 295
104.suit fit 296
105.surprise astonish amaze startle 297
106.survive live exist 299
107.throw pitch cast toss hurl 301
108.try attempt endeavor manage 303
109.use utilize employ 304
110.vainsh fade disappear 306
111.vary change alter convert transform turn 307
112.wait await expect 309
113.wake waken awake awaken 311
114.wear dress put on have on 313
115.win beat defeat 314
Test Two 316
Part Three Adjectives 340
1.able capable competent 340
2.aboveboard forthright straightforward 341
3.accurate exact precise correct 342
4.actual positive real true 343
5.adequate enough sufficient 344
6.alert viligant watchful 345
7.alike like similar 347
8.alive live living 348
9.alone lone lonely lonesome 349
10.anxious eager keen 351
11.apparent evident obvious clear distinct 352
12.appropriate fit proper suitable 354
13.aware conscious 355
14.awful terrible horrible dreadful 356
15.basic fundamental 358
16.bad evil ill 358
17.beautiful good-looking handsome lovely pretty 359
18.big great large 361
19.blank empty vacant 362
20.bold brave courageous 363
21.bright clever wise intell igent smart sage 364
23.busy engaged occupied 366
22.broad wide 366
24.calm quiet still peaceful 368
25.certain sure confident 369
26.cheerful glad happy joyful 370
27.chief main 371
28.clean neat tidy 372
29.close near 373
30.cold cool chilly 374
31.complete full plenary perfect 375
32.common general ordinary universal popular 376
33.complex complicated 378
34.constant continual continuous ceaseless 379
35.contradictory contrary opposite 380
36.costly dear expensive precious valuable 381
37.crazy insane mad 383
38.damp moist wet 383
39.dark dim gloomy obscure 384
40.deep profound 386
41.dense dull slow stupid foolish silly 387
42.different various diverse 389
43.distant far remote 390
44.docile obedient 391
45.ecoromic economical 392
46.effective efficient effectual 392
47.elder older eldest oldest 393
48.especial particular special 394
49.essential necessary indispensable 395
50.exhausted tired weary 396
51.even flat level smooth 398
52.fair impartial just 399
53.fast rapid swift quick 400
54.feasible possible practicable 401
55.fortunate lucky 402
56.glorious gorgeous splendid 403
57.healthful healthy wholesome 405
58.high tall 406
59.lasting permanent perpetual 406
61.mature ripe 408
60.little petite small 408
62.occasional rare scarce uncommon 409
63.preceding previous prior 410
64.queer strange odd 412
65.safe secure 413
66.satisfied content contented 413
67.single sole only unique 414
68.stable steady 416
69.worth worthy 417
70.wretched miserable 418
Test Three 419
Part Four Adverbs 432
1.ago before 432
2.almost nearly about 433
3.alone only merely 434
4.aloud loud loudly 435
5.already still yet 436
6.also too either 437
7.continually continuously 439
8.deep deeply 440
9.enough sufficiently 441
10.especially particularly specially 441
11.eventually finally at last 443
12.fairly rather quite pretty 444
13.farther further 446
14.fast quickly 447
15.immediately instantly presently 448
16.indeed really truly 449
17.maybe perhaps probably 450
18.now nowadays 451
19.often frequently usually always 452
20.rarely seldom 454
21.scarcely hardly barely 455
22.sometime sometimes some time 456
23.very much quite so 458
Test Four 460
Key to Exercises 465
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