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精读 预备级PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴晓真主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7544601188
  • 页数:288 页
《精读 预备级》目录

1 How to Be a Successful Language Learner 1

Learning to Think All Over Again 1

/?/,/?/,/?/,/e/ 6

Quotation/Proverb 7

Usage:take,go 10

what...clause 11

Learning Grammar by"Feel" 12

A Father,a Son and an Answer 16

2 Parents 16

/?/,/?/,/?/,/?/ 20

Quotation/Proverb 21

Emphatic Sentences 24

Word Formation:Prefixes 24

Father and Biscuits 26

3 Children's Education 29

We're All Here to Learn 29

/?/,/?/,/?/,/?/ 33

Poem:A Little Praise 34

as soon as 37

Usage:Present Participle 37

A Teacher's Story 39

My Daughter,My Friend 42

4 The Generation Gap 42

/?/,/?/,/?/,/a?/ 46

Poem:The Flight of Youth 47

Word Formation:Compounding 49

not only...but also 50

Dear Daughter 51

Mobile Phones with Manners 55

5 Mobile Phones 55

/?/,/e?/,/?/ 60

Poem:The Old Folks Mobile 61

Usage:Emphatic“do” 64

Double Negatives 65

Cell Phone Etiquette 66

The Old Bag Lady 70

6 Compassion 70

Review:Vowels 75

Poem:Sympathy 77

Word Formation:Adjectives derived from verbs and nouns 79

find/make/believe/deem it+n.+to do... 80

Compassion of a Great Man 81

7 The Child in Our Heart (Part 1) 85

Alice's Adventures in Wonder-land 85

/kl/,/bl/,/pl/,/fl/,/gl/ 89

Children's Rhyme 90

Usage:"to"indicating reaction 92

find oneself+doing/preposition 93

The Lion and the Mouse 95

Alice's Adventures in Won-derland 98

8 The child in Our Heart (Part 2) 98

/br/,/fr/,/gr/,/kr/,/pr/ 101

Children's Rhyme 102

Word Formation:Suffix"-en" 104

so...as to 105

The Princess and the Pea 106

Test Yourself 1(Units 1-8) 110

9 Famous Women 119

Wilma Rudolph 119

/sk/,/sl/,/sm/,/sp/,/sd/,/st/ 123

Poem:The Beauty ofa Wom-an 124

Usage:Adverbial Modifier 126

Double Objects 127

Clara Barton 128

10 Success 132

It's Never Too Late for Success 132

/ks/,/gz/,/ts/,/dz/ 138

Quotation/Proverb 139

Word Formation:Suffix"-ize" 141

Itis/was...that/who... 142

The 8 Keys to Success 143

A Summer Job Story 147

11 Summer Jobs 147

/?/,/t?/,/?/,/d?/ 152

Poem:Something Like the Sun 153

Usage:"to"-infinitive clause after"be" 155

so...that... 156

Why and Where Teens Work 157

12 War and Family 161

Carve Her Name with Pride 161

/?/,/?/,/l/,/r/,/?/ 168

Poem: Rain on the Battlefield 169

Usage:Cognate Object 171

quite a/an 171

The History of a Familyand a War Told Through Letters 173

Material Girl and Boy 176

13 Born Buy 176

Review:Consonants 181

Quotation/Proverb 183

Usage:Subjunctive mood in that-clause 185

the more...the more... 185

Confessions of a Material Girl 187

Looking Back on Eighty Years 191

14 Memories of the Past 191

Quotation 196

Word Formation:Derivation by Zero Suffix 198

"do"to avoid repetition 199

Of Human Bondage 201

15 Self-Esteem 205

Nobody's Watching Me 205

Poem:I'm Nobody!Who Are You? 210

Usage:remember,forget 212

asif/though... 213

My Declaration of Self-Esteem 214

Mistaken Identity 218

16 Mistaken Identity 218

Poem:Lost 223

Usage:so 225

nothing but 226

A Case of Mistaken Identity 227

Test Yourself 2(Units 9-16) 232

Appendix 1 Tape Scripts and Key to Test Papers 242

2 Presupposed Word List 254

3 Glossary 263
