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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:宋兆麟编著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7506261421
  • 页数:189 页

剪纸的起源 Origin of Paper Cut   2

剪纸的发展 Development of Paper Cut  4

隋唐文人对剪纸的称颂 Eulogy of Papercutting by Scholars in Sui Tang Dynasty 6

剪纸的种类 Type of Paper Cut 11

门笺 Men Jian(Paper Cut for Door Decoration) 12

棚花 Peng Hua(Paper Cut for Cote Decoration) 14

窗花 Chuang Hua(Paper Cut for Window Decoration) 15

喜花 Xi Hua(Paper Cut for Wedding) 16

灯花 Deng Hua(Paper Cut for Lamp Decoration) 18

服饰花 Apparel Flowers 19

枕顶花 Pillow Flowers 21

信仰花 Belief Related Flowers 22

节庆花 Festival Flowers 23

礼俗剪纸 Paper Cut about Etiquette and Custom 26

各色剪纸 Paper Cut Colours 29

素面剪纸 White Paper Cut 30

红色剪纸 Red Paper Cut 34

点染剪纸 Dian Ran Paper Cut(Dyed Paper Cut) 41

剪纸的传承 The Succeed of Paper Cut 49

剪纸的步骤 Paper Cut Steps 50

技艺的传承 The Succession of Paper Cut Skills 53

熏黑的剪纸 Smoked Black Paper Cut 63

花卉 Flowers 64

动物 Animals  66

人物 戏曲故事 Characters,Dramas and Stories   72

珍贵的熏画 Rare Smoked Paintings 75

花鸟虫 Flowers,Birds and Insects 76

飞禽 Fowls 85

走兽 Beasts 90

饲养动物 Breeded Animals 101

人物 Characters 109

戏曲故事 Dramas and Stories 117

建筑 器物 Architectures and Utensils 126

门笺 棚花 Men Jian and Peng Hua 133

熏画和剪纸的年代 Smoked Painting and Paper Cut of Different Ages 143

清代熏画 Smoked Painting of Qing Dynasty 144

民国时期的熏画 Smoked Painting of ROC 150

建国初期的熏画 Smoked Painting of Early Years of PRC 155

文革时期的剪纸 Paper Cut of Culture Revolution Period 160

近期的熏画 Smoked Painting of Reform and Opening Up Period 167

各地剪纸 Paper Cut of Different Regions 173

京津地区 Paper Cut of Beijing-Tianjin Area 174

河北剪纸 Paper Cut of Hebei 176

河南剪纸 Paper Cut of Henan 177

山东剪纸 Paper Cut of Shandong 179

山西剪纸 Paper Cut of Shanxi 180

陕西剪纸 Paper Cut of Shannxi 182

东北剪纸 Paper Cut of Northeast China 183

南方剪纸 Paper Cut of South China 185

民族剪纸 Paper Cut of Ethnic Minorities 187

后记 Afterwor 189
