- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薄冰主编
- 出 版 社:太原:山西教育出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7544030334
- 页数:380 页
Aa 1
a/an 1
about 2
able 2
ability 2
accident,incident 3
accept 3
above 3
abroad 3
active 4
ache,pain 4
ache 4
admire 5
address 5
add 5
advance 6
adult 6
admit 6
after 7
afraid 7
advise,persuade 7
afford 7
ago 8
against 8
afternoon 8
again 8
agree 9
ago before 9
allow 10
alive,live,living 10
ahead 10
alive 10
alone 11
almost 11
allow,permit,let 11
aloud,loud,loudly 12
aloud 12
along 12
although 13
also,too,either 13
already 13
and 14
among,between 14
altogether 14
another,other,the other,others,the others 15
announce 15
any 16
answer,reply 16
answer 16
anyhow 17
anybody 17
apply 18
appear,seem 18
anything 18
anywhere 18
arrange 19
around 19
appoint 19
argue 19
as 20
arrive,reach,get 20
arrive 20
astonish 21
ashamed 21
attract 22
attend 22
attempt 22
avoid 23
average 23
You've Got A Way 你已找到方向 24
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 24
back 25
baby 25
Bb 25
bargain 26
badly 26
battle 27
base 27
beautiful 28
be 28
battle,fight,struggle 28
become 29
beautiful,pretty,handsome 29
begin,start 30
believe 30
before 30
below,under 31
beside 31
belong 31
besides 32
big 32
birth 33
bit 33
big,large,great 33
blank 34
blind 34
blame 34
blow 35
body 35
bother 36
breakfast 36
borrow,lend 36
borrow 36
bring 37
bring,take,fetch,get,carry 37
bright 37
breath 37
broad 38
broad,wide 38
busy 39
as,because,for,since 39
burst 39
build 39
by 40
buy 40
but 40
Groovy Kind Of Love 令人着迷的爱 42
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 42
calm 43
call 43
Cc 43
carry 44
care 44
cause 45
cattle 45
case 45
central 46
celebrate 46
cause,reason 46
chance 47
certain 47
centre 47
cheer 48
check 48
charge 48
class 49
choose,select 49
choice 49
clear 50
clean 50
close,shut 51
climb 51
clever 51
come 52
colour 52
clothes 52
coffee 52
company 53
common 53
complete 54
complain 54
compete 54
conclude 55
concea 55
confess 56
condition 56
consider 57
connect 57
congratulate 57
content 58
contain 58
convenient 59
continue 59
correct 60
cool 60
cook 60
cough 61
cost,spend,pay,take 61
couple 62
country 62
crime 63
crazy 63
couple,pair 63
cry 64
crowd 64
custom 65
curious 65
cry,shout 65
cut 66
custom,habit 66
Waltzing Back/倒退华尔兹 67
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 67
damage 68
Dd 68
dare 69
danger 69
dance 69
dash 70
dark 70
day 71
dawn 71
deal 72
dead,death,die 72
dead 72
deceive 73
death 73
declare 74
decide 74
deep 75
decline 75
degree 76
defeat 76
deliver 77
delay,postpone,put off 77
delay 77
depend 78
demand 78
design 79
deserve 79
describe 79
desert 79
desire,wish,want 80
desire 80
determine 81
destroy 81
difficult 82
die 82
devote 82
dirty 83
direct 83
discourage 84
disappoint 84
disappear 84
distance 85
discuss 85
discover 85
divide,separate 86
divide 86
disturb 86
do 87
double 88
door,gate 88
down 89
doubt,suspect 89
doubt 89
drag 90
dozen 90
downstairs 90
dream 91
draw 91
dress,wear,put on 92
dress 92
drown 93
drive 93
drill 93
during 94
due 94
dry 94
duty 95
during,in 95
There You'H Be/你会在那里 96
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 96
each 97
Ee 97
early 98
eager 98
each,every 98
easy 99
earth 99
earn 99
elect 100
either 100
eat 100
encourage 101
else 101
enjoy 102
end 102
enough,sufficient,adequate 103
enough 103
equal 104
envy 104
environment 104
escape 105
equip 105
evening 106
even 106
evidence 107
everywhere 107
everything 107
examine 108
exam 108
exact 108
exercise,practice 109
excuse 109
example 109
experience 110
expensive 110
expect 110
export 111
explode 111
explain 111
extreme 112
express 112
alarm Call/警告 113
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 113
fact 114
face 114
Ff 114
fall 115
faith 115
fairly,rather 115
family 116
familiar 116
far 117
famous 117
family,home,house 117
farther,further 118
farther 118
fear 119
fast,rapid,quick 119
feel 120
feed 120
few,a few,little,a little 121
fetch 121
female 121
find 122
fill 122
fight 122
fine 123
firm 124
fire 124
finish 124
fit,suitable,proper 125
fit 125
flat 126
flash 126
fix 126
fly 127
flood 127
foolish 128
fond 128
follow 128
for 129
foot 129
foolish,silly 129
foreign 130
force 130
form 131
forgive 131
forever 131
freedom 132
forward 132
fortunately 132
from 133
frighten 133
freedom,liberty 133
friendly 133
future 134
furniture 134
full 134
fun 134
May It Be/也许 136
英文歌曲 136
game 137
gain 137
Gg 137
gate 138
game,play,sport 138
gaze 139
gather 139
gesture 140
generous 140
general 140
give 141
gift 141
glance 142
glad,happy,cheerful 142
glad 142
go 143
great,big,large,huge 144
great 144
grand 144
ground 145
greet 145
guarantee 146
group 146
guide 147
guess 147
How Deep Is Your Love 你的爱有多深 148
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 148
hand 149
half 149
Hh 149
hang 150
handsome 150
handle 150
hard 151
happen,take place 151
happen 151
hear 152
head 152
hate 152
heat 153
heart 153
hear,listen 153
here 154
help 154
hire 155
high 155
hold 156
hire,rent 156
home 157
holiday,leave,vacation 157
hope 158
honour 158
how 159
hour 159
hope,wish,want 159
humour 160
however 160
hurry 161
hunt 161
hundred 161
hungry 161
hurt 162
idea,thought 163
ice 163
Ii 163
imagine 164
ill,sick 164
if 164
in 165
improve 165
increase 166
inquire 167
inform 167
influence 167
insist 168
inside 168
intend,mean,design 169
intend 169
instruct 169
introduce 170
interrupt 170
involve 171
invite 171
introduction,preface 171
job,work,labour 173
job 173
Jj 173
join 174
jump 175
judge 175
journey 175
just 176
junior 176
justify 177
keep 178
keen 178
Kk 178
kill,murder 179
k 179
knock 180
kind,sort,type 180
kind 180
know 181
Beauty And The Beast 美女与野兽 182
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 182
lack 183
labour 183
Ll 183
late 184
lady,woman 184
lay 185
laugh 185
least 186
learn,study 186
learn 186
leave 187
let 188
length 188
lie 189
level 189
light 190
lift 190
listen 191
like 191
little,small,tiny 192
little 192
long 193
load 193
live 193
look 194
lose 195
look,see,read,watch 195
loud 196
lot 196
lovely 197
love 197
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 雨点打在我头上 198
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 198
majority 199
mad 199
Mm 199
many 200
make 200
match 201
master 201
marry 201
mean 202
may 202
material 202
mend 203
measure 203
middle 204
mention 204
mind 205
milk 205
might 205
miss 206
mine 206
modern 207
mistake,error 207
mistake 207
more 208
money 208
moment 208
most 209
musical 210
much 210
move 210
must 211
Ben/本 212
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 212
narrow 213
name 213
Nn 213
nationwide 214
nation,country,state 214
nation 214
near 215
natural 215
nature 215
need 216
necessary 216
nearly 216
next 217
neither 217
night 218
nice 218
none,nobody,no one 219
none 219
no 219
notice 220
object 221
obey 221
Oo 221
of 222
obtain 222
oblige 222
offer 223
on 224
older,elder 224
old 224
once 225
upon,on 225
only 226
one 226
operate 227
open 227
or 228
oppose,object 228
opinion,view 228
other 229
order 229
ought to,should 230
ought 230
over 231
out 231
owe 232
over,above 232
I Just Called To Say I Love You 电话诉衷肠 233
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 233
pain 234
pack 234
Pp 234
pardon 235
pair 235
painting 235
party 236
park 236
passage 237
passed,past 237
particular 237
pass 237
patient 238
past 238
perhaps 239
perform 239
pay,salary,wage 239
petrol 240
persuade 240
personal 240
pile 241
picture 241
pick 241
plain 242
place 242
plastic 243
plant 243
plan 243
police 244
pleasant 244
play 244
poor 245
pollution 245
polite 245
possible 246
possess 246
popular 246
pour 247
post 247
possible,probable,likely 247
practical 248
power,force,strength 248
prepare 249
precious 249
praise 249
press 250
president 250
present 250
print 251
prevent 251
pretend 251
programme 252
produce,product,production 252
problem 252
promise 253
progress 253
prove 254
proud 254
proper 254
protect 254
publish 255
public 255
punishV 256
purpose 256
put 257
push 257
Turn!Turn!Turn! 转!转!转! 258
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 258
quarrel 259
quality 259
Qq 259
question,problem 260
question 260
quarter 260
quit 261
quiet,silent 261
quick 261
quiet 261
quite,very,rather 262
quite 262
radio 264
race 264
Rr 264
rapid 265
raise 265
rain 265
rather 266
rare 266
fast,quick,rapid 266
realize 267
real,true 267
real 267
receive 268
reason 268
really 268
recover 269
receive,accept 269
refuse 270
refer 270
reduce 270
regret 271
regard 271
remind 272
remember,remind 272
remark 272
replace 273
repair 273
remove,move 273
require 274
report 274
reply 274
rest 275
research 275
rescue,deliver,save 275
return 276
result 276
ride 277
rich 277
ring 278
right 278
rough 279
root 279
room 279
ruin,destroy,damage 280
ruin 280
round 280
run 281
rule 281
rush 282
Can't Help Falling In Love 堕入爱河 283
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 283
safe 284
sad 284
Ss 284
satisfy 285
same 285
sale 285
say,speak,talk,tell 286
save 286
school 287
scene,scenery 287
scene 287
scream 288
scold 288
science 288
secretary 289
seat,sit 289
search 289
seem 290
see 290
section,part 290
separate 291
send 291
several 292
settle 292
set 292
short 293
shoot 293
shock 293
sight 294
sick 294
should 294
simple 295
silence 295
sign 295
size 296
situation 296
since 296
smell 297
sleep 297
skin 297
so 298
smoke 298
something 299
some 299
so,such 299
spend 300
speak 300
soon 300
stare 301
spread 301
split 301
stay 302
start 302
strike 303
strange 303
still 303
such 304
study 304
strong 304
supply 305
suffer 305
sure 306
suppose 306
support 306
swing 307
surprise 307
Stand By Me/与我同行 308
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 308
talk 309
take 309
Tt 309
taste 310
tall,high 310
tall 310
telephone 311
tear 311
teach 311
than 312
terrible 312
tell 312
that 313
thank 313
the 314
then 315
therefore 316
there 316
think 317
thin 317
thus 318
throw 318
this 318
time 319
till,until 319
to 320
tired 320
tire 320
together 321
today 321
too 322
tomorrow 322
transport 323
translate 323
touch 323
travel,journey,trip,tour,voyage 324
travel 324
true 325
trouble 325
treat 325
turn 326
try 326
twice 327
To Love Somebody/去爱一个人 328
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 328
under 329
uncertain 329
Uu 329
unfold 330
understand 330
unless 331
unite 331
up 332
until 332
use 333
useful 334
used 334
various 335
valuable 335
Vv 335
view 336
very 336
vegetable 336
voyage 337
vote 337
visit 337
voice 337
walk 339
wait 339
Ww 339
wash 340
warm 340
want 340
water 341
watch 341
waste 341
weak 342
way 342
wave 342
wear 343
wealthy,rich 343
wealth 343
weigh 344
weekend 344
weather 344
weather,climate 344
western 345
well 345
welcome 345
wherever 346
where 346
when 346
which 347
whether,if 347
whether 347
who 348
while 348
whichever 348
whose 349
whom 349
whole 349
will 350
wild 350
wide 350
wish 351
window 351
willing 351
without 352
with 352
wonderful 353
wonder 353
woman 353
worth 354
work 354
word 354
would 355
worth,worthy 355
wrong 356
write 356
wound 356
year 357
yard 357
Yy 357
yet 358
yesterday 358
yes 358
youth 359
zoo 360
zero 360
Zz 360
Against All Odds 困难重重 361
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 361
1 标点符号的用法 362
附录 362
3 常见英文名字 366
2 公共场所常见提示用语 366
4 英语学习网站资源域名 369
5 英语语音和语调 370
6 常见英文应用文体写作范例 375
La Vie En Rose/粉红玫瑰 380
奥斯卡英文金曲欣赏 380
主要参考文献 381
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《《国语》和《战国策》词汇比较研究》陈长书著 2017
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《培生高级英语语法 练习册》培生教育 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《365奇趣英语乐园 世界民间故事》爱思得图书国际企业 2018
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《习近平总书记教育重要论述讲义》本书编写组 2020
- 《办好人民满意的教育 全国教育满意度调查报告》(中国)中国教育科学研究院 2019
- 《教育学考研应试宝典》徐影主编 2019
- 《语文教育教学实践探索》陈德收 2018
- 《家庭音乐素养教育》刘畅 2018
- 《学前教育学》王换成主编 2019
- 《近代体育游戏教育史料汇编 第1辑 1》王强主编 2016
- 《全国学前教育专业(新课程标准)“十三五”规划教材 简谱手风琴教程 第2版》(中国)杨克勤,王宝庆 2019
- 《现代教育技术》李志河主编 2019