冰雪的声音 瑞典当代诗歌精选PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李笠编译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海文艺出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7532117871
- 页数:165 页
ContentsForewordTobias BerggrenEtude no.2,as in A minor 8
Etude no.5,as in D major 10
Etude no.11,as in H major 15
Etude no.24,as in D minor 17
Jacques WerupThe Door 20
The Slipper 21
The Love 22
The Sleeping Pill 23
The Feeling 24
The Match 25
Eva Str?mThe Activities Continued 28
On the Ocean Docks 30
Late in the Happy Morning 31
Twin Sister 33
Hand 34
Kristina LugnSelections from Dog Hour 37
Ragnar Str?mberg Blackboard 46
Landscape by Train 48
New Year's Eve 1989 50
Prognosis 52
Skull Space 54
Marie LundquistSelections from The Astrakhans 57
Arne JohnsonSelections from Blue,Blue Breath 64
Selections from Forget Us 67
Bruno K. ?ijerThe Hand 72
During Another Century 73
The City Ramparts 74
The World Was 75
The Dead 76
Eva RunefeltInfant 80
The Moon 81
By the Tree 82
Out in One's Own 84
Saxophone 85
Book 88
Katarina FrostensonDiscontinued,Resumed 91
Green Fires 93
A Maiden's Heart 94
The Maiden 95
Scene 96
Landscapes 97
She Lies in Parts 98
Mother's Face 99
Stig LarssonThe Meeting of Trees 103
Beneath and Above 104
Mania 105
Our Extraordinary Place 107
Snow White 108
Food,Mother,Feed Fed Flat 109
Tomorrow Evening 110
Tears 112
Ann J?derlundSketch 116
Introduction to Distance 117
Iodine 123
She Blossoms as Does A Flower 124
Ulf ErikssonBarcelona Rumba 127
The Days 128
Moment 130
Son and Father 132
Magnus William-OlssonInchoative(Towards Unknown Lands) 135
Its Sweetness(In Memory of Father) 140
J?rgen GassilewskiSelections from Requiem 147
Li LiMumble 156
Meet A Chinese 160
Snow 162
To Come Back Again 164
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