- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:哈兰德著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7560049796
- 页数:302 页
1 Literary Theory in Classical Times 1
Rhetorical Criticism(the Sophists,Aristotle,Demetrius,Cicero,Dionysius of Halicarnassus,Quintilian) 3
Plato(also theNeo-Platonists) 6
Aristotle 10
Horace 15
Longnus 18
2 Literary Theory in the Middle Ages 22
Allegorical Exegesis(Porphyry,Proclus,Macrobius,St Paul,St Augustine,Fulgentius,Dante,Boccaccio) 24
3 The Rise and Fall of Neoclassicism 29
The Question of Language(Dante,du Bellay) 31
The Idealising Strain(Giraldi,Sidney) 33
The Italian Aristotelians(Minturno,Scaliger,Castelvetro) 36
Neoclassicism and the Purification of Language(Montaigne,Malherbe) 39
French Neoclassical Theory(Boileau,Bouhours,Rapin,[Pope,Johnson]) 41
The British Version of Neoclassicism(Jonson,Dryden,Johnson,Addison) 45
British Theory in the Age of Sensibility(Johnson,Young,Joseph Warton,Thomas Warton,Hurd,Edmund Burke) 49
Vico,Diderot,Lessing 55
4 Romantic Literary Theory 60
Herder and the Spirit of the Time(also Schiller,Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel) 62
The Influence of Kant(also Schelling,Coleridge,Goethe,Schiller,Schopenhauer) 65
The Organic Principle(A.W.Schlegel,Coleridge,Schelling,Goethe) 69
The Role of the Critic(Herder,Friedrich Schlegel,Schleiermacher) 72
Some British Themes(Wordsworth,Coleridge,Keats,Shelley) 74
Sainte-Beuve,Emerson,Poe 77
5 Social Theories of the 19th Century 81
Belinsky and the Three Radicals(Belinsky,Chernyshevsky,Dobrolyubov,Pisarev) 83
MatthewArnold 87
The Beginnings of Sociological Criticism:Taine and Marx 90
6 Naturalism,Symbolism and Modernism 96
French Naturalists(Flaubert,Zola,the Goncourt brothers) 98
French Symbolists(Gautier,Baudelaire,Mallarmé,Valéry) 103
British Aestheticism and Henry James(also Pater,Wilde) 109
Modernism and theAvant-Garde 113
Hulme and Pound 116
T.S.Eliot 120
7 New Developments in Theory 125
Nietzsche 125
Freud 130
Saussure 135
Marxism and Literary Theory(Engels,Lukács,Benjamin,Brecht,Adorno) 137
8 20th-Century Russian Theory 146
Russian Formalism(Shklovsky,Eikhenbaum,Tomashevsky,Tynyanov,Jakobson) 146
Propp 153
Czech Structuralism(Mukarovsky) 155
Bakhtin and his Circle(also Voloshinov,Medvedev) 157
9 Anglo-American Criticism,1900-60 166
Richards and Empson 168
Leavis and the Leavisites 176
The New Criticism:Southern Phase(Ransom,Tate) 182
KennethBurke 184
The New Criticism:Hegemonic Phase(Brooks,Penn Warren,Wimsatt,Wellek) 187
Myth Criticism and Northrop Frye 194
10 Phenomenological Criticism in France and Germany 200
Poulet and the Geneva School 201
From Ingarden to Iser 204
From Gadamer to Jauss 208
De Beauvoir and Two Predecessors(also de Staёl,Woolf) 213
11 French Structuralism 219
Paradigmatic Structural Relations(Jakobson,Lévi-Strauss) 221
Structuralist Narratology(Greimas,Bremond,Todorov,Barthes) 225
Structuralism as a Poetics(Todorov,Barthes) 231
Barthes 234
Epilogue:Into the Postmodernist Period 238
Time Charts 244
Glossary 247
Notes 264
Further Reading 287
Index 293
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