1.A Father s Love 1
2.The Three Lazy Fellows 2
3.Good Health 4
4.Robin s Grumble 6
5.More Haste,Less Speed 8
6.Politeness 10
7.The Troublesome Friend 11
8.Little Drops of Water 15
9.Never Loiter 16
10.The Little Hero. 18
11.Stamp Collecting 20
12.The Story of Masco 21
13.A Lady Tired of Modern Conveniences 23
14.Oil 24
15.A Visit from a Tiger 26
16.Habits 28
17.The Village by the Lake—Ⅰ 29
18.The Village by the Lake—Ⅱ 31
19.Shut up in a Cage 34
20.The Clever Young Fish 37
21.A Conversation 38
22.Hans Christian Andersen 39
23.A Little Girl s Good Night 41
24.Coming and Going 42
25.Letters between Two Girls 45
26.The Cinema 47
27.A Problem in Division 49
28.The Golden Hairpin 52
29.The Lion 55
30.The Anxious Leaf 58
31.A Fire 59
32.George Stephenson 60
33.The Princess and the Pea 62
34.Sugar 64
35.The Widow s Lamp 66
36.Robert Louis Stevenson 68
37.The Wind 69
38.The Goat 70
39.The Four Bandsmen 71
40.Clothing 73
41.The Country Mouse and the City Mouse—Ⅰ 74
42.The Country Mouse and the City Mouse—Ⅱ 77
43.The Nightingale 79
44.How a Tall Man Helped a Little Girl 80
45.Merry Workers 82
46.Recreation 84
47.Lazy Jack 85
48.The Swallow s Return 88
49.Radio 91
50.The Old Horse s Story 92
51.Stick to Your Bush 94
52.The Tiger 97
53.The Man Who Did Not Like Work—Ⅰ 100
54.The Man Who Did Not Like Work—Ⅱ 101
55. Brave as a Lion;Gentle as a Lamb 103
56.Stories of Dean Swift 105
57.The Elephant 107
58.The Fairy of the Lake 109
59.The Merchant and the Robber 112
60.Only a Fly 114
61.A Thunder-storm 116
62.The Cloud 118
63.The Grateful Farmer! 121
64.The Little Star 123
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