高级英语 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张中载主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560018173
- 页数:349 页
Lesson One The Company in Which I Work 1
Lesson Two Eveline 21
Lesson Three What's Wrong with Our Press? 37
Lesson Four The Tragedy of Old Age in America 51
Lesson Five Trifles(Part One) 67
Lesson Six Trifles(Part Two) 84
Lesson Seven Ace in the Hole 102
Lesson Eight Science Has Spoiled My Supper 122
Lesson Nine I'll Never Escape the Ghetto 142
Lesson Ten How Market Leaders Keep Their Edge 161
Lesson Eleven On Human Nature and Politics 185
Lesson Twelve The Everlasting Witness 204
Lesson Thirteen Selected Snobberies 225
Lesson Fourteen Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 242
Lesson Fifteen Is America Falling Apart? 259
Lesson Sixteen Through the Tunnel 282
Vocabulary List 301
高级英语自学考试大纲 335
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- 《郑杭生主编《社会学概论新修》学习笔记与课后题详解 第4版》郑杭生主编;杨敏,王道勇副主编 2014
- 《社长总编辑 主编 论出版 第4辑》新闻出版署教育培训中心编 2000
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- 《柑桔手册 贺善文主编》贺善文主编 1988
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- 《许国璋主编 英语自学手册 第3册》石孝殊主编 1985
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