Exercise One:About Speaking English 1
Exercise Two:On the Telephone 3
Exercise Three:About Newspapers and Magazines 4
Exercise Four:An Interview with the Prospective Employer 7
Exercise Five:About Health and Illness 8
Exercise Six:Asking the Time and the Way 10
Exercise Seven:About Moving Pictures 12
Exercise Eight:An Interview with a Teacher of English 14
Exercise Nine:About Looking for Employment 15
Exercise Ten:At a Bookseller s and a Stationer s 17
Exercise Eleven:About Country Life 19
Exercise Twelve:A Call 21
Exercise Thirteen:About Love and Marriage 23
Exercise Fourteen:In a Tram-car 25
Exercise Fifteen:About Hobbies 26
Exercise Sixteen:Sightseeing 29
Exercise Seventeen:About Studying Abroad 31
Exercise Eighteen:At a Post-office,a Telegraph-office,and a Booking-office 33
Exercise Nineteen:About Examinations 34
Exercise Twenty:At a Police-station 36
Exercise Twenty-one:About Misunderstanding 38
Exercise Twenty-two:At a Theatre 39
Exercise Twenty-three:About Work and Leisure 41
Exercise Twenty-four:With a Doctor 43
Exercise Twenty-five About Smoking and Drinking 45
Exercise Twenty-six:Meeting an Old Friend 46
Exercise Twenty-seven:About Being For-eignized 48
Exercise Twenty-eight:On a Pleasure Trip 50
Exercise Twenty-nine:About Letter-writing 52
Exercise Thirty:An Interesting Adventure 54
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