- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李惠芬编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7508430905
- 页数:208 页
6.access/excess 1
目录 1
前言 1
A 1
1.aboard/abroad 1
2.above all/all above 1
3.abridge/bridge 1
4.absorbent/absorbing 1
5.accent/ascent 1
10.take account of/take an account of 2
7.accident/incident 2
8.accompanied by/accompanied with 2
9.according to/according as 2
14.in addition/in addition to 3
11.acquire/inquire/require 3
12.across/cross 3
13.adapt/adept/adopt 3
18.take advantage of sb./take advantage of sth 4
15.addressee/addresser 4
16.admission/admittance 4
17.advance/advanced 4
22.affect/effect 5
19.adverse/averse 5
20.advice/advise 5
21.take advice/take the advice 5
27.of all ages/in all ages 6
23.affectation/affection 6
24.afflict/inflict 6
25.afraid of/afraid for 6
26.of age/of an age/of the age 6
32.alive/live/living 7
28.agree to/agree with 7
29.in the air/on the air/by air 7
30.put...on the air/put on airs 7
31.take air/take the air 7
35.all over/over all 8
33.all but/anything but 8
34.all of/of all 8
39.alone/lone/lonely/lonesome 9
36.all ready/already 9
37.allude/delude 9
38.allusion/illusion 9
43.although/though 10
40.along with/together with 10
41.altar/alter 10
42.alternate/alternative 10
48.amiable/amicable 11
44.altitude/latitude 11
45.altogether/all together 11
46.amaze/amuse 11
47.amend/emend 11
52.answer for/answer to 12
49.amity/enmity 12
50.analogue/analogy 12
51.angel/angle 12
57.anyway/any way 13
53.anticipate/participate 13
54.anxious about/anxious for 13
55.anyone/any one 13
56.anything but/nothing but 13
62.appreciable/appreciative 14
58.apiece/a piece 14
59.appal/appeal 14
60.apposite/opposite 14
61.apply for/apply to 14
65.around/round 15
63.aptitude/attitude 15
64.under one's arm/in one's arms 15
69.ashamed/shameful/shameless 16
66.arrive at/arrive in 16
67.ascend/descent 16
68.ascribe/inscribe/prescribe 16
74.assume/resume/consume/presume 17
70.aside/a side 17
71.asleep/sleepy 17
72.as much/much as 17
73.aspiration/inspiration 17
78.attendant/attender 18
75.assure/ensure/insure 18
76.astray/estray 18
77.attend on/attend to 18
81.await/wait 19
79.attribute/contribute/distribute 19
80.avenge/revenge 19
84.awhile/a while 20
82.awake/awaken/wake/waken 20
83.award/reward 20
5.base/basis 21
B 21
1.at the back of/in the back of 21
2.go back on/go back to 21
3.backward/backwards 21
4.go bad/go to the bad 21
10.in bed/in the bed 22
6.be over/be up 22
7.bear/bore 22
8.because/because of 22
9.go to bed/go to the bed 22
15.beside/besides 23
11.before long/long before 23
12.at the beginning/in the beginning 23
13.believe/believe in 23
14.beneficial/beneficent 23
19.bind/bound 24
16.at one's best/in one's best/at(the)best 24
17.get the best of/make the best of 24
18.biannual/biennial 24
23.blackboard/black board 25
20.birthday/date of birth 25
21.at birth/at a birth/by birth 25
22.in black/in the black 25
27.in a body/in the body/on the body 26
24.in bloom/in blossom 26
25.in blue/in the blue/in the blues 26
26.blush/flush 26
33.do business/do sb.'s business/do the business 27
28.borrow/burrow 27
29.breath/breathe 27
30.bring into operation/bring into practice 27
31.bulb/bulk 27
32.burst/bust 27
35.busy with/busy in 28
34.go to business/go into business 28
5.take care/take care of 29
C 29
1.cannon/canon 29
2.capital/capitol 29
3.carat/caret 29
4.in care of/in the care of 29
9.in case/in case of/in the case of 30
6.carefree/careless 30
7.careful/cautious 30
8.carton/cartoon 30
14.cereal/serial 31
10.casual/causal 31
11.Catholic/catholic 31
12.cause for/cause of 31
13.celebrate/celebrity 31
19.China/china 32
15.ceremonial/ceremonious 32
16.take a chair/take the chair 32
17.in charge of/in the charge of 32
18.childish/childlike 32
25.classic/classical 33
20.China-born/Chinese-born 33
21.in church/in the church 33
22.circle/circular 33
23.cite/site 33
24.in class/in the class 33
29.coarse/course/cause 34
26.clever at/clever with 34
27.climactic/climatic 34
28.cloth/clothe/clothes/clothing 34
34.commence/commend 35
30.come down/come down with/come down on 35
31.comfortable/comforting 35
32.comic/comical 35
33.command/commando 35
38.compare to/compare with 36
35.in commission/on commission 36
36.keep company with sb./keep sb.company 36
37.comparable/comparative 36
42.comprehensible/comprehensive 37
39.complacent/complaisant 37
40.complement/compliment 37
41.complex/complicated 37
47.confirm/conform 38
43.condemn/contemn 38
44.conducive/conductive 38
45.confidant/confidante 38
46.confident/confidential 38
52.considerable/considerate 39
48.conscientious/conscious 39
49.consecutive/conservative 39
50.consequent/subsequent 39
51.in consequence/in consequence of 39
55.contact/contract/contrast 40
53.considered/considering 40
54.consist in/consist of/consist with 40
59.continual/continuous 41
56.contemptible/contemptuous 41
57.content/contented 41
58.contest/context 41
63.beyond control/out of control 42
60.contrary to/to the contrary 42
61.in contrast/on the contrary 42
62.in control of in/under the control of 42
68.correspond to/correspond with 43
64.controversial/controvertible 43
65.conversation/conservation 43
66.convert/converse 43
67.cook/cooker 43
72.countryman/country man 44
69.cost/costly 44
70.at all costs/at a cost of/at the cost of 44
71.council/counsel/consul 44
77.credible/creditable/credulous 45
73.in course of/in the course of 45
74.in court/in the court 45
75.crash/crush 45
76.creation/recreation 45
81.custom/customs 46
78.critic/critical 46
79.curable/curative 46
80.currant/current 46
4.day after day/day by day 48
D 48
1.dairy/daily/diary 48
2.in the dark/in the darkness 48
3.by day/by the day 48
9.deal in/deal with 49
5.of a day/of the day 49
6.one day/some day/the other day 49
7.to this day/to the day 49
8.dead/deadly 49
14.deceive/perceive 50
10.to death/to the death 50
11.decant/decent 50
12.decease/disease 50
13.deceitful/deceivable 50
18.deep/deeply 51
15.decided/decisive 51
16.dedicate/delicate 51
17.deduce/induce/reduce 51
22.definite/definitive 52
19.defective/deficient 52
20.defensible/defensive 52
21.define/refine 52
27.descant/descent 53
23.deflate/deflect 53
24.delighted/delightful 53
25.dependable/dependant/dependent 53
26.deprecate/depreciate 53
32.desirable/desirous 54
28.desert/deserted/deserts/dessert 54
29.deserve/reserve 54
30.at desk/at the desk 54
31.design/designate 54
36.device/devise 55
33.destructible/destructive 55
34.determinate/determined 55
35.detract/distract 55
42.digestible/digestive 56
37.dialect/diialectal 56
38.dialectic/dialectical 56
39.die/dye 56
40.different/indifferent 56
41.difficulty with/with difficulty 56
47.discomfortable/uncomfortable 57
43.direct/directly 57
44.disable/unable 57
45.disarmed/unarmed 57
46.discern/disrupt/dissuade/distort 57
51.dislike/unlike 58
48.discover/uncover 58
49.discreet/discrete 58
50.disinterested/uninterested 58
56.distinguishable/distinguished 59
52.disorganized/unorganized 59
53.disperse/dispose 59
54.dissolve/resolve 59
55.distinct/distinctive 59
62.dozens of/a dozen of 60
57.divers/diverse 60
58.divisible/divisive 60
59.go for a doctor/go to a doctor 60
60.beyond doubt/in doubt 60
61.no doubt/without doubt 60
65.drunk/drunken 61
63.so do I/I do so 61
64.on the drink/in the drink 61
5.economic/economical 62
E 62
1.early and late/early or late 62
2.on earth/on the earth 62
3.at ease/with ease 62
4.eatable/edible 62
9.electric/electrical 63
6.educational/educative 63
7.effective/effectual 63
8.efficient/sufficient 63
14.emigrate/immigrate/migrate 64
10.elemental/elementary 64
11.eligible/illegible 64
12.emerge/immerge 64
13.emergence/emergency 64
18.employer/employee 65
15.emigrant/immigrant/migrant 65
16.eminent/imminent 65
17.emotional/emotive 65
23.envelop/envelope 66
19.on end/without end 66
20.in the end/at the end/to an end/to the end 66
21.by the end of/atthe end of 66
22.engaged in/engaged to 66
27.especially/specially 67
24.equable/equitable 67
25.equipped with/equipped for 67
26.eruption/irruption 67
34.except/except for 68
28.in the evening/on the evening 68
29.everybody/every body 68
30.everyday/every day 68
31.everyone/every one 68
32.everything/every thing 68
33.excellence/excellency 68
37.exclude/exclusive 69
35.exceptionable/exceptional 69
36.excited/exciting 69
41.expand/extend 70
38.exercise/exorcise 70
39.exhausted/exbaustible/exhausting/exhaustive 70
40.exhilarating/exhilarative 70
45.in extremes/in the extreme 71
42.expanse/expense 71
43.explicit/implicit 71
44.extant/extent 71
5.fall/fell 72
F 72
1.factitious/fictitious 72
2.fain/feint 72
3.fair/fare 72
4.faith in/in faith 72
9.famous for/famous as 73
6.fall back/fall back ou(upon) 73
7.fallacious/fallible 73
8.familiar with/familiar to 73
13.farther/further 74
10.take a fancy to/take the fancy of 74
11.far from/from far 74
12.faraway/far away 74
17.fiance/fiancee 75
14.in fashion/in afashion 75
15.favourable/favourite 75
16.few/a few 75
22.on fire/on the fire 76
18.fictional/fictitious 76
19.fight for/fight against/fight with 76
20.find/find out 76
21.find/found 76
27.by force/in force 77
23.first and last/first or last 77
24.flatter/flutter 77
25.flash/flush 77
26.forbear/forebear 77
32.forgivable/forgiving 78
28.forceful/forcible 78
29.foregone/forgone 78
30.forever/for ever 78
31.forgettable/forgetful 78
37.frightful/frightened/frightening 79
33.formal/former 79
34.forth/fourth 79
35.foul/fowl 79
36.friendly with/friendly to 79
41.in future/inthe future 80
38.from now on/from then on 80
39.in front of/in the front of 80
40.furnish...with/furnish...to 80
3.get doing/get done 81
G 81
1.gather...together/gather oneself together 81
2.general/generous 81
7.do good for sb./do good to sb 82
4.get down/get down to 82
5.give/given 82
6.gold/golden 82
12.grind/ground 83
8.for good/good for 83
9.graceful/gracious 83
10.grateful for/gratefulto 83
11.in green/in the green 83
15.on guard/on one's guard 84
13.go toground/goto the ground 84
14.take ground/take the ground 84
3.at hand/by hand/in hand/on hand 85
H 85
1.habit/habitat 85
2.habitable/habitual 85
9.hang/hanged 86
4.hand in/hand on 86
5.hand in hand/hand to hand 86
6.come to hand/come to hands 86
7.from hand to hand/from hand to mouth 86
8.hangar/hanger 86
13.hear of/hear from 87
10.hard/hardly 87
11.at hazard/at all hazards 87
12.heahhful/healthy 87
19.in one's honour/on one's honour 88
14.at heart/by heart 88
15.lose heart/lose one's heart 88
16.historic/historical 88
17.homework/housework 88
18.honorable/honorary 88
24.by the hour/for the hour/of the hour/on the hour 89
20.horse-race/race-horse 89
21.in hospital/in the hospital 89
22.come out of hospital/come out of the hospital 89
23.get hot/get it hot 89
26.human/humane 90
25.keep house/keep the house 90
4.immoral/unmoral 91
I 91
1.if only/only if 91
2.imaginable/imaginary/imaginative 91
3.immanent/imminent 91
10.inability/disability 92
5.impassable/impassible 92
6.impatient/inpatient 92
7.imperial/imperious 92
8.impetuous/impetus 92
9.impracticable/impractical 92
14.indoor/indoors 93
11.incomparable/uncomparable 93
12.incredible/incredulous 93
13.incur/occur/recur 93
18.in and out/ins and outs 94
15.industrial/industrious 94
16.ingenious/ingenuous 94
17.inhuman/unhuman 94
23.intellectual/intelligent/intelligible 95
19.insist/persist 95
20.in an instant/for an instant/for instance 95
21.instead/instead of 95
22.institute/institution 95
26.interested/interesting 96
24.intend/intent/latent/patent 96
25.intense/intensive 96
31.irritable/irritant/irritating 97
27.interfere/interrupt 97
28.interior/internal 97
29.at intervals/at intervals of 97
30.introduce into/introduce to 97
33.by itself/in itself 98
32.irresponsible/irresponsive 98
2.judicial/judicious 99
J 99
1.journal/journey 99
4.be known as/be known for/be known to 100
K 100
1.keep doing sth./keep ondoing sth 100
2.keep open doors/keep the door open/leave the door open 100
3.in kind/in a kind 100
4.later/latter 102
L 102
1.by land/on land/on the land 102
2.last month/the last month 102
3.late/lately 102
7.at least/in the least 103
5.laugh/laughter 103
6.lay/lie 103
12.let's/let us 104
8.leather/leathery 104
9.at length/at full length 104
10.lessen/lesson 104
11.let alone/let...alone 104
17.between the lights/between two lights 105
13.liable for/liable to 105
14.lie in/lie to 105
15.lifelong/livelong 105
16.by the light of/in the light of 105
20.little/a little 106
18.lighting/lightning 106
19.literal/literary 106
25.luxuriant/luxurious 107
21.long for/for long 107
22.loose/loosen/lose 107
23.loyal/royal 107
24.in a lump/in the lump 107
4.magic/magical 109
M 109
1.machine/machinery 109
2.made of/made from 109
3.make up for/make up to 109
8.many/many a(an) 110
5.major/mayor 110
6.manageable/managerial 110
7.manner/manners 110
13.maximun/minimum 111
9.marital/marshal/martial 111
10.masterful/masterly 111
11.in mass/in the mass 111
12.material/materiel 111
16.by no means/by some means/by all means/by any means/by means of 112
14.maybe/may be 112
15.mean/means 112
20.mediate/meditate 113
17.take sb.'s measure/take measures 113
18.mechanic/mechanical 113
19.medical/medicinal 113
25.metal/mental 114
21.melted/molten 114
22.memorable/memorial 114
23.meretricious/meritorious 114
24.message/passage 114
30.moderate/modest 115
26.millenary/millinery 115
27.much too/too much 115
28.in one's mind/on one's mind 115
29.to the minute/up to the minute 115
33.monentarily/momently 116
31.for a moment/for the moment/at the moment/in a moment 116
32.momentary/momentous 116
35.in a month/after a month 117
34.moral/morale 117
4.near/nearly 118
N 118
1.by name/in name 118
2.call sb.names/call sb.'s name 118
3.by nature/in nature 118
8.notable/noticeable 119
5.negligent/negligible 119
6.make a noise/make noises 119
7.not a bit/not a little 119
12.a number of/the number of 120
9.take note of/take notes of 120
10.have nothing to do/have nothing to do with 120
11.notice/take notice of 120
14.numeral/numerous 121
13.in number/in numbers 121
4.observance/observation 122
O 122
1.be obliged to do sth./be obliged to sth./sb 122
2.be obligated to do sth./be oblivious of(to)sth 122
3.observable/observant 122
9.out of office/out ofthe office 123
5.obsolescent/obsolete 123
6.on occasion/on the occasion of/by occasion of 123
7.off hand/offhand 123
8.in office/in the office 123
13.one after another/one after the other 124
10.official/officious 124
11.older/elder 124
12.at once/all at once 124
18.in order that/in order to 125
14.one another/another one 125
15.by oneself/for oneself/to oneself/of oneself 125
16.in the open/in the open air 125
17.operational/operative 125
22.overall/over all 126
19.out of order/out of place 126
20.outward/outwards 126
21.ordinal/ordinary 126
24.owe to/owing to 127
23.overn ight/over night 127
4.take part in/take part with/take the part of 128
P 128
1.packet/pocket 128
2.have pains/take pains 128
3.in part/in parts 128
9.peaceable/peaceful 129
5.pass by/pass through 129
6.passed/past 129
7.passive/impassive 129
8.pay for/pay off 129
13.personal/personnel 130
10.at peace/in peace 130
11.peak/peek 130
12.permissible/permissive 130
18.petty/pretty 131
14.personality/personalty 131
15.perspicacious/perspicuous 131
16.persuasible/persuasive 131
17.petrol/petroleum 131
24.at play/at the play 132
19.phase in/in phase 132
20.physician/physicist 132
21.placable/placeable 132
22.take place/take the place 132
23.in place/in place of 132
28.come to points/come to the points 133
25.go to play/go to the(a)play 133
26.pleasant/pleased 133
27.for pleasure/with pleasure/at pleasure 133
33.be in possession of/be in the possession of 134
29.in point of/in the point of 134
30.to a point/to the point/to the point of 134
31.politic/political 134
32.popular/populous 134
37.precede/proceed 135
34.in power/in one's power 135
35.practicable/practical 135
36.pray/prey 135
42.presumptive/presumptuous 136
38.preferable/preferential 136
39.prescribe/proscribe 136
40.at present/for the present 136
41.preserve/reserve 136
45.produce/product/production/productivity 137
43.principal/principle 137
44.in principle/on principle 137
50.prophecy/prophesy 138
46.progress/progressive 138
47.promise/compromise 138
48.give a promise/give promise 138
49.property/propriety 138
55.on purpose/to the purpose 139
51.protect/protest 139
52.proud of/proud about 139
53.provide/provided 139
54.for the purpose of/with the purpose of 139
57.give sb./sth.a push/give sb.the push 140
56.purposefully/purposely 140
4.quiet/quite 141
Q 141
1.quality/quantity 141
2.quarrel about/quarrel with 141
3.out of question/out of the question 141
3.would rather/rather than/would(had)rather do...than do/or rather 142
R 142
1.raise/rise/arise 142
2.rap/rape 142
8.reason with/with reason 143
4.react/re-act 143
5.react against/react on/upon/react to 143
6.read/readable 143
7.readily/ready 143
12.recount/re-count 144
9.receivable/receptive 144
10.recipient/receipt/reception 144
11.recollect/re-collect 144
17.reform/re-form 145
13.recover/re-cover 145
14.recreate/re-create 145
15.recreation/re-creation 145
16.in red/in the red 145
22.in repair/under repair 146
18.have regard for/have regard to 146
19.regretful/regrettable 146
20.relative/relevant 146
21.reliable/reliant 146
27.resound/re-sound 147
23.request/quest/require 147
24.research/search 147
25.resign/re-sign 147
26.resort/retort 147
31.respectable/respected/respectful/respecting/respective 148
28.resource/source 148
29.in respect of/with respect to/without respect to(of) 148
30.pay respect to/pay one's respect to 148
35.result from/result in 149
32.responsible/responsive 149
33.in return/by return 149
34.as a result/as a result of 149
40.role/roll 150
36.reverend/reverent 150
37.revise/revive 150
38.at risk/at all risks 150
39.in the road/on the road 150
43.rout/route 151
41.rough/tough 151
42.in rough/in the rough 151
4.satisfactory/satisfied 152
S 152
1.give sb.a sack/give sb.the sack 152
2.satisfied with/satisfied of 152
3.satisfaction with/with satisfaction 152
8.at(in)school/at(in)the school 153
5.saw/see 153
6.scene/scenery 153
7.sceptic/septic 153
13.by sea/by the sea 154
9.go to school/go to the school 154
10.leave school/leave the school 154
11.a score of/scores of 154
12.at sea//at the sea 154
19.sensible/sensitive 155
14.go to sea/go to the sea 155
15.seasonable/seasonal 155
16.in secret/in the secret 155
17.seize/siege 155
18.make sense/make sense of 155
22.take service/take the service 156
20.sensual/sensuous 156
21.separate...from/separate...into 156
28.for show/on show 157
23.sew/sow 157
24.sewage/sewerage 157
25.for shame/with shame 157
26.shaved/shaven 157
27.shoot/shoot at 157
33.lose sight of/out of sight 158
29.go to a show/go to show 158
30.be sick of/be sick for 158
31.in sight of/in the sight of 158
32.in one's sight/in one's sights 158
36.so as to/so...as to/so as 159
34.sit/seat 159
35.smile at/smile on 159
41.sometime/some time/sometimes/some times 160
37.sociable/social 160
38.soluble/solvable 160
39.somehow/somewhat 160
40.someplace/some place 160
46.spiritual/spirituous 161
42.spacious/specious 161
43 speak English/speak in English 161
44.say sorry to/be sorry to/be sorry for 161
45.in spirit/in spirits 161
49.stack/stake/stock 162
47.in a spot/in spots/on the spot 162
48.in the square/on the square 162
54.statue/stature/status/statute 163
50.staff/stuff 163
51.stain/strain 163
52.stand up/stand up for/stand up to 163
53.stationary/stationery 163
57.step in/in step 164
55.steep/step 164
56.step by step/step for step 164
62.strike/stroke 165
58.stick at/stick to 165
59.stop to do/stop doing 165
60.in store/in the store 165
61.straight/strait 165
66.successful/successive 166
63.strip/stripe 166
64.struggle for/struggle against 166
65.succeed in/succeed to 166
70.sunk/sunken 167
67.such...as/such as/as such 167
68.suit/suite 167
69.suitable/suited 167
74.suspected/suspicious 168
71.superficial/superfluous 168
72.supply...to/supply...with 168
73.in surprise/by surprise/to one's surprise 168
76.symphony/symposium/symptom 169
75.syllable/syllabus 169
4.taste for/taste in/taste of 170
T 170
1.at table/at the table 170
2.talk about/talk of 170
3.tamper/temper 170
9.think of/think about 171
5.tasteful/tasty 171
6.temporal/temporary 171
7.terrible/terrific 171
8.terrified of/terrified at 171
13.at a time/at one time 172
10.thorough/through/throughout 172
11.time/times 172
12.all the time/at any time 172
17.in time/on time 173
14.at times/at all times 173
15.at no time/in no time 173
16.behind time/behind the times 173
22.in trade/by trade 174
18.tired/tiresome/tiring 174
19.title/tittle 174
20.at the top of/on the top of 174
21.tolerable/tolerant 174
26.transform/transmit/transplant/transport 175
23.trail/trial 175
24.in train/in training 175
25.trainee/trainer 175
30.try doing/try to do 176
27.tremble with/tremble at/tremble for 176
28.troubled/troublesome/troublous 176
29.trust in/in trust 176
32.take turns/take a turn 177
31.by turns/in turn 177
4.up and down/ups and downs 178
U 178
1.unaware/unawares 178
2.unquestionable/unquestioned 178
3.unwanted/unwonted 178
8.useful for/useful to 179
5.up to date/up-to-date 179
6.usage/use 179
7.for use/in use 179
9.used to do sth./be used to sth 180
4.valuable/valued/valueless/invaluable 181
V 181
1.vacation/vocation 181
2.vague/vogue 181
3.vain/vein 181
7.venal/venial 182
5.variable/various 182
6.vary from/vary in/vary with 182
10.virtual/virtuous 183
8.in view of/in the view of 183
9.violent/violet 183
5.at war/in the war 184
W 184
1.wait for/wait on 184
2.wake up/wake up to 184
3.wander/wonder 184
4.want to do/want doing 184
8.watch sb.do/watch sb.doing/watch sth.done 185
6.warn...of/warn...against 185
7.watch over/watch for/watch with 185
13.weather/whether 186
9.by the way/by way of 186
10.in a way/in any way/in no way 186
11.on the way/in the way 186
12.wear off/wear out 186
18.at will/with a will 187
14.as well/as well as 187
15.whatever/what ever 187
16.after a while/for a while 187
17.as a whole/onthe whole 187
22.break one's word/eat one's words 188
19.wind/wound 188
20.a woman withchild/a woman with a child 188
21.wont/won't 188
27.working-man/workman 189
23.have a word with/have words with 189
24.give the word/give one's word 189
25.in word/in a word/in words 189
26.work at/at work 189
30.dowrong/do sb.wrong 190
28.worthwhile/worthy of 190
29.write down/write out 190
1.young/youthful 191
Y 191
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