- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶叔华总编;黄珹分册主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7542828282
- 页数:711 页
第一篇 全球地壳运动和地球参考系 3
1.现代地壳运动和地球动力学研究 叶叔华 黄珹 3
2.《天文地球动力学》前言 叶叔华 10
3.亚太地区空间地球动力学(APSG)计划进展 黄珹 丁晓利 廖新浩 15
4.Tectonic Interpretation of the Earthquake Distribution in the Contiguous Continent of US Ma Zongjin Gao Xianglin Wang Qi L.Seeber J.Armbruster 23
5.Tectonic Interpretation of the Epicenter Distribution Map of China Ma Zongjin 35
6.全球构造的反对称性及其动力学意义 马宗晋 高祥林 47
7.Detection of Unsymmetrical Global Tectonic Change by Using Space Geodetic Data Sun Fuping Zhao Ming Ning Jinsheng Chao Dingbo 51
8.An Instantaneous Plate Motion Model from Integrated VLBI and SLR Data Sun Fuping Zhao Ming 57
9.现代板块运动的测量和研究——地球物理方法 孙付平 赵铭 65
10.Space Geodetic Detection of Postglacial Rebound Sun Fuping Ning Jinsheng Chao Dingbo Zhao Ming Qian Zhihan 80
11.Transformations among CISs Defined by Various ERP Series Xiao Naiyuan Zhang Hanwei 86
12.Arc Length Difference Method in the Selection of Primary Sources of Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues Li Jinling Jin Wenjing 92
13.利用天测与测地VLBI观测建立天球与地球参考架 王广利 李金岭 钱志瀚 周瑞仙 99
第二篇 空间技术监测地球和各圈层物质的运动 107
1.Horizontal Velocity of Shanghai VLBI Station Relative to Eurasian Plate from VLBI Ye Shuhua Qian Zhihan 107
2.Controls of the Sounding Points in Space-based GPS/LEO Meteorology Huang Cheng Zhang Feipeng Yan Haojian 111
3.Sequential Atmospheric Profiles near a Fixed Location Derived from GPS-LEO Occultation Measurements Yan Haojian Huang Dong Huang Cheng 121
4.LEO卫星轨道误差对无线电掩星反演大气参数的影响 蒋虎 黄珹 126
5.利用TOPEX/Poseidon卫星测高资料监测全球海平面变化 董晓军 黄珹 132
6.Eurasian-Pacific-N.American Plate Motion from VLBI Mao Ailin Qian Zhihan 141
7.Earth Orientation Determinations by Short Duration VLBI Observations Axel Nothnagel Qian Zhihan George D.Nicolson Paolo Tomasi 146
8.GPS测定地球定向参数的高频分辨率 郑大伟 谢伯全 155
9.利用OKF方法监测UT1周日变化 郑勇 易照华 夏一飞 160
10.自由液核章动的光学和新技术检测 萧耐园 张捍卫 165
11.VLBI Observations of Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble Xia Yifei Gao Jie 171
12.Global Solution of VLBI Observations and Assessments Li Jinling Wang Guangli 175
13.1979~1999全球天测与测地VLBI观测资料处理结果与讨论 王广利 钱志瀚 180
14.Measurements of the VLBI Experiments During the First Campaign of the Asian-Pacific Space Geodynamics(APSG)Program Wang Guangli Ye Shuhua Qian Zhihan Li Jinling Ma Chopo et al. 187
15.A Comparison of Different Tropospheric Mapping Functions by Elevation Cut-off Tests Ping Jinsong Yan Haojian Wang Guangli Qian Zhihan Zhou Ruixian Shu Fengchun 193
16.用LAGEOS-1的激光测距资料测定地球引力常数GM 冯初刚 200
17.改进的Helmert方差分量估计方法在精密定轨中的应用 张飞鹏 冯初刚 黄珹 李雅勤 209
18.Precision ERS-2 Orbit Determination Combining Multiple Tracking Techniques Zhang Feipeng Huang Cheng Liao Xinhao Feng Chugang 220
19.无先验基准方法在SLR资料处理中的应用 冯初刚 张飞鹏 朱元兰 227
20.A New Solution Assessment Approach and Its Application to Space Geodesy Data Analysis Hu Xiaogong Huang Cheng Liao Xinhao 234
21.Data Weighting and Solution Assessment in Combination Hu Xiaogong Liao Xinhao Huang Cheng 246
22.统计定轨中随机模型的验后估计 张飞鹏 黄珹 李雅勤 冯初刚 朱元兰 256
23.利用正交变换方法计算协方差分析的统计量 胡小工 黄珹 265
24.拟合后剩余残差的统计检验与待估参数的选择 胡小工 黄珹 廖新浩 274
25.利用非差资料的精密点定位方案解算区域GPS网 黄珹 胡小工 程宗颐 282
26.空间VLBI与天文地球动力学 胡小工 黄珹 钱志瀚 292
第三篇 地球自转及其与地球各圈层物质运动的关系 305
1.Relation between Equatorial Oceanic Activities and LOD Changes Zheng Dawei Chen Gang 305
2.Interannual Polar Motion with Relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation Zhou Yonghong Zheng Dawei Zhao Ming Benjamin Fong Chao 311
3.Contribution of New AAM Data Source to ΔLOD Excitation Yu Nanhua Zheng Dawei Wu Hongqiu 318
4.Excitation of Annual Polar Motion by Atmosphere and Ocean Zhou Yonghong Zheng Dawei Yu Nanhua Wu Hongqiu 327
5.Contribution of the Atmosphere to the Seasonal Changes in Earth's Rotation Yu Nanhua Zheng Dawei 332
6.Premonitory Phenomenon of El Ni?o Event Reflected in the Observations of LOD and Sea Level Zheng Dawei Ding Xiaoli Zhou Yonghong Chen Yongqi Li Zhilin Liao Xinhao 338
7.Movement of Earth Rotation and Activities of Atmosphere and Ocean Zhou Yonghong Zheng Dawei Yu Nanhua Liao Xinhao 345
8.Excitation of Seasonal Polar Motion by Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentums Zhou Yonghong Wu Hongqiu Yu Nanhua Zheng Dawei 358
9.Interannual Variations in the Length of Day and ENSO Events in 1982~1983 and 1997~1998 Zheng Dawei Zhou Yonghong Liao Xinhao Ding Xiaoli Chen Yongqi Jason Chao Li Zhilin 365
10.Wavelet Analysis of Interannual LOD,AAM,and ENSO:1997~1998 El Ni?o and 1998~1999 La Ni?a Signals Zhou Yonghong Zheng Dawei Liao Xinhao 375
11.日长年际变化的主要激发源 廖德春 383
12.全球陆地水储量对地球自转变化的激发作用 廖德春 廖新浩 391
13.全球地表水储量再分布对周年极移的激发 钟敏 闫昊明 朱耀仲 高布锡 401
14.极移半年振荡的年际变化与北大西洋涛动 闫昊明 钟敏 朱耀仲 雷小平 410
15.Correlation of Intraseasonal Length of Day Amplitude Modulation with Enso Zhong Min Zhu Yaozhong Gao Buxi 416
16.地球自转极移近120天准周期变化的小波分析及其大气激发机制 钟敏 高布锡 421
17.地球自转日长变化(LOD)和大气角动量(AAM)所对应的动力系统 刘式达 刘式适 陈炯 428
18.地球自转与E1 Ni?o——波动理论 刘式适 刘式达 傅遵涛 433
19.地球自转与气候动力学——振荡理论 刘式适 刘式达 傅遵涛 辛国君 441
20.地球自转与E1 Ni?o——海气耦合理论 刘式适 蒋循 刘式达 李黎明 王彰贵 450
21.太平洋海温场的变化与地球自转速度的关系 曲维政 何晖 黄菲 赵进平 463
22.A New ΔLOD Series in Monthly Intervals(1892.0~1997.0)and Its Comparison with other Geophysical Results Liao Dechun H.Greiner-Mai 471
23.Improvement of Edge Effect of the Wavelet Time-Frequency Spectrum:Application to the Length-of-Day Series Zheng Dawei Denjamin Fong Chao Zhou Yonghong Yu Nanhua 490
24.New Evidence for Possible Impact of Solar Activity on Long-Term Fluctuation of the Earth Rotation Liao Dechun Liao Xinhao 499
25.Three-Dimensional Atmospheric Angular Momentum Budget Deduced from an AMIP Ⅱ Global Circulation Model(GCM) Zhong Min Yan Haoming Zhu Yaozhong 506
26.Remarks on Dynamical Ellipticity at the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary Zhang Chengzhi Xia Yifei 517
27.核幔边界动力学——地球自转十年尺度波动 傅容珊 李力刚 郑大伟 薛霆啸 524
28.内核地震波速各向异性的成因 刘斌 张群山 王宝善 傅容珊 H.Kern T.Popp 535
29.Inner Core's Seismic Anisotropy is Related to Its Rotation Liu Bin Zhang Qunshan Wang Baoshan Fu Rongshan H.Kern T.Popp 544
30.Numerical Simulation of the Collision between Indian and Eurasian Plates and the Deforma-tions of the Present Chinese Continent Fu Rongshan Huang Jianhua Xu Yaomin Li Ligang Chang Xiaohua 548
31.Numerical Simulation of the Compression Uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Fu Rongshan Xu Yaomin Huang Jianhua Li Ligang 556
32.关于构造热涌模型的进一步思考 马宗晋 杜品仁 566
33.Chandler摆动周期是稳定的吗? 高布锡 572
34.Chandler摆动周期和Q的理论值 朱耀仲 581
35.极移和激发的对比研究 高布锡 雷小平 588
36.地球动力学扁率及其与岁差章动的关系 夏一飞 593
37.Possible Temporal Variations of the Free Core Nutation and Forced Nutations Li Jinling Zheng Dawei 603
38.微椭弹性地球运动的一个边界条件的推导 黄乘利 廖新浩 朱耀仲 金文敬 609
39.Improved Estimation of Earth Rotation Parameters Using the Adaptive Ridge Regression Huang Chengli Jin Wenjing 616
40.The Scalar Boundary Conditions for the Motion of the Elastic Earth to Second Order in Ellipticity Huang Chengli 624
41.A New Nutation Model of a Non-Rigid Earth with Ocean and Atmosphere Huang Chengli Jin Wenjing Liao Xinghao 638
42.月球平均运动和地球自转速率长期变化的潮汐耗散 朱耀仲 吴斌 彭碧波 650
43.Long-Period Variations in Gravity Field Caused by Mantle Anelasticity Zhu Yaozhong C.K.Shum M.K.Cheng B.D.Tapley Benjamin Fong Chao 655
44.地球自转和潮汐参数对地幔滞弹性的约束 朱耀仲 吴斌 彭碧波 666
45.A Prediction of UT Series with Auto-Adaptive Auto-Regrassive Model Ding Yuerong Xiao Naiyuan Xia Yifei 670
46.用Hamilton方法研究地球自转的长期减慢 夏一飞 萧耐园 成灼 678
47.用Hamilton方法计算弹性地球的章动序列 夏一飞 萧耐园 成灼 685
48.用Hamilton方法计算滞弹地球自转的潮汐变化 萧耐园 夏一飞 成灼 695
49.地震和干旱的定向迁移及其机制 马宗晋 杜品仁 705
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