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二十世纪西方文艺批评理论  英文本
二十世纪西方文艺批评理论  英文本

二十世纪西方文艺批评理论 英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱刚编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7810802054
  • 页数:370 页
《二十世纪西方文艺批评理论 英文本》目录

Introduction 1

Unit 1 Russian Formalism 1

1.Art as Technique V.Shklovsky 5

2.Standard Language and Poetic Language J.Mukarovsky 12

3.The Theory of the“Formal Method” B.Eikhenbaum 18

4.The Formalist School of Poetry and Marxism L.Trotsky 24

Unit 2 Anglo-American New Criticism 31

1.Tradition and the Individual Talent T.S.Eliot 35

2.The Intentional Fallacy W.K.Wimsatt Jr.and M.C.Beardsley 41

3.The Affective Fallacy 44

4.Irony as a Principle of Structure C.Brooks 47

5.Tension in Poetry A.Tate 51

Unit 3 Marxist Criticism 58

1.Literature and History T.Eagleton 62

2.Critical Realism and Socialist Realism G.Lukács 74

3.Determination R.Williams 77

4.Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act F.Jameson 83

5.The Prison-House of Language 89

Unit 4 Psychoanalytical Criticism 94

1.The Structures of the Mind S.Freud 98

2.The Oedipus Complex 106

3.The Interpretation of Dreams 111

4.Creative Writers and Daydreaming 114

5.Freud and Literature L.Trilling 118

6.The Mirror Stage J.Lacan 122

Unit 5 Myth and Archetypal Criticism 128

1.The Principal Archetypes C.G.Jung 132

2.The Concept of the Collective Unconscious 137

3.The Archetypes of Literature N.Frye 143

Unit 6 Structuralism 150

1.Nature of the Linguistic Sign F.de Saussure 154

2.The Structural Study of Myth C.Lévi-Strauss 158

3.The Structuralist Activity R.Barthes 163

4.Definition of Poetics T.Todorov 168

Unit 7 Reader Criticism 173

1.The Act of Reading W.Iser 177

2.Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory H.R.Jauss 182

3.Why No One s Afraid of Wolfgang Iser S.Fish 187

4.Reading and Identity N.N.Holland 190

5.The Subjective Character of Critical Interpreta-tion D.Bleich 196

Unit 8 Deconstruction 201

1.Structure,Sign,and Play J.Derrida 205

2.Différance 208

3.The Critic as Host J.Hillis Miller 213

4.New Criticism and Deconstruction A.P.Debicki 219

5.The Deconstructive Angel M.H.Abrams 223

Unit 9 Feminist Criticism 228

1.Sexual/Textual Politics T.Moi 232

2.A Literature of Their Own E.Showalter 237

3.Representing Ophelia 243

4.About Chinese Women J.Kristeva 249

Unit 10 New Historicism 258

4.Disneyland:A Utopian Urban Space M.Gottdiener 258

1.The Structures of Punishment M.Foucault 261

2.The Improvisation of Power S.Greenblatt 265

3.Sentimental Power J.Tompkins 271

4.Representing Violence N.Armstrong and L.Tennenhouse 277

Unit 11 Post-Colonial Studies 284

1.The Prison Notebooks A.Gramsci 288

2.Black Skin,White Masks F.Fanon 292

3.Oriéntalism E.Said 297

4.Masks of Conquest G.Viswanathan 302

Unit 12 Gender Studies 309

1.Homosexuality,A History V.L.Bullough 313

2.Queer Theory,An Introduction A.Jagose 318

3.One Is Not Born a Woman M.Wittig 323

4.Epistemology of the Closet E.K.Sedgwick 328

5.Gender Trouble J.Butler 333

Unit 13 Cultural Studies 340

1.The Uses of Literacy R.Hoggart 344

2.Cultural Studies:Two Paradigms S.Hall 347

3.The Future of Cultural Studies R.Williams 353

5.Racism in School Textbooks D.Wright 365
