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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:何润芳编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:7535134882
  • 页数:108 页
标签:典故 编著

A Dark Horse 黑马 1

目录A Catch in It 个中有蹊跷 1

A Bit Thick 太过分 2

A Doubting Thomas 怀疑一切的人 2

A Fisherman's Tale 夸大其词 2

A Flash in the Pan 昙花一现 3

A Fly on the Wheel 妄自尊大的人 3

A Man of Parts 有才华的人 3

A Penny for Your Thoughts 你呆呆地在想什么 4

A Rolling Stone 见异思迁的人 4

A Roman Holiday 欣赏别人受苦难的娱乐 5

A Run for One's Money 激烈的竞争 5

A Shot in the Dark 凭空猜想 5

A Whipping Boy 替罪羊 6

A White Day 吉日 6

A Walkover 举手之劳 6

A White Lie 善意的谎言 7

A White Night 不眠之夜 7

Add Insultto Injury 雪上加霜 7

Age Before Beauty长者在前 8

The Rage 时尚 8

All Yours 请便吧 9

An Axe to Grind 另有所图 9

All This and Heaven Too 锦上添花 9

Apple-pie Order 井井有条 10

Apple of Discord 祸根  10

As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs 毫无疑问  11

As They Make Them  到了家  12

At It 忙个不停  12

At Sea 困惑  13

At the Drop of a Hat 立即  13

Be-all and End-all 终极目的  14

Aunt Sally 众矢之的  14

Be over the Moon 心花怒放  15

Be up a Gum Tree 进退两难 15

Dress Oneself up to the Nine 盛装打扮  15

Beard the Lion 摸老虎屁股  16

Beggar Description 无法形容  16

Beside the Mark 不相关  17

Big Hand 长时间的热烈鼓掌  17

Birds of a Feather 一丘之貉  17

Bite off More Than One Can Chew 不自量力 18

Black Cattle 菜牛  19

Black Sheep 害群之马  19

Bread-and-butter Letter 感谢款待的信柬  19

Bring down the House 博得满堂喝彩  20

Hide One's Head in the Sand 逃避现实  20

Butter Somebody Up 奉承某人  20

Call over Coals 责备  21

Bye-byes 睡觉  21

Can't Say“Boo”to a Goose 胆怯得不敢开口  22

Cap in Hand 卑躬屈膝  22

Carry the Can 代人受过  22

Carry the Day 获胜  23

Cast One's Bread upon the Waters 真心行善不望报  23

Cheese It 住手  24

Chicken Feed 小意思  24

Under the Hammer 被拍卖  24

Come out in the Wash 水落石出  25

Cool One's Heels 久等  25

Come down to Earth 面对现实  26

Cross One's Fingers 祈求好运  26

Cry Wolf 发假警报  27

Cut the Knot 快刀斩乱麻  27

Dead to the Wide 精疲力竭  28

Cut No Ice 不起作用  28

Dirt Cheap 非常便宜  29

Do a Moonlight 夜半逃租  29

Do Somebody Proud 盛情款待  30

Do the Trick 有效  30

Dock 扣钱  30

Doll Up 打扮得花枝招展  31

Donkey's Ears 很久  31

Draw a Blank 一无所获  32

Donkey Jacket 风雨衣  32

Down Under 澳新地区  32

Drop Somebody a Line 给某人短信  33

Egghead 臭老九  33

Eyes Bigger Than One's Belly 眼宽肚窄  34

Fall on One's Feet/Legs 逢凶化吉  34

Fancy-free 无忧无虑  34

Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds 人靠衣装鸟靠羽  35

Feed the Kitty 集资  35

Flat Out 竭尽全力  36

Fly in the Ointment 美中不足  36

Follow Suit 亦步亦趋  36

Free Fight 混战  37

From the Word“Go” 从一开始  37

Get-at-able 够得着的  38

Get One's Goat 使某人恼怒  38

Gild the Lily 画蛇添足  39

Girl Friday 得力的女秘书  39

Go Like Hot Cakes 热销  40

Go the Way of All Flesh 逝世  40

Green-eyed Monster 嫉妒  40

Go to seed 走下坡路  41

Have a Rough Passage 历经磨难  41

Have Green Fingers 有高超的园艺技能  42

Have a Screw Loose/Missing 低能  42

Have the Edge on 略胜一筹  43

Head and Shoulders above 大大超出  43

In Fine 简而言之  43

In One's Heart of Hearts 实际上  44

In Seventh Heaven 极为快乐  44

The Land of Nod 梦乡  45

It's the Thought that Counts 情意难得  45

Jam Tomorrow 明天的希望  46

Jane Crow 对妇女的歧视  46

Jekyll and Hyde 双重人格者  46

Job's Comforter 添愁的安慰者  47

Keep a Weather Eye Open 密切注意  47

Like a House on Fire 轻易地  48

Make a Pass 献殷勤  48

Make Bricks without Straw 无米之炊  49

Make a Splash 惹人注目  49

Make a Pile 赚钱  49

Make Fish of One and Flesh of Another 厚此薄彼  50

Make Hay of 毒打  51

Make Somebody's Day 使某人高兴  51

Mare's Nest 骗局  51

Mind One's P's and Q's 谨言慎行  52

Miss the Boat/Bus 坐失时机  52

Name the Day 择定吉日  53

Nest Egg 储备金  53

All There 头脑清醒  54

Not Know Somebody from Adam 完全不认识  54

On the Rack 受极大折磨  54

On the Rocks 濒于破产  55

Once in a Blue Moon 千载难逢  55

One's Ears Burn 耳朵发热  55

One's Name Is Legion 其数甚多  56

One's Good Deed for the Day 日行一善  56

Out of the Wood 脱离险境  57

One's Salad Days 开创之初  57

Par Excellence 出类拔萃 58

Pull One's Weight 干好本职  58

Put Somebody Through His Paces 测试某人能力  58

Raw Deal 虐待  59

Reach-me-down 别人穿过的旧衣服  59

Right Hand 得力助手  60

Root and Branch 彻底地  60

Round Number 约整数  61

Royal Road 坦途  61

Rub the Wrong Way 不小心冒犯  61

Rub the Right Way 抚慰  62

Rule the Roost 当家  62

Salt of the Earth 社会中坚  63

Set by the Ears 挑拨离间  63

Rubberneck 好事之徒  63

Say One's Piece 说出心声  64

See Red 火冒三丈  64

Shake the Dust off One's Feet 愤然离开  65

Shank's Mare 步行  65

Shilly-shally 犹豫不决  65

Short Commons 食不果腹  66

Show a Clean Pair of Heels 迅速逃离  66

Six of the Best 一顿痛打  67

Six of One and Half a Dozen of the Other 半斤八两 67

Slanging Match 互相谩骂  68

Spit and Polish 穷讲究  68

Straight from the Shoulder 直截了当 68

Smell a Rat 生疑  69

Smite Hip and Thigh 痛打  69

Steal a March 领先一步  69

Sweetness and Light 友善  70

Strike Oil 发横财  70

Swan Song 告别演出  70

Take the Bit in One's Teeth 我行我素  71

Tell That to the Marines 鬼才会相信  71

Ten to One 十拿九稳  72

Till the Cows Come Home 没完没了  72

Thank One's Lucky Stars 庆幸  72

The Back of Beyond 穷乡僻壤  73

The Devil to Pay 麻烦重重  74

The Die Is Cast 木已成舟  74

The Dog Days 三伏天  74

The Bag of Tricks 各种花招  75

The Mixture as Before 换汤不换药  75

The Powers That Be 掌权者  76

The Sport of Kings 赛马  76

The Straight and Narrow 正路  76

There's the Rub 难就难在这儿  77

The White Feather 怯懦  77

The Year Dot 在遥远的过去  77

Three Score years and Ten 一辈子  78

Tip Somebody Off 暗中通知某人  78

Toe the Line 服从  79

Turn the Other Cheek 甘受侮辱  79

Throw in One's Hand 甘拜下风  79

Throw in the Sponge 认输  80

Throw up the Cards 放弃  80

Thumb a Lift 搭便车  81

To a T 毫厘不爽  81

Blackball 投反对票  81

Tomfoolery 蠢事  82

Touch and Go 危急的形势  82

Writ Large 显而易见的 83

When One's Ship Comes Home 当某人发迹时  83

Wipe the Floor with Somebody 打得某人落花流水  83

Tom,Dick,and Harry 张三李四  84

TT 滴酒不沾  84

Up One's Street 在行  85

Wash One's Hands of 断绝关系  85

Whip Hand 优势  85

White Goods 大家电 86

White Hope 希望之星  86

Zero Hour 发动进攻 87

In Keywith 与 一致  87

Stick to One's Last 心勿旁骛  87

A Leg up 鼓励;支持  88

Have a Good Innings 享有高寿  88

Holy of Holies 最神圣的地方 89

From the Housetops 公开地  89

For the High Jump 将受严惩  89

Lock Horns 争辩犹酣 90

Hold One's Horses 稍等片刻  90

Reckon without One's Host 如意算盘  91

The Srnall Hours 凌晨时分  91

Heads I Win,Tails You Lose 横竖我都赢 91

Cross One's Heart and Hopeto Die 发毒誓  92

Wear One's Heart on One's Sleeve 感情外露 92

Apple of Sodom 死海之果 92

Fair Game “下饭菜” 93

Go Great Guns 全力以赴 93

Before the Flood 很久以前 93

Stick to One's Guns 寸步不让 94

Let One's Hair Down 轻松一下  94

Hamlet without the Prince 群龙无首  95

A Golden Handshake 丰厚的离职金  95

Not Turn a Hair 镇定自若 95

Keep Something under One's Hat 保密 96

Touch One's Hat 表示尊重 96

Brass Hat 要人 96

Tooth and Nail 竭尽全力 97

Field Day 展示的机会  97

Put One's Foot in It 不得体 97

Play It by Ear 随机应变  98

Wet behind the Ears 乳臭未干 98

Go the Distance 自始至终  98

A Dog in the Manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人  99

Get the Drop on 先发制人 99

On One's Uppers 一贫如洗  100

AWet Blanket 令人扫兴的人或事  100

Wheels within Wheels 错综复杂的情况  100

Blot One's Copybook 玷污自己的名声  101

A White Elephant 累赘  101

Chew the Cud 深思熟虑 102

Every Inch 在各方面 102

Not Do a Hand's Turn 连手都不愿动  102

Household Word 家喻户晓的词语  103

The Young Idea 学生娃娃  103

Hide One's Light under the Bushel Basket 不露锋芒  103

Head over Ears 深陷其中  104

A Thorn in the Flesh/Sides 麻烦  104

On Tiptoe 踮着脚  105

By/With the Skin of One's Teeth 勉强  105

Give Somebody His Head 由某人自作主张  106

Like the Black Hole of Calcutta 闷热难耐  106

For the Sake of Thirty Silver Coins 见利忘义  106

I'm from Missouri 眼见为实  107

Eat/Live High on the Hog 生活富裕  107
