- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田岚主编;郝红尉等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7302104662
- 页数:250 页
UNIT 1 Microelectronics and Electronic Circuits 1
1-1 Introduction to Microelectronics 1
1-2 How Does a Logic Gate in a Microchip Work? 4
1-3 General Electronics Circuits 11
UNIT 2 Electronic Design Automation 17
2-1 Introduction to Configurable Computing 17
2-2 Cutting Critical Hardware 21
2-3 The Future of Configurable Computing 24
UNIT 3 Computer Architecture and Microprocessors 28
3-1 Computer Architecture 28
3-2 CPU Design Strategies:RISC vs.CISC 33
3-3 VLIW Microprocessors 38
Object-Oriented Program Design 41
UNIT 4 Information Network,Protocols and Applications 47
4-1 Computer Networks 47
4-2 TCP/IP 50
4-3 Internet Search Engines 56
UNIT 5 Information Security and Biometrics Technology 60
5-1 Introduction to Computer Security 60
5-2 Encryption Methods 65
5-3 An Overview of Biometrics 69
6-1 The Physics of Sound 74
UNIT 6 Digital Speech Technology 74
6-2 Speech Sampling and Processing 77
6-3 Speaker Recognition 83
UNIT 7 Digital Images Processing 89
7-1 Representation of Images 89
7-2 Fundamental Concepts of Image Processing 92
7-3 Fingerprint Identification,Hand Geometry and Face Retrieval 96
UNIT 8 TVT echnology 101
8-1 Introduction to TV Technology 101
8-2 Related Technologies 105
8-3 HDTV 113
9-1 Introduction to“Communication Systems” 115
UNIT 9 Telecommunication Network 115
9-2 Telecommunications 120
9-3 What is CTI? 127
A Brief Historical Review 133
UNIT 10 Multimedia Technologies 136
10-1 Introduction to Multimedia Technology 136
10-2 Elements of Multimedia 140
10-3 Multimedia Networking and Applications 145
UNIT 11 Optical Fiber Communications 151
11-1 The General System 151
11-2 Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication 156
11-3 Historical Development 161
UNIT 12 Mobile Communication 166
12-1 GSM 166
12-2 Introduction to 3G 171
12-3 Global Positioning System(GPS) 177
CDMA and Other Spectrum Sharing Concepts 182
CDMA and Other Spectrum Sharing Concepts 182
UNIT 13 Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Applications 185
13-1 Artificial Intelligence Techniques 185
13-2 Expert Systems and Robotics 189
13-3 Development of AI 194
UNIT 14 Pattern Recognition Technology 199
14-1 Principle of Pattern Recognition 199
14-2 Exemplary Applications 205
14-3 Smart Room 210
UNIT 15 Neural Networks and Applications 218
15-1 Introduction to Neural Networks(NN) 218
15-2 How Neural Networks Work? 222
15-3 The Back-Propagation Network and Training Techniques 226
A-1-1 题名的要求 231
A-1-2 题名的构成 231
A-1 科技论文的英文题目 231
附录A 科技论文写作 231
A-1-3 题名中的词序 232
A-1-4 题名的副题名 232
A-1-5 题名书写格式 233
A-2 科技论文的英文摘要 233
A-2-1 英文摘要的内容 233
A-2-2 英文摘要的撰写 235
A-3 英文摘要编写中的语法问题 239
A-3-1 主语和谓语的一致 239
A-3-2 比较 240
A-3-3 数的增减和倍数的表达方式 241
A-4 重要句型结构表达 243
A-4-1 物体形状 243
A-4-2 位置 243
A-4-3 物体结构 244
A-4-4 测量 245
A-4-5 功能 245
A-4-6 方法 246
附录B 科技英语中常用符号及数学公式表达 247
B-1 特殊符号 247
B-2 分数、小数及百分比 247
B-3 符号与常用数学表达式 247
参考文献 250
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