- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙湘生,易滟主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社;北京交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7810824481
- 页数:163 页
Contents 1
Chapter One General Introduction to International Trade Practices 国际贸易实务简介 1
1.1 The Concept of International Trade Practices 国际贸易实务的定义 1
1.1.1 International trade 国际贸易 1
1.1.2 International trade transaction 国际贸易实务 2
1.1.3 Export transactions based on a contract of sale 以销售合同为基础的出口贸易 2
1.1.4 Export transactions based on the supply of manpower and techniques 以劳动力和技术为基础的出口贸易 3
1.2 The Export Transaction 出口贸易 3
1.2.1 The concept of the export transaction 出口贸易的概念 3
1.2.2 The parties and the means involved in the export transaction 出口贸易的当事人及所涉及的方式 5
Chapter Two The International Sale of Goods 国际货物买卖 12
2.1 International Trade Terms 国际贸易术语 12
2.1.1 Introduction to trade terms 国际贸易术语介绍 13
2.1.2 Incoterms 2000 国际贸易术语解释通则2000 14
2.2 Formation of Contract 合同的形成 25
2.2.1 The negotiations 谈判 26
2.2.2 The offer 询盘 26
2.2.3 The acceptance 接受 27
2.3 Performance of the Contract 合同的执行 28
2.3.1 Delivery of the goods 货物的运输 28
2.3.2 Passing of the property 所有权的转移 28
2.3.3 Passing of the risk 风险的转移 28
2.4 Acceptance and Rejection of Goods 货物的接受与拒绝 29
2.4.1 Examination of goods 货物的检验 29
2.4.2 Acceptance of goods 货物的接受 29
2.5 Frustration of Contract 合同的落空 30
2.4.5 The right of resale 转售的权利 30
2.4.4 The rights of the unpaid seller 货款未收到的卖主的权利 30
2.4.3 Rejection of goods 货物的拒绝 30
2.5.1 Legal meanings of frustration 落空的法律含义 31
2.5.2 Conditions upon which the contract is frustrated 合同落空的情况 32
2.5.3 Effect of frustration 合同落空的影响 37
2.6 Invoices and Packing 发票和包装 39
2.6.1 Invoices 发票 39
2.6.2 Packing 包装 41
2.7 Product Liability 对产品质量的责任 42
2.7.1 The basis of product liability 对产品质量承担责任的依据 42
2.7.2 Liability arising from the contract of sale 由销售合同所引起的产品质量责任 43
2.7.3 Defenses 保护措施 43
2.7.5 Product liability insurance 产品质量责任保险 44
2.7.4 Damages 损失 44
Chapter Three Finance of Exports 出口融资 55
3.1 Bill of Exchange 汇票 55
3.1.1 Payment on open account 往来账户支付 56
3.1.2 Payment by bills of exchange 汇票支付 56
3.2 Collection Arrangements 托收 60
3.2.1 The uniform rules for collections 托收的统一规则 60
3.2.2 Dishonor 拒收 61
3.3 Letter of Credit 信用证 63
3.3.1 Characteristics of a letter of credit 信用证的特点 63
3.3.2 Kinds of letters of credit 信用证的种类 65
3.3.3 Anomalous letter of credit situations 不规则的信用证 67
3.4.2 Classification of bank guarantee 银行担保的种类 69
3.4.1 Definition of bank guarantee 银行担保的定义 69
3.4 Bank Guarantees 银行担保 69
Chapter Four Transportation of Export 出口运输 79
4.1 Carriage of Goods by Sea 海洋货物运输 79
4.1.1 The course of business in the carriage of goods by sea 海洋货物运输的程序 79
4.1.2 The contract of carriage by sea 海洋运输合同 80
4.1.3 Bills of lading 提单 82
4.1.4 The liability of the carrier 承运人的责任 84
4.1.5 Expected perils 预期的危险 84
4.1.6 Proceedings by the cargo owner 货主的诉讼 86
4.2 Container Transport 集装箱运输 86
4.2.1 The course of business in container transport 集装箱运输的程序 86
4.2.3 Legal problems of container transport 集装箱运输的法律问题 88
4.2.2 Container leasing agreement 集装箱租赁合同 88
4.2.4 The documents used in container transport—the combined transport document 集装箱运输中使用的单据——联运单据 89
4.3 Carriage of Goods by Air 航空运输 89
4.3.1 When it may be used 需用空运的情况 89
4.3.2 The course of business in the carriage of goods by air 90
4.3.3 Document of carriage 航空运单 90
Chapter Five Insurance of Goods in Transit 国际货运保险 99
5.1 Marine and Aviation Insurance 海运和空运保险 99
5.1.1 Marine insurance 海运保险 99
5.1.2 Air cargo insurance 空运保险 103
5.2 Export Credit Guarantees 出口信贷担保 103
5.2.1 The export credits guarantee department 出口信贷担保部门 104
5.2.2 Facilities offered by the export credits guarantee department 出口信贷担保部门提供的业务 104
6.1.1 The difference between ADR and arbitration 选择性争端裁决与仲裁的区别 115
6.1 International Commercial Litigation—Arbitration 国际商务诉讼——仲裁 115
Chapter Six International Commercial Dispute Resolution 国际商务争端的解决 115
6.1.2 General aspects of arbitration 仲裁的基本内容 116
6.1.3 International arbitration 国际仲裁 118
6.2 The Dispute Settlement Procedure of WTO 世界贸易组织解决争端的程序 124
6.2.1 Exporter's standing 出口商的身份 124
6.2.2 The law relating to WTO disputes 与国际贸易组织争端有关的法律 125
Chapter Seven Marketing Organizations Abroad 海外营销机构 131
7.1 Agency Arrangements 代理机构的安排 131
7.1.1 Self-employed agents abroad 自雇的海外代理 131
7.1.2 The nature of the contract of agency 代理机构合同的特征 132
7.1.3 The agent's authority 代理人的职权 132
7.1.4 Rights and obligations of the agent and the principal 代理人和委托人的权利与义务 134
7.1.5 Special types of the agents 特殊的代理人 136
7.2.1 General understanding of branch offices and subsidiaries abroad 海外分支机构和子公司的基本概念 142
7.2 Branch Offices and Subsidiaries Abroad—Foreign Acquisitions 海外分支机构和子公司的购置 142
7.2.2 Dealings between branch offices abroad 海外分支机构之间的交易 143
7.2.3 Subsidiary companies abroad 海外子公司 143
7.2.4 Foreign acquisitions 海外购置 144
7.3 Sole Distribution Agreements,Licensing Agreements and Franchising 独家经销协议、许可证协议及特许经营权 145
7.3.1 Sole distribution agreements 独家经销协议 145
7.3.2 Licensing agreements 许可证协议 149
7.3.3 Franchising 特许经营权 149
Chapter Eight Electronic Commerce and EDI 电子商务及电子数据交换 155
8.1 What Are Electronic Commerce and EDI 什么是电子商务和电子数据交换 155
8.2 Standardization of EDI Methods of Communication 电子数据交换方式的规范化 156
8.3 Other Legal Issues 其他的法律问题 157
8.4 Electronic Communications Act 电子通信法令 159
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