Level Five The Pop Industry 世界乐业PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:翁燕珩主编;洪苹,刘扬,谷新黎,曾晓俊,吴思斌,解智,宋铁花,翁燕珩编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7810138359
- 页数:272 页
The Pop Industry 1
1 What is pop? 1
2 The stars 5
3 Forming a group 12
4 Writing the songs 16
5 The manager 22
6 Getting a contract 28
7 The agent and promoter 34
8 On the road 40
9 The record producer 45
10 In the studio 52
11 Publicity 61
12 The disc jockey 67
13 On the box 72
14 Trends for the future 78
Key to the Exercises 85
British Theatre 89
1 Theatre in Britain 89
2 The Golden Age 97
3 Comedy in the theatre:17th and 18th centuries 106
4 Comedy in the theatre:19th and 20th centuries 113
5 Politics in the theatre 121
6 Verse plays 126
7 Theatre against society 129
8 Actors in Britain 134
9 An actor s life 141
10 Theatre in Britain today 146
11 Presenting a play 154
12 An amateur theatre company 161
Key to the Exercises 175
Cinema 179
1 The movie industry 179
2 The early days of the cinema 185
3 The Golden Age of the cinema 194
4 The star system 204
5 Focus on a star——Charlie Chaplin 208
6 Focus on a film-maker——Alfred Hitchcock 214
7 How a film is made 222
8 Special effects 230
9 Focus on fear 236
10 Focus on Walt Disney 241
11 Action films 246
12 Science fiction strikes back! 252
13 The New Wave 259
14 The death of the cinema? 265
Key to the Exercises 269
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