- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(日)小池直己著;胡瑶译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7500111614
- 页数:207 页
第1章 日常生活·私生活篇 2
That's ridiculous.太荒谬了! 2
Cut it out.别说了!/别闹了! 2
It's not for you.那不是给你的。 3
I’ve got to go.我得走了。 4
You're grounded.你被禁止外出。 4
I don't get it.我不懂。 5
You crossed the line.你太过分了! 6
We'll see.看看吧! 6
That's not true.才不是呢! 7
I have some business to do.我还有点事要办。 8
It's not a good time.不凑巧/不方便。 8
Now what?这次又是什么事? 9
Do I have to?我非做不可吗? 10
Idon't think that's a good idea.这主意不好! 10
Don't say a word.别再说了! 11
Idon't know.我不知道! 12
It depends.看条件而定!/视情况而定! 12
Nothing doing.没门! 13
My hands are sticky(with…).我的手(因……)黏糊糊的。 14
Please cut it shorter a little bit.请把头发剪短一点! 14
第2章 日常生活·交际篇 18
You're not supposed to put rubbish out on…星期……不可以丢垃圾! 18
My husband is allergic to…我先生对……过敏。 18
Would you turn down the,please?能不能请你把……的声音关小一点? 19
Someone is in now.现在有人在用! 20
It's out of stock.用完了。 20
That's not my dog's.那不是我的狗拉的! 21
Get out of my property.滚出我的地盘! 22
You're not threatening me,are you?你该不会是在威胁我吧? 22
I've cooked dinner already.晚饭已经做好了。 23
Whatever you say,I won't subscribe to…不管你怎么说,我都不订阅…… 24
Why don't you make it shut up?你为什么不叫它闭嘴? 24
You started the fight in the first place.是你先动手(动口)的! 25
You shouldn't stick your nose into…别多管(……的)闲事! 26
There's nothing I can do about it.关于那件事我无能为力。 26
My laundry is being smoked.我洗好的衣服都熏黑了!/我的衣服都成了熏制食品了! 27
Stop banging on the door.别再敲门了! 28
Would you cut the branch off the tree?能不能请你把树枝砍掉? 28
You're trespassing.你非法入侵啦! 29
Don't say that.不能那样说! 30
Don't play(the)innocent.别装糊涂了!/别装傻了! 30
第3章 商业·公司篇 34
No more discussions.没什么好说的了!/没什么好商量的了! 34
I'm tied up with….我正因……而忙得不可开交。 34
That's not my job.那不关我的事。/那不是我的工作。 35
I'm not familiar with…我不太懂……。 36
That's impossible.那是不可能的! 36
I'm on the wagon now.我现在戒酒了。 37
You should tell…yourself.这件事你应该自己去说。 38
Don't give me any ifs and buts.别再跟我说“如果”、“可是”了! 38
You didn 't fulfill your quota.你没有达到标准(最低)工作量。 39
You can't talk to me like that.不许你用那种口气跟我讲话! 40
I don't buy that.我不这么认为! 40
I'd better not.我还是不拿的好! 41
You're not in charge of…你没有……的权利。 42
It's not my fault.那不是我的错。 42
Don't blame me for nothing.别无故责怪我啊! 43
Why me?为什么非让我去? 44
I was laid off.我被解雇了。 44
I can't put this down to expenses.这不能报销。 45
Not necessarily.也不全是这样。 46
It's not as bad as people say.没有传说中的那么糟。 46
第四章 50
He/She is not available.她/他现在不方便(接电话)。/她/他现在不在位子上。 50
I run out of business cards.我的名片用完了。 50
He/She is in conference.他/她现在正在开会。 51
He/She has been transferred to…他/她已经调到…… 52
I see your point,but…我知道你的意思,但是…… 52
That's the last thing we would like to do.那是我们最不愿做的一件事。 53
It seems like it's just a waste of time.看起来这只是在浪费时间而已。 54
It's out of the question.那是不可能的。 54
It's a breach of contract.那是违反契约的! 55
You've got it wrong.你误会了! 56
You infringed the patent.你们侵犯我们的专利权了。 56
That's no answer.这不算答案吧! 57
It could be helped.一定有办法的! 58
That's an armchair theory.那是纸上谈兵! 58
That's totally different from what you said before.这和你以前说的完全不同了。 59
It doesn't satisfy the standard.那不符合标准(规格)! 60
This is no ioke.这不是在开玩笑!(我是认真的!) 60
Thank you for the offer,but…谢谢你的提议,不过…… 61
That's the best we can do.我们最多也只能做到这样了。 62
Idon't think it's worth…ing.我觉得不值得…… 62
第5章 反性骚扰篇 66
Get your hands off.拿开你的手! 66
I have no obligation to do such a thing.我没有义务要做这种事。 66
That's sexual ha rassment.那可是性骚扰! 67
You shouldn't say something like that.你不应该说这样的话! 68
We are partners in business,not in private life.我们在公事上是搭挡,但私底下可不是!(公归公,私归私!) 68
Are you discriminating me on the basis of gender?你对我有性别歧视吗? 69
I will sue you.我会告你! 70
Would/Could you stop…-ing?请你不要再……好吗? 70
Don't call me for anything but business matters.除了公事外,请不要给我打电话! 71
You think…?Wrong!你以为……?大错特错啦! 72
You'd better stop it before you get hurt.你最好在你倒大霉之前住手! 72
Don't play the fool.别装傻了! 73
Shame on you!你真可耻! 74
What are you looking at?你在看什么? 74
Didn't I tell you?我没告诉你吗? 75
第6章 旅行篇 78
I'm a stranger here.我对这边也不熟。 78
Iwould appreciate itif you don't.如果你不做的话,我会很感激的。 78
You're not allowed…不可以……/禁止……。 79
I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。 80
Not yours.不是你的。 80
Leave me alone.别管我。/离我远一点。 81
Don't talk to me.不要跟我说话! 82
The busis not running at this time 这个时间段没有公交车。 82
Not at this time of the day.这个时间不能办理。 83
I don't like…-ing.我不喜欢……。 84
This flight is full.这班飞机已客满。 84
I'm fine by myself.我一个人没关系。/我一个人没问题的。 85
Don't bother.不用麻烦了! 86
Don't try to cheat me.别想骗我! 86
We don't accept traveler's checks.我们不收旅行支票。 87
I have a fear of heights.我有恐高症。 88
Keep off the grass.勿踏草地! 88
I don't understand you.我听不懂。 89
I can't take that much!我承受不起!/我不能拿那么多! 90
I'm in a hurry.我在赶时间。 90
第7章 餐厅篇 94
I didn't order this.我没有点这道菜。 94
My order hasn't come yet.我点的菜还没送来。 94
Can I order?我可以点菜了吗? 95
Could you change my table?可以请你帮我换张桌子吗? 96
There's something in the dish.菜里有什么东西! 96
I've had quite enough.我已经很饱了。 97
I'm going to charge you the expense for cleaning.我要你付洗衣费。 98
I'll have something different.我改点其他菜好了。 98
I'm not done yet.我还没吃完。/我还要用。 99
I'm on a diet.我正在节食。 100
I'm extremely fond of…我特喜欢…… 100
Would you give us a little more time?可以再给我们一点时间吗? 101
Can I have a…burger without…?我要一个……汉堡不加……行吗? 102
For here,or to go?是在这里用,还是外带? 102
Can I have…instead of…?我可以把……换成……吗? 103
I'm not supposed to drink(alcohol).我不能喝酒。 104
Could you bring me a new knife?可以请你给我一把新的刀子(餐刀)吗? 104
What is this amount for?这笔款项是什么用途? 105
Can we have separate checks?我们可以分开付账吗? 106
If you insist.如果你坚持的话。 106
第8章 购物篇 110
It's not for sale.这是非卖品。 110
It's our oversight.是我们疏忽了。/是我们的疏忽。 110
It doesn't fit.不合身。 111
No,that's all.不用了,就这些。 112
I'm just looking(around).我只是随便看看而已。 112
I can't pay…for this.我不会花……元买这个。 113
No refunds will be made.无法退货/退款。 114
That's all we have.我们只剩那一个了。/那个是我们仅有的。 114
You gave me the wrong change.你找错钱了。 115
It can't be that expensive.不会那么贵的! 116
It's not for free.那不是免费的。 116
Could you make it shorter?能不能把它改短一点呢? 117
Could you give me a discount?能不能算便宜一点? 118
Do you have a cheaper one?还有更便宜的吗? 118
Where can I buy…?……在哪里买? 119
Could you wrap it up as a gift?可以把它包装成礼物吗? 120
Could you order it for me?可以帮我订货吗? 120
Could you exchange this for a fresh one?可以帮我换个新鲜的吗? 121
I'm not shoplifting.我没有偷东西。 122
May I see your ID?可以让我看一下身份证吗? 122
第9章 运动篇 126
I'm not very good at…我不太擅长…… 126
I don't know the rules(at all).我完全不懂规则。 126
I'm too tired to play…我太累了,没力气玩…… 127
I sprained my right/left ankle.我的左脚踝/右脚踝扭伤了。 128
I'm not at hletic.我没有运动细胞。 128
Sorry ,but find somebody else.很抱歉,请你找别人吧! 129
I am the rulebook of this game!我就是这场比赛的规则手册! 130
You need a license to drive…你必须有执照才能开…… 130
There's no way for…to win the game.……根本一点儿胜算都没有! 131
I don't play,I just watch.我不玩,只是看看而已。 132
Go easy on me,please.请你手下留情! 132
It's not my turn.不是轮到我! 133
You're kind of slow.你动作太慢了! 134
You need a little more height.你的身高要再高一点。 134
No amateurs.拒绝业余者。/拒绝门外汉。 135
You did it on purpose.你是故意的! 136
Can I get out of the court/field?我可以离开球场吗? 136
Throw me the ball.把球丢过来! 137
I'm not very interested in…我对……不太感兴趣。 138
Maybe next time.下次吧! 138
第10章 学校生活篇 142
I wish I could…我希望我可以…… 142
Sorry,but I can't.很抱歉,我不行。 142
I'd love to,but…我很乐意,可是…… 143
Not this time.这次不行。 144
No,thanks.不用了,谢谢。 144
I'm not good enough to teach.我还没高明到可以教人。 145
I'm busy(in)…-ing.我正忙着……。 146
No way.没门!/不可能的事! 146
This seat is taken.这位子有人了。 147
Do you mind…?可以请你不要(抽烟)……吗? 148
I'd rather not.我情愿不要。 148
I don't feel like it.我没那个心情。 149
That's disgusting.真烦人! 150
When I have a minute….等我忙完……。 150
Nice try.我不会上你的当的!/我不会上当的。 151
On one condition.可以,不过有个条件。 152
I don't think so.是吗?(我并不这么认为) 152
I don't have enough change.我没有足够的零钱。 153
Let's not.取消吧! 154
Count me out.不要把我算在内。 154
第11章 约会篇 158
I've been with…我已经和……交往了。 158
He/She is mine.他/她是我的。 158
I can't let you go.我不想和你分手! 159
You take me for somebody else.你把别人当成我了!(你看错人了)! 160
You dumped me.是你甩了我! 160
He/She has a crush on(a person).他/她很迷恋(某人)。 161
Don't break my heart.请不要辜负我的一片心意! 162
You don't have to do this.你不用这样做的。 162
I've al ready seen it.我已经看过了。 163
Let's go Dutch.各付各的吧!/各自付账吧! 164
Get lost.从我面前消失!/你走! 164
Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗? 165
He's/She's my ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend.他/她是我前男友/女友。 166
Can we make it at…(o'clock)?可以改成……点吗? 166
Talk to me.回答我! 167
Don't ask.别问了! 168
This is not a date!这根本不是约会! 168
I'm not in the mood.我没那个心情。 169
第12章 兴趣篇 172
I'm not interested in those kind of things.我对那些事没兴趣。 172
He/She is all thumbs.他/她笨手笨脚的。 172
My fingers are going to get cramped!我的手指快抽筋了! 173
I have no ear for music.我是音盲。 174
I don't like to stay still.我不喜欢一直待着不动。 174
I've never…before.我从未做过……。 175
He/She rides his/her hobby again.他/她又要使出他/她的拿手绝活了! 176
Saying is one thing,doing is another说易行难!/说得简单,做起来难! 176
You're addicted to it.你已经上瘾了! 177
It's not over yet.还没完呢! 178
I lea rned it by my own.我自己学的。 178
It seems like I should leave it to…好像我应该把它留给…… 179
No secret.没有什么秘诀! 180
Don't disturb me.别来烦我!/别打扰我! 180
Don't touch anything.别碰任何东西! 181
What's fun about it?那到底有什么好玩的? 182
It's easier than you think.比你想像的简单多了! 182
第13章 流行服饰篇 186
It's too gaudy.太华丽了! 186
It's not so bad,but…还不错,不过…… 186
It's too simple.太朴素了! 187
Don't tell me what to wer.别管我穿什么! 188
This goes better with your shirt.这条和你的衬衫比较搭配! 188
It's none of your business.不关你的事! 189
It's out of date.那已经过时了! 190
I prefer X to Y.我觉得X比Y好。 190
It's not my taste.它不符合我的喜好。 191
It never hurts to ask.问又不用钱。 192
That's not what I meant.我不是那个意思。 192
Can I borrow your…?我可以借你的……吗? 193
It's ugly.真丑! 194
That kind of…is out of fashion.那种款式的……已经落伍了。 194
This pants needs taking in/letting out by…centimeters.这条裤子需要改短/放长……厘米。 195
What a waste!真是浪费! 196
It's too tight.太紧了! 196
I told you so.我告诉过你了。 197
He/She just follows the fashion.他/她只是跟着流行走而已。 198
Nothing.没什么。 198
第14章 聚会篇 202
I want to stay a little bit longer.我还想多待一会儿。 202
I don't feel well.我觉得不太舒服。 202
Let's stop beating around the bush with each other.我们双方别再拐弯抹角了! 203
I don't know how to step.我不懂舞步。 204
I'm here with my husband/wife.我是和我丈夫/我妻子一起来的。 204
Keep your eye onn…帮我看着…… 205
Why don't you make the speech?你为什么不去演讲? 206
You shouldn't have.你不用那么麻烦的! 206
I'm afraid that he's not here.恐怕他不在这里。 207
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