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赢在美国  赛诺沃商务英语
赢在美国  赛诺沃商务英语

赢在美国 赛诺沃商务英语PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)JonathanHaagen,刘友道著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787119062624
  • 页数:195 页
图书介绍:越来越多的外国企业随着中国入世的契机参与到中国市场的竞争中来来的时候,一些具有远见的中国企业也开始开拓国际市场,寻找新的商机。美国,无疑成了企业家们跃跃欲试的理想之地。然而,当地的法律政策、开办企业流程以及相关语言无疑成了商人们进军美国市场的拦路虎。《赢在美国——赛诺沃商务英语》就是基于此编写而成。本书特约来自美国的北卡罗来纳州的Jonathan Haagen先生撰写,他曾为美各大报社撰写财经报道,也曾在美国自己开公司,现在中国创办了自己的公司,相信他的职业和经历一定能为能为读者带来最有用的信息。本书除配有MP3外还配有多媒
《赢在美国 赛诺沃商务英语》目录

Chapter 1 Liu Zhiyuan Registers His Company 1

Chapter 2 Liu Zhiyuan Applies for a Business Account 7

Chapter 3 Liu Zhiyuan Applies for a Bank Loan 13

Chapter 4 Liu Zhiyuan Rents an Office 19

Chapter 5 Liu Zhiyuan Applies for an Import Permit 25

Chapter 6 Liu Zhiyuan Contracts a Web Designer to Build His Company's Website 31

Chapter 7 Liu Zhiyuan Interviews a Potential Employee 37

Chapter 8 Liu Zhiyuan Interviews Potential Retailers 43

Chapter 9 Liu Zhiyuan Rewards an Excellent Employee 51

Chapter 10 Liu Zhiyuan Motivates an Employee Whose Performance Has Faltered 57

Chapter 11 Liu Zhiyuan Interviews a Potential Logistics Partner 65

Chapter 12 Liu Zhiyuan Plays a Round of Golf with Clients 71

Chapter 13 Liu Zhiyuan Develops a Marketing Campaign 77

Chapter 14 Liu Zhiyuan Advertises a Sales Promotion 83

Chapter 15 Liu Zhiyuan Conducts a Market Survey 89

Chapter 16 Liu Zhiyuan Makes a Sales Call 95

Chapter 17 Liu Zhiyuan Gives a Tour of His Factory 101

Chapter 18 Liu Zhiyuan Receives a Client and Explains His Product Line 107

Chapter 19 Liu Zhiyuan Signs a Contract with a Client 113

Chapter 20 Liu Zhiyuan Gives a Presentation at an Exhibition 119

Chapter 21 Liu Zhiyuan Handles a Customer Complaint 125

Chapter 22 Liu Zhiyuan Pays His Company's Taxes 131

Chapter 23 Liu Zhiyuan Processes Business for Another Company 137

Chapter 24 Liu Zhiyuan Deals with Customs Officials 143

Chapter 25 Liu Zhiyuan Presents Orient Fashions to Venture Capitalists 149

Answers 156

Chinese Version 164
