安徒生童话全集 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:37 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(丹麦)安徒生著;(英国)克拉吉译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国城市出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787507421101
- 页数:1559 页
1.The Tinder-Box 1065
2.Great Claus and Little Claus 1067
3.The Princess on the Pea 1072
4.Little Ida's Flowers 1073
5.Thumbelina 1076
6.The Naughty Boy 1080
7.The Travelling Companion 1081
8.The Little Sea Maid 1089
9.The Emperor's New Clothes 1098
10.The Goloshes of Fortune 1100
11.The Daisy 1110
12.The Hardy Tin Soldier 1112
13.The Wild Swans 1114
14.The Garden of Paradise 1120
15.The Flying Trunk 1126
16.The Storks 1129
17.The Metal Pig 1131
18.The Bond of Friendship 1135
19.A Rose From the Grave of Homer 1139
20.Ole Luk-Oie 1139
21.The Rose-Elf 1144
22.The Swineherd 1146
23.The Buckwheat 1148
24.The Angel 1149
25.The Nightingale 1150
26.The Lovers 1154
27.The Ugly Duckling 1155
28.The Fir Tree 1159
29.The Snow Queen 1163
30.The Elder Tree Mother 1176
31.The Darning-Needle 1179
32.The Bell 1180
33.Grandmother 1183
34.The Elf-Hill 1183
35.The Red Shoes 1186
36.The Jumper 1189
37.The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweeper 1189
38.Holger the Dane 1191
39.The Little Match Girl 1193
40.A Picture From the Fortress Wall 1194
41.By the Almshouse Window 1195
42.The Old Street Lamp 1195
43.The Neighbouring Families 1198
44.Little Tuk 1202
45.The Shadow 1204
46.The Old House 1209
47.The Drop of Water 1212
48.The Happy Family 1213
49.The Story of a Mother 1214
50.The Shirt Collar 1217
51.The Flax 1218
52.The Phoenix Bird 1219
53.A Story 1220
54.The Dumb Book 1222
55."There Is a Difference" 1223
56.The Old Gravestone 1224
57.The Loveliest Rose in the World 1225
58.The Story of the Year 1226
59.On the Last Day 1230
60."It's Quite True!" 1231
61.The Swan's Nest 1232
62.Good Humour 1233
63.A Great Grief 1235
64.Everything in Its Right Place 1236
65.The Goblin and the Huckster 1239
66.In a Thousand Years 1241
67.Under the Willow Tree 1241
68.Five Out of One Pod 1248
69.A Leaf From the Sky 1249
70.She Was Good for Nothing 1250
71.The Last Pearl 1254
72.Two Maidens 1255
73.In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea 1255
74.The Money-Pig 1256
75.Ib and Christine 1257
76.Jack the Dullard 1262
77.The Thorny Road of Honour 1264
78.The Jewish Girl 1266
79.The Bottle-Neck 1268
80.The Stone of the Wise Men 1272
81.Soup on a Sausage-Peg 1278
82.The Old Bachelor's Nightcap 1284
83.Something 1289
84.The Last Dream of the Old Oak Tree-A Christmas Tale 1292
85.The A.B.C.Book 1294
86.The Marsh King's Daughter 1296
87.The Racers 1311
88.The Bell-Deep 1313
89.The Wicked Prince 1314
90.The Wind Tells about Waldemar Daa and His Daughters 1315
91.The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf 1320
92.Ole the Tower-Keeper 1323
93.Anne Lisbeth 1326
94.Children's Prattle 1330
95.A String of Pearls 1331
96.The Pen and Inkstand 1333
97.The Child in the Grave 1334
98.The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock 1336
99.Charming 1337
100.A Story from the Sand-Dunes 1340
101.The Puppet Showman 1354
102.Two Brothers 1356
103.The Old Church Bell 1357
104.Twelve by the Mail 1358
105.The Beetle 1360
106.What the Old Man Does Is Right 1364
107.The Snow Man 1366
108.In the Duck-Yard 1368
109.The Muse of the New Century 1371
110.The Ice Maiden 1373
111.The Butterfly 1394
112.The Psyche 1395
113.The Snail and the Rose Tree 1400
114.The Windmill 1401
115.The Tea-Pot 1402
116."The Will-O'-The-Wisps Are in the Town,"Says the Moor-Woman 1403
117.The Silver Shilling 1408
118.The Bishop of B?rglum and His Kinsmen 1410
119.In the Nursery 1413
120.The Golden Treasure 1415
121.The Storm Shifts the Signs 1418
122.The Bird of Popular Song 1420
123.The Little Green Ones 1421
124.Brownie and the Dame 1422
125.Peter,Pete,and Peterkin 1424
126.Hidden Is Not Forgotten 1425
127.The Porter's Son 1427
128.Removing-Day 1434
129.The Snowdrop,or Summer-Geck 1435
130.Auntie 1437
131.The Toad 1439
132.Godfather's Picture-Book 1442
133.Good Luck Can Lie in a Pin 1451
134.The Comet 1452
135.The Days of the Week 1454
136.Sunshine's Stories 1455
137.Great-Grandfather 1456
138.The Candles 1458
139.The Most Incredible Thing 1459
140.What the Whole Family Said 1460
141.Dance,Dance,Doll of Mine 1461
142.The Great Sea-Serpent 1462
143.The Gardener and the Family 1466
144.The Rags 1469
145.V?n? and Gl?n? 1469
146.Who Was the Luckiest? 1470
147.The Dryad 1472
148.Poultry Meg's Family 1480
149.The Thistle's Experiences 1486
150.What One Can Invent 1487
151.The Flea and the Professor 1489
152.What Old Johanna Told 1490
153.The Door-Key 1496
154.The Cripple 1500
155.Auntie Toothache 1504
156.God Can Never Die 1508
157.The Talisman 1509
158.This Fable is Intended for You 1510
159.Croak! 1510
160.The Penmen 1511
161.The Court Cards 1511
162.Lucky Pee 1513
163.A Picture Book Without Pictures 1544
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