- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:人民教育出版社编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7107154850
- 页数:370 页
1 Madame Curie The Attributive Clause Certainty & uncertainty 25
2 Captain Cook The-ing Form Decision & insistence 32
3 Australia The-ing Form Prohibition and warnings 39
4 Feed the world Noun Clauses Offers and responses Taking meals 46
5 Advertising The Past Participles Agreement & disagreement 53
6 Mainly revision 59
7 Angkor Wat Verb Tenses Obligation 65
8 A person of great determination Verb Tenses Apologies & regrets 72
9 Gymnastics Agreement & Object Clauses Seeing the doctor 79
10 The trick Indirect Speech Prediction & conjecture 86
11 The Merchant of Venice The Infinitive 94
12 Mainly revision 100
13 The USA The Subject Offers and responses 105
14 Roots The use of"it" Intentions and wishes 113
15 Study skills The Predicate Invitations and responses 119
16 Social and personal The Passive Voice Apologies and regrets 125
17 My teacher The Predicative Asking for permission 131
18 Office equipment The Predicative Phone calls and messages 137
19 New Zealand The Object Giving advice & making suggestions 143
20 Gandhi The Object Complement Determination,decision & insistence 149
21 Who gets the money? The Attribute Possibility & impossibility 155
22 Bees The Attributive & Appositive Clauses Prohibitions & warnings 161
23 The find of the century The Adverbial Conjecture & belief 166
24 Finding a job The Adverbial Clause Making appointments 172
1 Madame Curie 177
2 Captain Cook 183
3 The discovery of Australia Australia 189
4 Feed the world 196
5 Advertising 202
6 Dealing with waste The throw-away society Recycling waste 206
7 Angkor Wat 211
8 A person of great determination 216
9 Gymnastics A gymnastics competition 225
10 The trick 230
11 The Merchant of Venice 233
12 Winter sleep 238
13 New York The bison on the plains of America 241
14 Journey into the unknown Roots 248
15 On Reading The art of being a good listener 253
16 Part-time jobs Letters 257
17 My teacher 260
18 The office What caused the fire? 264
19 The Maori of New Zealand New Zealand 271
20 Gandhi:his life Gandhi:his beliefs 276
21 A problem for the detective 283
22 The language of honey bees 287
23 Discovery 293
24 Work and study 300
Appendix(附录) 305
Translation of the reading texts(阅读课文译文) 305
Key to exercises in the Workbook(练习册中部分练习的答案) 343
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