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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7533869788
  • 页数:204 页
图书介绍:本书是从美国培生教育出版集团引进的英文原版Science Explorer(科学探索者)丛书。本册为“细胞与遗传”。
标签:遗传 细胞

Nature of Science:Unlocking the Secrets of Cells 14

Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function 18

1 Discovering Cells 20

2 Looking Inside Cells 27

3 Integrating Chemistry:Chemical Compounds in Cells 37

4 The Cell in Its Environment 44

Chapter 2 Cell Processes and Energy 52

1 Photosynthesis 54

2 Respiration 59

3 Cell Division 65

4 Integrating Health:Cancer 74

Chapter 3 Genetics:The Science of Heredity 82

1 Mendel's Work 84

2 Integrating Mathematics:Probability and Genetics 92

3 The Cell and Inheritance 100

4 The DNA Connection 105

Chapter 4 Modern Genetics 114

1 Human Inheritance 116

2 Human Genetic Disorders 123

3 Integrating Technology:Advances in Genetics 130

Chapter 5 Changes Over Time 142

1 Darwin's Voyage 144

2 Integrating Earth Science:The Fossil Record 155

3 Other Evidence for Evolution 163

Interdisciplinary Exploration:Dogs—Loyal Companions 172

Reference Section 178

Skills Handbook 178

Think Like a Scientist 178

Making Measurements 180

Conducting a Scientific Investigation 182

Thinking Critically 184

Organizing Information 186

Creating Data Tables and Graphs 188

Appendix A:Laboratory Safety 191

Appendix B:Using the Microscope 194

Glossary 196

Index 200

Acknowledgments 204

Inquiry Activities 19


Opportunities for long-term inquiry 19

Chapter 1:Egg-speriment With a Cell 19

Chapter 2:Shine On! 53

Chapter 3:All in the Family 83

Chapter 4:A Family Portrait 115

Chapter 5:Life's Long Calendar 143


Exploration and inquiry before reading 20

Is Seeing Believing? 20

How Large Are Cells? 27

What Is a Compound? 37

How Do Molecules Move? 44

Where Does the Energy Come From? 54

What Is a Product of Respiration? 59

What Are the Cells Doing? 65

What Happens When There Are Too Many Cells? 74

What Does the Father Look Like? 84

What's the Chance? 92

Which Chromosome Is Which? 100

Can You Crack the Code? 105

How Tall Is Tall? 116

How Many Chromosomes? 123

What Do Fingerprints Reveal? 130

How Do Living Things Vary? 144

What Can You Learn From Fossils? 155

How Can You Classify Species? 163

Sharpen your Skills 25

Practice of specific science inquiry skills 25

Observing 25

Inferring 56

Interpreting Data 70

Predicting 107

Communicating 135

Inferring 149

Calculating 158

Drawing Conclusions 164

? 33

Reinforcement of key concepts 33

Gelatin Cell 33

What's That Taste? 39

Diffusion in Action 46

Modeling Mitosis 67

Coin Crosses 95

The Eyes Have It 118

Girl or Boy? 120

Bird Beak Adaptations 147

Preservation in Ice 157

Skills Lab 36

In-depth practice of inquiry skills 36

A Magnified View of Life 36

Multiplying by Dividing 73

Take a Class Survey 90

Make the Right Call! 98

Nature at Work 150

Telltale Molecules 168

Real-World Lad 42

Everyday application of science concepts 42

What's in Your Lunch? 42

Gases in Balance 64

Family Puzzles 128

Guilty or Innocent? 138

Interdisciplinary Activities 22

Science and History 22

The Microscope—Improvements Over Time 22

Science and Society 78

Who Owns Your Cells? 78

Who Should Have Access to Genetic Test Results? 137

Connection 29

Language Arts 29

Social Studies 62

Language Arts 86

Math Toolbox 93

Social Studies 125

Social Studies 152


Visual exploration of concepts 30

Plant and Animal Cells 30

The Cell Cycle 68

Meiosis 103

Protein Synthesis 108

A Pedigree 122

Genetic Engineering 133

Life's History 160
