- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:祖凤霞著
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787207080325
- 页数:209 页
Part One Theories of vocabulary learning 1
1.The general development in vocabulary learning 1
2.The major principles of vocabulary learning 4
3.The mother tongue in vocabulary learning 19
4.The current trends in vocabulary learning 26
Part Two Strategies of vocabulary learning 32
1.Studies of vocabulary learning strategies 32
2.Different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies 32
3.Strategies for discovering the meaning of words 34
4.Strategies for consolidating the meaning of words 36
5.Vocabulary learning strategies recommended 40
6.Vocabulary and dictionaries 45
7.Vocabulary and contexts 50
8.Vocabulary and reading 72
Part Three Approaches to Vocabulary Learning 78
1.Awareness of vocabulary learning 78
2.Awareness of vocabulary learnability 84
3.The knowledge of vocabulary 87
4.The meaning of words 100
5.Acquiring word meaning 106
6.Learning new words 111
7.Remembering new words 114
8.Vocabulary notebooks 119
Part Four Techniques of Vocabulary Learning 130
1.Learning vocabulary in collocations 130
2.Learning vocabulary in idioms 132
3.Learning vocabulary in everyday expressions 133
4.Learning vocabulary in binomials 135
5.Learning vocabulary in proverbs 136
6.Learning vocabulary in phrasal verbs 138
7.Learning vocabulary in compound words 140
8.Learning vocabulary in word families 145
9.Learning vocabulary in categories 146
10.Learning the synonyms of the words 147
11.Learning the antonyms of the words 148
12.Learning the homonymy of the words 149
13.Learning vocabulary with new words 152
14.Learning vocabulary in abbreviation 153
15.Learning the parts of speech of words 154
16.Learning vocabulary with prefixes 155
17.Learning vocabulary with suffixes 157
18.Learning vocabulary with word stems 160
Part Five Activities of Vocabulang learning 161
1.Word bag 161
2.Word tour 161
3.Word clip 162
4.Word network 163
5.Word scales 164
6.Word grids 164
7.Semantic maps 165
8.Part-whole relations 166
9.Making association 166
Appendix 1 167
Appendix 2 182
Appendix 3 196
References 200
Postface 208
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