- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)卡尔甘(Cargan,L.)编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7301071302
- 页数:291 页
Chapter 1 The Sociological Perspective:Is It Just Common Sense 3
1.What Is a Social Fact?,Emile Durkheim 6
2.The Promise,C.Wright Mills 11
3.Some Sociological Aspects of HIV Disease,Edward L.Kain 17
4.The Practice of Social Research,Earl Babbie 24
5.An Invitation to Sociology,Peter L.Berger 31
Chapter 2 Socialization and Gender:A Lifelong Learning Process 37
6.Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation,Kingsley Davis 40
7.The National Television Violence Study:Key Findings and Recommendations 46
8.Beauty and the Beast of Advertising,Jean Kilbourne 49
9.Real Boys:Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood,William Pollack 51
10.The Role of Gender Socialization in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa,Diane E.Taub and Penelope A.McLorg 56
Chapter 3 Culture:Why We Do Things the Way We Do 65
11.Body Ritual Among the Nacirema,Horace Miner 67
12.India's Sacred Cow,Marvin Harris 71
13.A Half Century of Mate Preferences:The Cultural Evolution of Values,David M.Buss,Todd K.Shackelford,Lee A.Kirkpatrick,and Randy J.Larsen 77
14.Domestic Violence Against Women:A Contemporary Issue in International Health,Ruth L.Fishbach and Elizabeth Donnelly 81
Chapter 4 Social Interaction and Social Structure:Life Is with People 95
15.The Sounds of Silence,Edward T.Hall and Mildred Reed Hall 97
16.The Differences Between Women's and Men's Friendships,Julia T.Wood 104
17.Backboards&Blackboards:College Athletes and Role Engulfment,Patricia A.Adler and Peter Adler 108
18.An Introduction to McDonaldization,George Ritzer 118
Chapter 5 Stratification:Some Are More Equal than Others 126
19.Money and the World We Want,Andrew Hacker 128
20.Upper-Class Power,Harold R.Kerbo 135
21.Class,Not Race,Richard Kahlenberg 144
22.No,Poverty Has Not Disappeared,Herbert J.Gans 150
Chapter 6 Families:Diversity and Change 159
23.Family in Transition,Arlene S.Skolnick and Jerome H.Skolnick 161
24.Social Structure,Families,and Children,Leonard Beeghley 168
25.An Overview of the Nature,Causes,and Consequences of Abusive Family Relationships,Robert E.Emery and Lisa Laumann-Billings 180
26.An Agenda for Family Policy in the United States,George T.Martin,Jr 184
Chapter 7 Education:Institution in the Crossfire 192
27.Learning the Student Role:Kindergarten as Academic Boot Camp,Harry L.Gracey 194
28.Sandbox Society:Summary Analysis,Sally Lubeck 204
29.Savage Inequalities:Children in America's Schools,Jonathan Kozol 211
30.Deepening Segregation in American Public Schools,Gary Orfield,Mark D.Bachmeier,David R.James,and Tamela Eitle 215
31.School House Hype:School Shootings and the Real Risks Kids Face in America,Elizabeth Donohue,Vincent Schiraldi,and Jason Ziedenberg 225
Chapter 8 Religion:The Supernatural and Society 232
32.The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life,Emile Durkheim 234
33.Motivation and Ideology:What Drives the Anti-Abortion Movement...,Dallas A.Blanchard 238
34.Insane Therapy,Marybeth F.Ayella 246
35.Religion in Post-Protestant America,Peter L.Berger 253
Chapter 9 Economics:Necessities for Survival 261
36.The Jobless Future?,Stanley Aranowitz and William DiFazio 263
37.A Broader Vision:Social Policy Options in Cross-National Perspective,William Julius Wilson 274
38.Welfare Reform in America:A Clash of Politics and Research,Diana M.Zuckerman 277
39.The Credit Card:Private Trou bles and Public Issues,George Ritzer 283
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