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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:修月祯主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787563716531
  • 页数:262 页

Unit 1 经济 1

Part 1 Textsfor Interpreting in Class 1

Passage 1 2004年宏观调控评价及深化经济改革须解决的体制性根源 3

Passage 2 在第104届中国进出口商品交易会新闻发布会上的讲话 4

Passage 3 China's Economic Development 5

Passage 4 US President's Radio Address on Economy 7

Key to Passages 1-4 9

Part 2 Practice after Class 15

Exercise 1 薄熙来部长在第九届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会开幕式上的致辞 15

Key to Exercise 1 16

Exercise 2 Rogers:Investment in China 16

Key to Exercise 2 19

Unit 2 工业 23

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 23

Passage 1 抓住有利时机,深化经济体制改革 27

Passage 2 中国工业概况 28

Passage 3 Internet Industry in China 29

Passage 4 How Did Dell Computer Choose Its Strategy? 30

Key to Passages 1-4 32

Part 2 Practice after Class 36

Exercise 1 The Corporation 36

Key to Exercise 1 38

Exercise 2 How do Enterprises Make Profits on the World Market? 38

Key to Exercise 2 41

Unit 3 农业 44

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 44

Passage 1 进一步加强“三农”工作 46

Passage 2 International Year of Rice 47

Passage 3 Walfensen:Between the Rich and the Poor 48

Passage 4 The World Food Program's Global Commitment 50

Key to Passages 1-4 52

Part 2 Practice after Class 57

Exercise 1 中国农村改革和发展的长远计划 57

Key to Exercise 1 58

Exercise 2 WTO Ruling on American Cotton Subsidies 59

Key to Exercise 2 60

Exercise 3 Is China Facing Grain Crisis? 61

Key to Exercise 3 63

Unit 4 国际贸易 66

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 66

Passage 1 商务部部长薄熙来出席国务院新闻发布会 68

Passage 2 Pros and Cons of Free Trade 70

Passage 3 Deficits and the Dollar 72

Key to Passages 1-3 73

Part 2 Practice after Class 79

Exercise 1 回应欧盟对中国纺织品进口设限 79

Key to Exercise 1 80

Exercise 2 Peter Mandelson:EU's Agriculture Policies in Sino-EU Trade 82

Key to Exercise 2 84

Exercise 3 China's Business Climate for US Firms 85

Key to Exercise 3 87

Unit 5 国际合作 89

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 89

Passage 1 吴仪副总理在中美知识产权圆桌会议上的讲话(节选) 90

Passage 2 中俄能源合作 91

Passage 3 Sino-EU Economic and Trade Cooperation 92

Passage 4 Review of Sino-US Economic and Trade Cooperation 94

Key to Passages 1-4 95

Part 2 Practice after Class 98

Exercise 1 The Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Canada 98

Key to Exercise 1 100

Exercise 2 Sino-Australia Economic Cooperation 101

Key to Exercise 2 103

Unit 6 营销管理 105

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 105

Passage 1 什么是营销? 107

Passage 2 Michael Porter:Choosing the Right Strategy 108

Passage 3 Chinese Brands 111

Passage 4 The Third Skin 113

Key to Passages 1-4 116

Part 2 Practice after Class 121

Exercise 1 加速制定反托拉斯法 121

Key to Exercise 1 122

Exercise 2 The Positioning of Chinese Local Brands 124

Key to Exercise 2 126

Unit 7 旅游 129

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 129

Passage 1 主题旅游 132

Passage 2 温家宝总理在世界旅游组织第15届全体大会开幕式上的讲话 133

Passage 3 Zheng He's Voyages 134

Passage 4 Speech of Bill Clinton on Tsunami Strike 136

Key to Passages 1-4 138

Part 2 Practice after Class 144

Exercise 1 中国提前两年放开外商独资旅游业务 144

Key to Exercise 1 145

Exercise 2 Olympic Economy 147

Key to Exercise 2 149

Unit 8 金融 153

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 153

Passage 1 国有商业银行改革 155

Passage 2 Snow on Exchange Rate 156

Passage 3 Three Roles of the Fed 158

Key to Passages 1-3 161

Part 2 Practice after Class 165

Exercise 1 外资银行获准发行人民币债券 165

Key to Exercise 1 166

Exercise 2 American Banker's View of China 167

Key to Exercise 2 170

Exercise 3 Roche on Different China 171

Key to Exercise 3 174

Unit 9 商业运营 178

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 178

Passage 1 柳传志在联想正式收购IBM全球PC业务时的讲话 179

Passage 2 Face to Face with a Computer Wizard&CEO 180

Passage 3 Housing Boom or Bubble? 182

Key to Passages 1-3 183

Part 2 Practice after Class 187

Exercise 1 An Interview with Fu Chengyu 187

Key to Exercise 1 189

Exercise 2 A Letter to All the IBM Staff from the CEO of the IBM Corporatian 191

Key to Exercise 2 193

Exercise 3 Coca-Cola's CEO 194

Key to Exercise 3 195

Unit 10 可持续发展 198

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 198

Passage 1 携手开创未来,推动合作共赢 202

Passage 2 胡锦涛主席在美国耶鲁大学的演讲 203

Passage 3 Environmental Protection 204

Passage 4 President Bush Celebrates the Earth Day 206

Key to Passages 1-4 208

Part 2 Practice after Class 214

Exercise 1 Secretary-General's Vedio Message to the"Citizens of the Earth:The Paris Conference for Global Ecological Governance" 214

Key to Exercise 1 215

Exercise 2 A Speech by the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the 2005 World Water Day 216

Key to Exercise 2 217

Unit 11 物流 220

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 220

Passage 1 物流产业的特点 221

Passage 2 傅自应部长助理在国际仓储与物流协会联盟2005年大会上的讲话 222

Passage 3 Doing Business with the UN:To Be UN Suppliers(2) 223

Passage 4 对话UPS 226

Key to Passages 1-4 230

Part 2 Practice after Class 236

Exercise 1 Global Transport and Logistics Companies Eye Chinese Market 236

Key to Exercise 1 238

Exercise 2 迎接物流业在中国的腾飞 239

Key to Exercise 2 240

Exercise 3 China Logistics Firm Enters Latin America 242

Key to Exercise 3 243

Exercise 4 Doing Business with the UN(1) 243

Key to Exercise 4 246

Unit 12 IT行业 249

Part 1 Texts for Interpreting in Class 249

Passage 1 互联网的新机遇 250

Passage 2 Lenovo of China Moves Up in the Computer World with IBM Purchase 251

Passage 3 Google to Put Millions of Books on the Internet 252

Key to Passages 1-3 253

Part 2 Practice after Class 256

Exercises 1 Google加强对中国市场的争夺 256

Key to Exercise 1 257

Exercise 2 Implementing E-Government 259

Key to Exercise 2 260

Exercise 3 Alibaba and Yahoo!Form Strategic Partnership 260

Key to Exercise 3 261
