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高级英语阅读教程  修订版
高级英语阅读教程  修订版

高级英语阅读教程 修订版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:施发敏主编
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787301133842
  • 页数:320 页
《高级英语阅读教程 修订版》目录

Unit One Foreign Culture 异域风情 1

Passage 1 The Oldest City on Earth 1

Passage 2 Christmas in New Zealand 8

Passage 3 New York’s Chinatown 11

Passage 4 The Dolphin That Came to Stay 14

Unit Two Environment 环境家园 18

Passage 1 How Trees Are Killing Our Rivers 18

Passage 2 Fiddling While the World Burns 24

Passage 3 Citizens Can Do Something about Climate Change 27

Passage 4 Trashed Tech:Where Do Old Cell Phones,TVs and PCs Go to Die? 30

Unit Three Economy 经济视野 34

Passage 1 China’s Booming Economy:Do the Risks Outweigh the Opportunities? 34

Passage 2 A Global Love Affair 39

Passage 3 Go Ahead and Save.Let the Government Spend 42

Passage 4 Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St.Bonuses 45

Unit Four Computer and Internet 网络传媒 49

Passage 1 The Keyboard Kids 49

Passage 2 Meet the Chipsons 54

Passage 3 Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios 58

Passage 4 Not Everyone Is Cheering as Wi-Fi Takes to the Air 62

Unit Five Medicine 医药健康 66

Passage 1 The Sleep Cure 66

Passage 2 Lifting the Curtain on Depression 73

Passage 3 AIDS:What It Is Not 76

Passage 4 Why People Get Sick 80

Unit Six Social Issues 社会长廊 83

Passage 1 The“Thrill”of Theft 83

Passage 2 Latent Corruption and Bribery in the U.S 89

Passage 3 Alcohol’s TV Flirtation More than a Threat 93

Passage 4 Bringing Up Adolescents 97

Unit Seven Sports 体育世界 103

Passage 1 A National Undertaking—Sports 103

Passage 2 China’s Olympics(Ⅰ) 109

Passage 3 China’s Olympics(Ⅱ) 113

Passage 4 Soccer Gets Sexy 116

Unit Eight Entertainment 休闲娱乐 120

Passage 1 Girls Just Wanna Have Guns 120

Passage 2 The Biggest Summer 126

Passage 3 Channel Surfing 130

Passage 4 Bullfighting in Spain 133

Unit Nine Literature 文学欣赏 137

Passage 1 Harry Potter:The End Is Here 137

Passage 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(CHAPTERXV)The Goblin’s Revenge 143

Passage 3 Review on A Farewell to Arms 147

Passage 4 A Farewell to Arms(CHAPTERXLI) 151

Unit Ten Biology 生物掠影 156

Passage 1 The Biotech Century—Playing Ecological Roulette with Mother Nature’s Designs 156

Passage 2 Larks and Owls:The Inner Clock That Rules Our Lives 163

Passage 3 Here,Kitty,Kitty 167

Passage 4 Does Biodiversity Matter? 171

Unit Eleven History and Civilization 历史管窥 176

Passage 1 Napoleonic Europe—1799-1815 176

Passage 2 Rise of Civilizations and Empires 185

Passage 3 The Crusades 189

Passage 4 Elizabethan Age 192

Unit Twelve Education 教育天地 198

Passage 1 The Aims of Education 198

Passage 2 Head Start 204

Passage 3 Test Drive 209

Passage 4 Private School under Siege 213

Unit Thirteen Great Names 风云人物 218

Passage 1 Little Sister of the Poor 218

Passage 2 Julius Caesar 225

Passage 3 Dr.Carl G.Jung:Pioneer in Analytic Psychology 229

Passage 4 The Kennedy Family and Classical Themes 234

Unit Fourteen Archaeology 考古寻秘 239

Passage 1 Discovering the New Rome 239

Passage 2 The Treasures of King Tut’s Tomb 246

Passage 3 The Trojan Horse and Helen of Troy:Fact or Fiction? 250

Passage 4 Turning Points:Maya Archeology Comes of Age 254

Unit Fifteen Space and Discovery 宇宙探索 259

Passage 1 The Sun—Living with a Stormy Star 259

Passage 2 The New History of Black Holes:Co-evolution Dramatically Alters Dark Reputation 265

Passage 3 Exotic Earths 268

Passage 4 Auroras:What Powers the Greatest Light Show on Earth? 271

Unit Sixteen Philosophy 哲学经典 276

Passage 1 Nietzsche 276

Passage 2 Plato 284

Passage 3 Hegel 289

Passage 4 Existentialism and Sartre 292

Keys to Exercises 练习答案 297

References 319
