敦煌 2002年卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高平主编
- 出 版 社:兰州:敦煌文艺出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7805876304
- 页数:176 页
Reviewing classics: 3
Columns of Dunhuang's poems: 3
Three metaphors and other& Liu yun 3
All that exists is to be over&Li yuan sheng 6
A cigarette with mint's smell& Che qian zi 15
A painting of Van Gogh:A crow on the wheat field& Zhang hai long 32
New works from the well-known poet: 37
Water's concerning& Miao de yu 37
An altar to call the muster-roll: 39
Novel's details& Yang yang 39
A cavern to collect scriptures: 93
A Sunny place: 93
A group of poems from school yard: 93
The selected poems from foreign countries: 93
Charles bukowski's poems& translated by Lao G,Yi sha 93
A focus on the poetic circle: 98
Caress and pain& Da wu,Ma li 98
Dunhuang forum: 108
On Haizi& Tan wu chang 108
Three primary colours: 144
Poetics and anthropology& Zhuang kong shao 144
Long lens: 158
Changyao,beloved!& Er ya 158
A poet's note: 170
Desultory meditation on the beauties of poetry& Xiao xue 170
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- 《郑杭生主编《社会学概论新修》学习笔记与课后题详解 第4版》郑杭生主编;杨敏,王道勇副主编 2014
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- 《北京审计学会主编怎样查帐和调帐》刘大贤,傅磊 1990
- 《许国璋主编 英语自学手册 第3册》石孝殊主编 1985
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- 《许国璋主编英语第1册 1979年重印本 练习答案》赵厚宪编 1982