- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴冰著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560093581
- 页数:423 页
Unit 1 Tourism in China 1
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 1
1.China—A Tourist Attraction 1
2.Beijing Today and Yesterday 1
3.The Great Wall 4
4.The Temple of Heaven 5
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 6
Ⅲ.Language Notes 12
1.“世界第八奇观” 12
2.“解放”怎么译? 12
3.表示地理位置时用的介词in,to和of 12
4.一些中国特有的词组、用语的翻译 12
5.地名的译法 12
6.口译时中国计量单位的换算 13
7.Beijing还是Peking? 13
8.倍数表达法 13
9.同义词、近义词辨析 13
(1)road,street,avenue,boulevard,lane,alley,thoroughfare,expressway,freeway 13
(2)construction,building,structure 13
(3)site,scene,locale 14
(4)pillar,column 14
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 15
1.口译课的目的 15
2.口译课的特点 15
3.记忆力是口译工作者应注意培养的基本功 16
Unit 2 Sports 17
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 17
1.Sports in China:A General Review 17
2.Mass Participation and the National Fitness Program 18
3.Traditional Sports 20
(1)Wushu 20
(2)Qigong 21
4.Beijing Olympic Games 22
5.Sports Industry 23
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 24
Ⅲ.Language Notes 35
1.record一词的搭配法 35
2.“得冠军”、“得奖牌”的表达法 35
3.体育运动中的“实力”、“强项”怎么译? 35
4.“黑马”为什么是“dark”horse? 36
5.“体育”用来修饰其他名词时,英语可用sports或sporting表达 36
6.“运动员”的表达法 37
7.“排名第&”怎么说? 37
8.同义词、近义词辨析 37
(1)physique,constitution 37
(2)practice,exercise(1) 37
(3)facility,equipment 38
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 39
口译的类型和标准 39
Unit 3 Education 41
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 41
1.Education in China—A General Introduction 41
2.Major Types of Education in China 42
(1)Basic Education 42
(2)Vocational Education 43
(3)Higher Education 44
(4)Adult Education 45
3.Special Areas and Issues in China's Education 46
(1)Education in Rural Areas 46
(2)Private Education 47
(3)Special Education 47
(4)Modern Distance Education and Lifelong Learning 48
(5)Education Equity 48
4.The New Zhejiang University 49
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 51
Ⅲ.Language Notes 61
1.education一词的搭配法 61
2.school一词的搭配法 61
3.“举办”、“主办”怎么译? 62
4.“培养(人才)”怎么译? 62
5.program一词的意思 62
6.同义词、近义词辨析 63
(1)law,rule,regulation 63
(2)class,course 63
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 65
译员的素质 65
Unit 4 Women and Minors 67
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 67
1.Chinese Women Holding Up Half of the Sky 67
(1)Women's Participation in Political Affairs 68
(2)Women's involvement in Industrial and Agricultural Production 68
(3)Women's Role in Domains of Science and Technology 69
(4)Education for Women 69
2.Chinese Laws Protect Minors 70
(1)Guiding Principles for the Protection of Minors 71
(2)Protection in the Family 71
(3)Protection in School 71
(4)Protection in Society 71
(5)Judicial Protection 72
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 73
Ⅲ.Language Notes 79
1.构成百分比的表达法 79
2.“平等”、“不平等”如何表达? 79
3.“参政”、“参与国事”怎么译? 80
4.-minded和-spirited构成的复合词 80
5.“聋哑和智障儿童”的一种新的表达法 80
6.一些职务的参考译法 80
7.同义词、近义词辨析 81
(1)emancipation,liberation 81
(2)eradicate,eliminate,uproot,exterminate,wipe out 82
(3)deputy,delegate,representative 83
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 84
口译译员应通晓外事社交礼节,遵守涉外行为规范 84
Unit 5 The Elderly and the Family 87
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 87
1.Characteristics of the Aging of Population in China 87
2.The Work on Aging in China 87
3.The Chinese Family and Family Life 89
(1)Family Patterns 89
(2)Family Life 89
(3)The Five-Good Family Campaign 90
4.Traditional Ethics and Contemporary Marriage 90
(1)Traditional Ethics 90
(2)Marriage and Divorce 91
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 93
Ⅲ.Language Notes 98
1.standard一词的搭配法 98
2.change一词的搭配法 98
3.“老人”怎么译? 99
4.“&岁以上/以下”的表达法 99
5.我国政权机关各级地区的参考译法 99
6.同义词、近义词辨析 99
(1)city,municipality,town,township 99
(2)family,household 99
(3)alter,change 100
(4)movement,campaign 100
(5)obligation,duty 100
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 101
口译中的理解 101
Unit 6 Population and Development 103
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 103
1.China:A Developing Country with the Largest Population in the World 103
2.General Characteristics of China's Population 103
(1)A Still Predominantly Rural Population 103
(2)Uneven Population Distribution 103
(3)A Large Base Figure with an Increasing Aging Population 104
(4)A Steady Increase in the Population of Ethnic Groups 104
3.Family Planning in China 104
(1)Strict Control of Population Growth and Family Planning 104
(2)Publicity and Education 106
(3)Economic Incentives 107
(4)Technical Guidance in Birth Control 108
4.Effects of the Implementation of Family Planning Program 108
(1)Excessive Population Growth Brought Under Effective Control 108
(2)Marked Improvement in Level of Education 109
(3)Aging Before Getting Rich 109
5.A Call for a Transition from"Aging Before Getting Rich"to"Aging While Getting Rich" 110
6.Challenges to Be Faced in the Next Few Decades 111
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 112
Ⅲ.Language Notes 117
1.population一词的搭配法 117
2.“达到(数字)”怎么译? 117
3.“照顾”怎么译? 118
4.“考虑”怎么译? 118
5.“宣传”、“传播”、“普及”、“推广”怎么译? 119
6.achieve作及物动词的种种用法 119
7.百分率(percent)与百分点(percentage point) 120
8.同义词、近义词辨析 120
(1)allot,allocate,distribute 120
(2)ensure,guarantee 121
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 123
记笔记是口译工作者应注意培养的基本功 123
Unit 7 China's Minority Ethnic Groups 125
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 125
1.China—A Nation of Many Ethnic Groups 125
2.China's Policies on Ethnic Groups 126
3.China's 56 Ethnic Groups 127
4.The Democratic Reform,Socialist Transformation,and Ethnic Autonomy 129
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 131
Ⅲ.Language Notes 140
1.unity一词的搭配法 140
2.movement一词的搭配法 140
3.“民族”、“少数民族”怎么译? 140
4.practice作及物动词的种种用法 140
5.表示“享有”的enjoy 141
6.同义词、近义词辨析 141
(1)unity,solidarity 141
(2)relation,relationship 142
(3)characteristic,feature 142
(4)decide,determine 143
(5)historic,historical 143
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 144
如何记笔记 144
Unit 8 Religion 149
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 149
1.Freedom of Religious Belief in China—Facts and Policies 149
2.Religious Beliefs of the Peoples in China 151
(1)Buddhism 151
(2)Taoism 153
(3)Islam 154
(4)Catholicism 154
(5)Protestantism 155
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 156
Ⅲ.Language Notes 166
1.influence一词的搭配法 166
2.activity一词的搭配法 166
3.policy一词的搭配法 167
4.“恢复”怎么译? 168
5.同义词、近义词辨析 168
(1)influence,impact 168
(2)abrogate,abolish 169
(3)declare,announce,proclaim 169
(4)compel,force 170
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 171
数字的汉英互译是口译工作者应注意培养的基本功 171
Unit 9 Medicine 175
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 175
1.China's Health Care System 175
2.Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) 176
3.Theoretic Framework,Diagnosis and Pharmacology of TCM 177
4.Beijing Friendship Hospital 180
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 181
Ⅲ.Language Notes 194
1.network一词的搭配法 194
2.regulation一词的搭配法 194
3.result一词的搭配法 194
4.“病人”的表达法 195
5.增、减、获得、产生、损坏“抵抗力”的表达法 195
6.cover表示“支付”的用法 195
7.develop一词的多种含义 196
8.-conscious构成的复合词 197
9.“上升”和“下降”的表达法 197
10.“机关”、“机构”怎么译? 198
11.同义词、近义词辨析 198
(1)hygiene,sanitation 198
(2)spread,disseminate,propagate 199
(3)disease,sickness,illness,ailment,malady 199
(4)effect,result,consequence,outcome 200
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 201
1.如何做数字的笔记 201
2.笼统数字的译法 202
3.对“序数”提问的译法 202
Unit 10 Industry 203
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 203
1.Industry in China:An Overview 203
(1)Heavy Industry 204
(2)Light Industry 205
2.China's Space Industry Takes Off 206
3.Haier Striving to Create Global Brand Name 207
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 209
Ⅲ.Language Notes 217
1.system一词的搭配法 217
2.“生产”、“产量”、“产品”的各种表达法 217
3.operation一词的意思 219
4.capacity一词的意思 219
5.日本人名的译法值得特别注意 219
6.同义词、近义词辨析 220
(1)factory,plant,works,mill,complex 220
(2)foundation,base,basis 220
(3)energy,power 221
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 222
口译中的表达 222
Unit 11 Agriculture and Rural Economy 223
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 223
1.China's Rural Reform 223
(1)Agriculture—the Foundation of China's Economic Development 223
(2)Ups and Downs in China's Agricultural Production 223
(3)Policies and Measures for Rural Reform 224
(4)The Household Contract Responsibility System 225
(5)The Second Period of the Rural Reform from 1985 Onward 225
2.Food Security in China 226
(1)New China Has Solved the Problem of Feeding Its People 226
(2)Future Food Demand in China 227
(3)China Can Ensure Food Security Relying on Domestic Production 228
3.Township Enterprises 229
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 231
Ⅲ.Language Notes 236
1.attention一词的搭配法 236
2.measure一词的搭配法 236
3.“提高”的表达法 237
4.“增产/减产”的表达法 237
5.food security和food safety 238
6.“农药”的译法 238
7.“品种”的译法 239
8.“水果蔬菜”的译法 239
9.同义词、近义词辨析 239
(1)peasant,farmer 239
(2)agriculture,farming 239
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 240
口译使用的语言 240
Unit 12 The Opening-up and the Foreign Trade 241
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 241
1.China's Foreign Economic Relations and Trade 241
(1)Foreign Trade 241
(2)Utilizing Foreign Capital 241
(3)Overseas Investment 242
2.China's Participation in International Cooperation 243
(1)China and WTO 243
(2)China and APEC 244
3.Special Economic Zones and the Development of Western China 244
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 247
Ⅲ.Language Notes 256
1.trade一词的搭配法 256
2.market一词的搭配法 256
3.profit一词的搭配法 257
4.“参加”、“参与”怎么译? 258
5.动词expand的用法 258
6.动词involve的意思 259
7.同义词、近义词辨析 259
(1)figure,number 259
(2)help,aid,assist 260
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 261
口语体语音、语法、词汇和句子结构的特点 261
Unit 13 Science and Technology 265
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 265
1.Development of Science and Technology in China 265
2.Enhance China's Capacity for Independent Innovation and Make China an Innovative Country 266
3.China's Space Activities 267
4.Contributions by Ancient China 269
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 270
Ⅲ.Language Notes 277
1.plan一词的搭配法 277
2.level一词的搭配法 277
3.ability一词的搭配法 278
4.“科研机构/单位”、“科研人员”的表达法 278
5.“单位”怎么译? 278
6.同义词、近义词辨析 279
(1)institute,institution 279
(2)technique,technology 279
(3)personnel,staff,employee,human resources 280
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 282
值得口译译员注意的汉、英文体差异 282
Unit 14 Economic Development and Reform 285
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 285
1.Economic Development in China 285
(1)Introduction 285
(2)Establishment of Diversified Ownerships 285
(3)Better Coordinated Economic Structure 286
(4)Economic Restructuring 286
2.China's 10th Five-Year Plan(2001-2005) 287
(1)Proposal for Formulating the 10th Five-Year Plan(2001-2005)for National Economic and Social Development 287
(2)Guiding Principles of the Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan 288
3.Private Sector 289
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 291
Ⅲ.Language Notes 298
1.reform一词的搭配法 298
2.goal一词的搭配法 298
3.effort(s)一词的搭配法 299
4.“改革开放”、“改革开放以来”的表达法 299
5.“个体和私营经济成分”为什么译作private sector? 300
6.“加快”、“加速”怎么译? 300
7.“坚持”怎么译? 300
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 302
口译译员的应变能力 302
Unit 15 Environmental Protection 303
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 303
1.Environmental Situation in China 303
(1)Development of Environmental Protection During the 10th Five-Year Plan Period 303
(2)Environmental Situation Still Grave 303
(3)Environmental Protection Work Entering New Stage 304
2.Mission for China's Ministry of Environmental Protection 305
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 308
Ⅲ.Language Notes 316
1.cooperation一词的搭配法 316
2.development一词的搭配法 316
3.problem一词的搭配法 317
4.management一词的搭配法 318
5.表示“恶化”的degradation和deterioration 319
6.同义词、近义词辨析 319
(1)area,region,zone,belt 319
(2)contamination,pollution 320
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 321
译员对说话人以及自己错误的处理 321
Unit 16 China's Foreign Policy 323
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 323
1.Unswervingly Following the Path of Peaceful Development 323
2.China's Independent Foreign Policy of Peace 325
3.The Thesis of Peace,Development and Cooperation Is an Enrichment and Development of China's Independent Foreign Policy of Peace 327
4.Adhere to Opening-up and Cooperation and Pursue Win-Win Progress 329
5.China's Stand on South-South Cooperation 329
6.Asia-Europe Cooperation 330
7.China's Diplomatic Achievements over the Past 30 Years 331
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 334
Ⅲ.Language Notes 346
1.relation一词的搭配法 346
2.principle一词的搭配法 346
3.friendship一词的搭配法 347
4.“主张”怎么译? 348
5.“维护”怎么译? 349
6.“重视”、“注意”怎么译? 350
7.“反对”怎么译? 351
8.“遵守”、“遵循”、“遵照”怎么译? 351
9.“实现”怎么译? 352
10.“矛盾”怎么译? 353
11.同义词、近义词辨析 354
(1)reciprocal,mutual,common 354
(2)opportunity,chance 355
(3)interference,intervention 356
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 357
礼仪、接待套语的口译 357
Unit 17 Policies Toward Hong Kong,Macao,and Taiwan 365
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 365
1.Hona Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions(HKSAR and MSAR) 365
2.Taiwan Question and the Cross-Strait Relations 365
3.Peaceful Reunification and the Principle of"One Country,Two Systems" 368
4.Direct Trade,Postal,Air and Shipping Services 370
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 371
Ⅲ.Language Notes 377
1.sovereignty一词的搭配法 377
2.negotiation一词的搭配法 377
3.tie(s)一词的搭配法 378
4.agreement一词的搭配法 378
5.understanding一词的搭配法 379
6.“问题”怎么译? 379
7.“按照”、“根据”怎么译? 381
8.同义词、近义词辨析 383
(1)practice,exercise(2) 383
(2)resolve,solve 383
(3)inheritance,heritage,legacy 384
(4)whole,entire,all,total 385
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 386
译员的跨文化交流意识 386
Unit 18 Culture 387
Ⅰ.Reading Materials 387
1.Chinese Culture 387
(1)Peking Opera 387
(2)Chinese Music 389
(3)Chinese Classical Literature 389
(4)Chinese Painting and Calligraphy 390
(5)Acrobatics 392
(6)Arts and Crafts 392
2.Cultural Industries of China 394
(1)Mass Media 394
(2)Libraries and Museums 396
3.Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage in China 397
4.Cultural Exchange 398
Ⅱ.Words and Expressions 400
Ⅲ.Language Notes 413
1.achievement一词的搭配法 413
2.reputation一词的搭配法 413
3.information一词的搭配法 414
4.用在日期、数字前面的c.表示什么? 415
5.“景泰蓝”名称的由来 415
6.同义词、近义词辨析 415
(1)entertainment,amusement,recreation 415
(2)restrain,restrict 415
(3)correspondent,reporter,journalist,newsman 416
(4)film(s),movie(s),cinema 416
Ⅳ.Guide to Oral Interpreting 417
成语、谚语的译法 417
相关网址 420
参考书目 423
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《激光加工实训技能指导理实一体化教程 下》王秀军,徐永红主编;刘波,刘克生副主编 2017
- 《AutoCAD 2019 循序渐进教程》雷焕平,吴昌松,陈兴奎主编 2019
- 《少儿电子琴入门教程 双色图解版》灌木文化 2019
- 《Photoshop CC 2018基础教程》温培利,付华编著 2019
- 《剑桥国际英语写作教程 段落写作》(美)吉尔·辛格尔顿(Jill Shingleton)编著 2019
- 《英语自学进阶教程全6册 3》爱尔兰迪尔德丽出版社著 2019
- 《雅马哈管乐队训练教程 降E调单簧管 分谱》Japan Band Clinic委员会 2019
- 《线性代数简明教程》刘国庆,赵剑,石玮编著 2019