中国钢铁年鉴 2008PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冶金工业经济发展研究中心编
- 出 版 社:北京:冶金工业出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787502447397
- 页数:339 页
Macro-economic Development in 2007 1
China Steel Industry in 2007 9
1.Iron and steel production in 2007 9
2.Imports and exports 17
3.Financial condition of large and medium-sized enterprise 22
4.Situation of energy and environmental protection 24
Production cost analysis 27
1.Raw material cost analysis 27
2.Production cost 30
Change of steel stock level 33
1.Mill stock 33
2.Dealer stock 34
Closure of backward capacity 36
1.Importance of eliminating backward production capability 36
2.Targets 39
3.Policies and measures 40
4.Progresses 43
Relevant policies,laws and regulations in 2007 45
Fixed assets investment in steel industry in 2007 90
1.Fixed asset investment rebound 90
2.Optimize structure in investment structure and large-scale in project 91
3.Hebei,Liaoning,Shanghai are top three and Tianjin,Shanghai,Anhui are faster 92
4.Bank loans and foreign investment decreased 93
Production and Consumption of Steel Products 94
1.Production and consumption of hot rolled sheet/strip 94
2.Production and consumption of cold rolled sheet/strip 100
3.Production and consumption of clad and coated sheet/coil 104
4.Production and consumption of plate 111
5.Production and consumption of wire rod,rebar and bar 114
6.Production and consumption of section 120
7.Production and consumption of pipe 124
8.Production and consumption of stainless steel 129
Production and consumption of raw materials 135
1.Production and consumption of iron ore 135
2.Production and consumption of coke 143
3.Production and consumption of ferroalloy 150
4.Consumption of scrap 157
Statistics in 2007 163
Fig.1 Output of main products in 2007 163
Fig.2 Output of main products by provinces in 2007 164
Fig.3 Output of steel products by provinces in 2007 165
Fig.4 Export and import of steel products in 2007 169
Fig.5 Main Procucts Output of the key steel companies 173
Fig.6 Steel products Output of the key steel companies 176
Fig.7 Key financial index of the key steel companies 204
Brief introduction of key steel companies 216
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Company 216
Anyang Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 223
Baosteel Group Company 225
Baoshan Iron and Steel Company Limited 229
Baotou Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 231
Beitai Iron and Steel Group Company 236
Benxi Iron and Steel Group Company 239
Chongqing Iron and Steel Group Company 243
Delong Iron and Steel Company 245
Fujian Sangang Group Company 247
Guangdong Shaoguan Iron and Steel Group Company 249
Guangdong Shaogang Songshan Limited 252
Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Company 253
Handan Iron and Steel Group Company 256
Handan Zongheng Iron and Steel Group Company 258
Hangzhou Iron and Steel Group Company 260
Hebei Qianjin Iron and Steel Group Company 262
Henan Jiyuan Iron and Steel Group Company 263
Hunan Valin Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 265
Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group Company 268
Jiangsu Shagang Group Company 270
Jiangsu Shagang Group Huaigang Special Steel Company 272
Jiangsu Yonggang Group Company Limited 274
Jinan Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 276
Jiuquan Iron and Steel Group Company 278
Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 280
Maanshan Iron and Steel Company Limited 282
Nanjing Iron and Steel United Company Limited 286
Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Company 290
Pingxiang Iron and Steel Company 292
Qingdao Iron and Steel Group Company Limited 295
Shaanxi Longmen Iron and Steel Group Company 298
Shandong Shiheng Special Steel Group Company 299
Shandong Taishan Iron and Steel Group Company 302
Shougang Group 303
Beijing Shougang Company limited 306
Shuicheng Iron and Steel Group Company 308
Sichuan Dazhou Iron and Steel Group Limited 310
Taiyuan Iron and Steel Group Company 312
Tangshan Guofeng Iron and Steel Company 315
Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Company 317
Tangshan Iron and Steel Company 319
Chengde Iron and Steel Group Limited 321
Tonghua Iron and Steel Group Company 324
Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Company 326
Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Echeng Iron and Steel Limited 331
Xilin Iron and Steel Group 332
Xingtai Iron and Steel Company Limited 334
Xinyu Iron and Steel Company Limited 336
GDP in China 2
Industry added value in China 3
Fixed Assets Investment in China 4
Real estate investment in China 5
Total retail sale in China 5
Export and import in China 6
Energy consumption 7
Pig iron output and growth rate 9
Crude steel output and growth rate 10
Steel product output and growth rate 10
Product mix in 2007 12
Crude steel output in district 14
The concentration ratio of China steel industry 17
China steel products import and export 17
Steel product export pattern in 2007 18
Steel product import pattern in 2007 19
Import and export of steel products monthly 19
Sales income of large and medium sized steel companies 22
Profit of large and medium sized steel companies 23
Comprehensive energy consumption of large and medium sized steel companies 25
Fresh water consumption in large and medium sized steel companies 26
Purchasing cost of iron ore 28
Purchasing cost of coking coal 29
Production cost of coke 29
Production cost of hot metal 30
Average production cost of long product 31
Average production cost of flat product 31
Steel products stock in steel mills 33
Dealer stock of flat product 34
Dealer stock of long product 35
Output of hot rolled narrow strip 95
Output of hot rolled sheet/strip 96
Import and export of hot rolled narrow strip 97
Import and export of hot rolled sheet/coil 97
Apparent consumption of hot rolled narrow strip 98
Apparent consumption of hot rolled sheet/coil 98
List price of hot rolled sheet/coil 99
Output of cold rolled narrow strip 100
Output of cold rolled sheet/coil 100
Import and export of cold rolled narrow strip 101
Output of cold rolled sheet/coil 102
Apparent consumption of cold rolled narrow strip 102
Apparent consumption of cold rolled sheet/coil 103
List prices of cold rolled coil 104
Output of clad sheet/coil 105
Output of coated sheet/coil 105
Import and export of clad sheet/coil 107
Import and export of coated sheet/coil 107
Apparent consumption of clad sheet/coil 108
Apparent consumption of coated sheet/coil 109
List price of galvanized coil 110
Output of steel plate 111
Import and export of steel plate 112
Apparent consumption of steel plate 113
List price of steel plate 114
Output of wire rod 115
Output of rebar 115
Output of bar 116
Import and export of wire rod 117
Import and export of rebar 117
Import and export of bar 118
Apparent consumption of wire rod 118
Apparent consumption of rebar 119
Apparent consumption of bar 119
List price of wire rod,rebar and bar 120
Output of large section 121
Output of midium and small section 121
Import and export of large section 122
Import and export of medium and small section 122
Apparent consumption of large section 123
Apparent consumption of medium and small section 123
List prices of section 124
Output of seamless pipe 125
Output of welded pipe 125
Import and export of seamless pipe 126
Import and export of welded pipe 126
Apparent consumption of seamless pipe 127
Apparent consumption of welded pipe 128
List price of steel pipe 128
Output of stainless steel and ratio to world output 130
Import and export of stainless steel products 131
Apparent consumption of stainless steel and ratio of home products 133
Output of iron ore 135
Iron ore import in 2007 137
Apparent consumption of iron ore 139
List price of iron ore in 2007 140
CFI price of import ion ore 141
Output of coke 144
Coke export in 2007 monthly 147
Apparent consumption of coke 148
List price of coke in 2007 149
Output of ferroalloy 150
Import of ferroalloy in 2007 151
Ferroalloy import pattern in 2007 152
Export of ferroalloy in 2007 152
Ferroalloy export pattern in 2007 153
Ferroalloy export destination in 2007 153
Apparent consumption of ferroalloy in 2007 154
List prices of ordinary ferroalloy in 2007 156
List prices of special ferroalloy 157
Import of scrap in 2007 159
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