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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘平梅主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7302029040
  • 页数:241 页

Unit 1 1

Teaching Reference 1

Part A Books 1

Part BⅠ On Buying Books 7

Ⅱ How to Find Time to Read? 8

Ⅲ The Reading Disorder 9

Key to Exercises 10

Part A 10

Part B 13

Part C 16

Translation ofthe Texts 17

Part A 书 17

Part BⅠ 谈买书 18

Ⅱ 如何找出时间阅读? 19

Ⅲ 阅读失调症 21

Unit 2 24

Teaching Reference 24

Part A The Green Banana 24

Part BⅠ Thanksgiving Day 32

Ⅱ Family Values in America 32

Ⅲ Culture Shock on Returning to America 33

Key to Exercises 33

Part A 33

Part B 37

Part C 40

Translation of the Texts 41

Part A 青香蕉的故事 41

Part BⅠ 感恩节 42

Ⅱ 美国的家庭观 44

Ⅲ 返回美国时所经历的文化冲击 46

Unit 3 50

Teaching Reference 50

Part A School and Life 50

Part BⅠ The Emerging Global University 56

Ⅱ Job Prospects for Graduates in Britain 57

Ⅲ Making Transitions 58

Key to Exercises 59

Part A 59

Part B 63

Part C 66

Translation of the Texts 66

Part A 学校与生活 66

Part BⅠ 诞生中的全球性大学 68

Ⅱ 英国大学毕业生的就业前景 70

Ⅲ 过渡 72

Unit 4 75

Teaching Reference 75

Part A A Scientist:"I Am the Enemy" 75

Part BⅠ "I've Never Been Able to Bargain,Even with an Armenian Rug Dealer" 81

Ⅱ A Pound ofButter 81

Ⅲ Working Women—East and West 82

Key to Exercises 84

Part A 84

Part B 88

Part C 90

Translation of the Texts 91

Part A 一位科学家声称:“我是敌人!” 91

Part BⅠ “我从来就不会讨价还价,甚至也不会与亚美尼亚地毯商讨价还价” 93

Ⅱ 一磅黄油 96

Ⅲ 东西方的职业妇女 97

Unit 5 100

Teaching Reference 100

Part A The American Ideal of a Great Leader 100

Part BⅠ Lessons from Jefferson 107

Ⅱ Edmond Halley 111

Ⅲ The Hero of Lime Rock Lighthouse 113

Key to Exercises 114

Part A 114

Part B 118

Part C 121

Translation of the Texts 122

Part A 美国人心目中伟大领袖的典范 122

Part BⅠ 向杰斐逊学习 124

Ⅱ 埃德蒙·哈雷:永远在无可匹敌的牛顿的阴影下运行的人物 126

Ⅲ 莱姆罗克灯塔的英雄 128

Unit 6 131

Teaching Reference 131

Part A The Handsome and Deformed Leg 131

Part BⅠ Neat People vs.Sloppy People 137

Ⅱ Never Trust Appearances 137

Ⅲ Have All the Heroes Died? 138

Key to Exercises 138

Part A 138

Part B 142

Part C 145

Translation of the Texts 145

Part A 健美的腿与有残疾的腿 145

Part BⅠ 整洁的人和邋遢的人 147

Ⅱ 不要以貌取人 148

Ⅲ 所有的英雄都逝去了吗? 150

Unit 7 153

Teaching Reference 153

Part A How Can the Government Help People Protect Their Health? 153

Part BⅠ Health and Fitness 158

Ⅱ Smoking and Cancer 159

Ⅲ Isaac Asimov's Future World:Medicine 160

Key to Exercises 160

Part A 160

Part B 164

Part C 167

Translation of the Texts 168

Part A 政府如何才能帮助人民保护健康? 168

Part BⅠ 健康 170

Ⅱ 抽烟和癌症 171

Ⅲ 艾萨克·阿西莫夫的未来世界:医学 172

Unit 8 175

Teaching Reference 175

Part A Mercedes Goes to Motown 175

Part BⅠ Economy and Language 180

Ⅱ Europe Is the Global Springboard 181

Ⅲ The Service Imperative 181

Key to Exercises 182

Part A 182

Part B 185

Part C 189

Translation of the Texts 189

Part A 梅赛德斯驶向汽车城 189

Part BⅠ 经济与语言 191

Ⅱ 欧洲:通向全球的跳板 193

Ⅲ 服务的必要性 195

Unit 9 197

Teaching Reference 197

Part A Electronic Newspapers 197

Part BⅠ Maglev:A New Generation in Railroad Technology 202

Ⅱ Shutter Bugs 202

Ⅲ The Scientist and the Sensitive Snake 203

Key to Exercises 204

Part A 204

Part B 206

Part C 209

Translation of the Texts 209

Part A 电子报纸 209

Part BⅠ 磁浮列车——新一代的铁路技术 211

Ⅱ 照片窃贼 212

Ⅲ 科学家与敏感的蛇 213

Unit 10 216

Teaching Reference 216

Part A The Interview 216

Part BⅠ Black Is Beautiful 223

Ⅱ Let's Tell the Story of All America's Cultures 224

Ⅲ Story of an Hour 225

Key to Exercises 226

Part A 226

Part B 230

Part C 233

Translation of the Texts 233

Part A 面试 233

Part BⅠ 黑肤色真美 236

Ⅱ 让我们讲述美国各族文化的真情 237

Ⅲ 一小时里发生的事 239
