![信息检索导论 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/52/s66809d7.jpg)
![信息检索导论 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/52/s66809d7.jpg)
信息检索导论 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)ChristopherD.Manning,PrabhakarRaghavan,(德)HinrichSchütze著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787115218247
- 页数:482 页
Boolean retrieval 1 1
1 An example information retrieval problem 3 1
2 A first take at building an inverted index 6 1
3 Processing Boolean queries 9 1
4 The extended Boolean model versus ranked retrieval 13 1
5 References and further reading 16 1
The term vocabulary and postings lists 18 2
1 Document delineation and character sequence decoding 18 2
2 Determining the vocabulary of terms 21 2
3 Faster postings list intersection via skip pointers 33 2
4 Positional postings and phrase queries 36 2
5 References and further reading 43 2
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval 45 3
1 Search structures for dictionaries 45 3
2 Wildcard queries 48 3
3 Spelling correction 52 3
4 Phonetic correction 58 3
5 References and further reading 59 3
Index construction 61 4
1 Hardware basics 62 4
2 Blocked sort-based indexing 63 4
3 Single-pass in-memory indexing 66 4
4 Distributed indexing 68 4
5 Dynamic indexing 71 4
6 Other types ofindexes 73 4
7 References and further reading 76 4
Index compression 78 5
1 Statistical properties of terms in information retrieval 79 5
2 Dictionary compression 82 5
3 Postings file compression 87 5
4 References and further reading 97 5
Scoring,term weighting,and the vector space model 100 6
1 Parametric and zone indexes 101 6
2 Term frequency and weighting 107 6
3 The vector space model for scoring 110 6
4 Variant tf-idf functions 116 6
5 References and further reading 122 6
Computing scores in a complete search system 124 7
1 Efficient scoring and ranking 124 7
2 Components of an information retrieval system 132 7
3 Vector space scoring and query operator interaction 136 7
4 References and further reading 137 7
Evaluation in information retrieval 139 8
1 Information retrieval system evaluation 140 8
2 Standard test collections 141 8
3 Evaluation of unranked retrieval sets 142 8
4 Evaluation of ranked retrieval results 145 8
5 Assessing relevance 151 8
6 A broader perspective:System quality and user utility 154 8
7 Results snippets 157 8
8 References and further reading 159 8
Relevance feedback and query expansion 162 9
1 Relevance feedback and pseudo relevance feedback 163 9
2 Global methods for query reformulation 173 9
3 References and further reading 177 9
XML retrieval 178 10
1 Basic XML concepts 180 10
2 Challenges in XML retrieval 183 10
3 A vector space model for XML retrieval 188 10
4 Evaluation of XML retrieval 192 10
5 Text-centric versus data-centric XML retrieval 196 10
6 References and further reading 198 10
Probabilistic information retrieval 201 11
1 Review of basic probability theory 202 11
2 The probability ranking principle 203 11
3 The binary independence model 204 11
4 An appraisal and some extensions 212 11
5 References and further reading 216 11
Language models for information retrieval 218 12
1 Language models 218 12
2 The query likelihood model 223 12
3 Language modeling versus other approaches in information retrieval 229 12
4 Extended language modeling approaches 230 12
5 References and further reading 232 12
Text classification and Naive Bayes 234 13
1 The text classification problem 237 13
2 Naive Bayes text classification 238 13
3 The Bernoulli model 243 13
4 Properties of Naive Bayes 245 13
5 Feature selection 251 13
6 Evaluation of text classification 258 13
7 References and further reading 264 13
Vector space classification 266 14
1 Document representations and measures of relatedness in vector spaces 267 14
2 Rocchio classification 269 14
3 k nearest neighbor 273 14
4 Linear versus nonlinear classifiers 277 14
5 Classification with more than two classes 281 14
6 The bias-variance tradeoff 284 14
7 References and further reading 291 14
Support vector machines and machine learning on documents 293 15
1 Support vector machines:The linearly separable case 294 15
2 Extensions to the support vector machine model 300 15
3 Issues in the classification of text documents 307 15
4 Machine-learning methods in ad hoc information retrieval 314 15
5 References and further reading 318 15
Flat clustering 321 16
1 Clustering in information retrieval 322 16
2 Problem statement 326 16
3 Evaluation of clustering 327 16
4 K-means 331 16
5 Model-based clustering 338 16
6 References and further reading 343 16
Hierarchical clustering 346 17
1 Hierarchical agglomerative clustering 347 17
2 Single-link and complete-link clustering 350 17
3 Group-average agglomerative clustering 356 17
4 Centroid clustering 358 17
5 Optimality of hierarchical agglomerative clustering 360 17
6 Divisive clustering 362 17
7 Cluster labeling 363 17
8 Implementation notes 365 17
9 References and further reading 367 17
Matrix decompositions and latent semantic indexing 369 18
1 Linear algebra review 369 18
2 Term-document matrices and singular value decompositions 373 18
3 Low-rank approximations 376 18
4 Latent semantic indexing 378 18
5 References and further reading 383 18
Web search basics 385 19
1 Background and history 385 19
2 Web characteristics 387 19
3 Advertising as the economic model 392 19
4 The search user experience 395 19
5 Index size and estimation 396 19
6 Near-duplicates and shingling 400 19
7 References and further reading 404 19
Web crawling and indexes 405 20
1 Overview 405 20
2 Crawling 406 20
3 Distributing indexes 415 20
4 Connectivity servers 416 20
5 References and further reading 419 20
Link analysis 421 21
1 TheWeb as agraph 422 21
2 PageRank 424 21
3 Hubs and authorities 433 21
4 References and further reading 439 21
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