大学英语教程 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:罗麾,何晓勤主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787300115405
- 页数:251 页
UNIT 1 1
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsMay I Introduce Mr.Collins? 2
PART Ⅱ Text AWhat Is a Typical Day Like for a Child in England—A Diary of a Boy in England 6
PART Ⅲ Text BTalking about Food 10
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Simple and Compound Sentences 14
UNIT 2 17
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsYou've Done a Very Good Job 18
PART Ⅱ Text AA New Era for World Economy 22
PART Ⅲ Text BThe History of Money 27
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences(1)—Noun Clauses 30
UNIT 3 31
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsPlease Accept My Congratulations 32
PART Ⅱ Text AEating Problem 36
PART Ⅲ Text BBike for a Better City 40
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences(2)—Adverbial Clauses 43
UNIT 4 45
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsThank You Very Much! 46
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Start of American Music 50
PART Ⅲ Text BThe Titanic 54
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences(3)—Attributive Clauses 58
UNIT 5 59
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI'm So Sorry for That 60
PART Ⅱ Text AHorse Shoeing in New York 64
PART Ⅲ Text BAbout London 68
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct English Sentences by Using"There be"Patterns 72
UNIT 6 73
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsDo You Have Much Snow There? 74
PART Ⅱ Text AHow to Tell Weather 78
PART Ⅲ Text BLife of the Elephant 81
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Sentences with Formal Subject"It" 84
UNIT 7 85
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsCould You Tell Me Something about Christmas? 86
PART Ⅱ Text ABeethoven and His Music 91
PART Ⅲ Text BAir Jordan 95
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Develop English Sentences(1)—Prepositional Phrases 98
UNIT 8 99
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsHow's Everything Going with Your Class? 100
PART Ⅱ Text AExaminations at English Secondary School 106
PART Ⅲ Text BSchool System in America 110
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Develop English Sentences(2)—Non-Predicate Phrases 114
UNIT 9 115
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWhat Seems to Be Bothering You? 116
PART Ⅱ Text AChild Labor 122
PART Ⅲ Text BAmerican Women Today 126
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Combine Short Sentences 129
UNIT 10 131
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI Prefer Some Historical Sites 132
PART Ⅱ Text ADistant Learning 137
PART Ⅲ Text BFinding It Online 141
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkSentence Conversion 144
UNIT 11 147
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWould You Care for a Cocktail before Dinner? 148
PART Ⅱ Text AMrs.Clarke's Thursdays 154
PART Ⅲ Text BA Story of Buying Ticket 158
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write a Letter 161
UNIT 12 163
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI can't Find My Baggage 164
PART Ⅱ Text ASolar Energy 168
PART Ⅲ Text BVitamins 172
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Make up Your Résumé 175
综合练习 179
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