英语人文读本 英国篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:封一函主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787301161289
- 页数:414 页
1.The Beauty Industry&Aldous L.Huxley 1
2.Meditation on the Moon&Aldous L.Huxley 9
3.Punishment Never Cures Anything&Alexander Southerland Neil 16
4.Universities and Their Function&Alfred North Whitehead 29
5.In July&Alice Meynell 34
6.On Book-Buying&Augustine Birrell 39
7.What I Have Lived For&Bertrand Russell 49
8.August&Charles Dickens 52
9.The Child Angel:A Dream&Charles Lamb 55
10.Insouciance&D.H.Lawrence 61
11.Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature&David Hume 68
12.Journey Through a Tunnel&David Storey 78
13.Unworldliness of the Early Christians&Edward Gibbon 92
14.Take Your Home into Your Own Hands&Evelyn Waugh 96
15.Of Boldness&Francis Bacon 100
16.Of Studies&Francis Bacon 104
17.Of Youth and Age&Francis Bacon 108
18.Of Wisdom for a Man's Self&Francis Bacon 112
19.My Life Is Over&George Gissing 116
20.Politics and the English Language&George Orwell 119
21.Getting Up on Cold Mornings&James H.L.Hunt 147
22.A Passion for Cities&Jan Morris 158
23.First Snow&John Boynton Priestley 165
24.The Definition of a Gentleman&John Henry Newman 170
25.The Tapestry of Human Life&John Henry Newman 175
26.The Importance of One's Own Language&John Locke 178
27.Good and Evil&John Milton 181
28.About Books&John Ruskin 185
29.A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding&Jonathan Swift 192
30.Thoughts in Westminster Abbey&Joseph Addison 200
31.The Artist and the World&Joyce Cary 206
32.Upon Affectation&Lord Chesterfield 215
33.Heine and the Philistines&Matthew Arnold 223
34.National Prejudices&Oliver Goldsmith 233
35.Conversation&Samuel Johnson 240
36.On Idleness&Samuel Johnson 247
37.Preface to His Dictionary&Samuel Johnson 253
38.Companionship of Books&Samuel Smiles 265
39.On Recollections of Childhood&Sir Richard Steele 269
40.The Romance of History&Thomas Babington Macaulay 278
41.On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth&Thomas De Quincey 284
42.Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs&Thomas Paine 296
43.Her Own Village&W.H.Hudson 305
44.The Faces of Buddha&William Empson 313
45.An Afternoon Walk in October&William Hale White 324
46.On a Landscape of Nicholas Poussin&William Hazlitt 330
47.On Going a Journey&William Hazlitt 347
48.Lucidity,Simplicity,Euphony&William Somerset Maugham 370
49.Of Beauty,Fame,Longevity,etc.&William Somerset Maugham 386
50.The Philosopher&William Somerset Maugham 396
51.The Joys of Writing&Winston Churchill 409
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