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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7533869850
  • 页数:213 页
图书介绍:从美国培生教育出版集团引进的英文原版Science Explorer(科学探索者)丛书。本册为“从细菌到植物”,介绍细菌和植物知识。
标签:细菌 植物

From Bacteria to Plants 14

Nature of Science:Disease Detective Solves Mystery 14

Chapter 1 Living Things 18

1 What Is Life? 20

2 Integrating Earth Science:The Origin of Life 29

3 Classifying Organisms 32

4 The Six Kingdoms 44

Chapter 2 Viruses and Bacteria 50

1 Viruses 52

2 Bacteria 60

3 Integrating Health:Viruses,Bacteria,and Your Health 72

Chapter 3 Protists and Fungi 82

1 Protists 84

2 Integrating Environmental Science:Algal Blooms 94

3 Fungi 99

Chapter 4 Introduction to Plants 112

1 The Plant Kingdom 114

2 Integrating Physics:Photosynthesis and Light 124

3 Mosses,Liverworts,and Hornworts 129

4 Ferns and Their Relatives 134

Chapter 5 Seed Plants 142

1 The Characteristics of Seed Plants 144

2 Gymnosperms 154

3 Angiosperms 160

4 Plant Responses and Growth 168

5 Integrating Technology:Feeding the World 172

Interdisciplinary Exploration:Corn—The Amazing Grain 178

Reference Section 186

Skills Handbook 186

Think Like a Scientist 186

Making Measurements 188

Conducting a Scientific Investigation 190

Thinking Critically 192

Organizing Information 194

Creating Data Tables and Graphs 196

Appendix A:Laboratory Safety 199

Appendix B:Using the Microscope 202

Glossary 204

Index 207

Acknowledgments 212

Inquiry Activities 19


opportunities for long-term inquiry 19

Chapter 1:Mystery Object 19

Chapter 2:Be a Disease Detective 51

Chapter 3:A Mushroom Farm 83

Chapter 4:Become a Moss Expert 113

Chapter 5:Cycle of a Lifetime 143


Exploration and inquiry before reading 20

Is It Living or Nonliving? 20

How Can the Composition of Air Change? 29

Can You Organize a Junk Drawer? 32

Which Organism Goes Where? 44

Can You Cure a Cold? 52

How Quickly Can Bacteria Multiply? 60

How Do Infectious Diseases Spread? 72

What Lives in a Drop of Pond Water? 84

How Can Algal Growth Affect Pond Life? 94

Do All Molds Look Alike? 99

What Do Leaves Reveal About Plants? 114

What Colors Make Up Sunlight? 124

Will Mosses Absorb Water? 129

How Quickly Can Water Move Upward? 134

Which Plant Part Is It? 144

Are All Leaves Alike? 154

What Is a Fruit? 160

Can a Plant Respond to Touch? 168

Will There Be Enough to Eat? 172

Sharpen your Skills 26

Practice of specific science inquiry skills 26

Designing an Experiment 26

Observing 36

Graphing 63

Predicting 91

Interpreting Data 117

Calculating 150


Reinforcement of key concepts 22

React! 22

Modeling a Virus 55

Bacteria for Breakfast 65

Feeding Paramecia 88

Making Spore Prints 101

Spreading Spores 102

Examining a Fern 136

The In-Seed Story 146

The Scoop on Cones 157

Skills Lab 28

In-depth practice of inquiry skills 28

Please Pass the Bread! 28

How Many Viruses Fit on a Pin? 59

What's for Lunch? 104

Eye on Photosynthesis 122

Masses of Mosses 133

Which Way Is Up? 171

Real-World Lad 42

Everyday application of science concepts 42

Living Mysteries 42

Do Disinfectants Work? 70

An Explosion of Life 97

A Close Look at Flowers 166

Interdisciplinary Activities 66

Science and History 66

Bacteria and Foods of the World 66

Unraveling the Mysteries of Photosynthesis 126

Science and Society 78

Antibiotic Resistance—An Alarming Trend 78

Eutrophication—The Threat to Clear,Clean Water 98

Connection 34

Language Arts 34

Social Studies 74

Language Arts 107

Social Studies 131

Visual Arts 162


Visual exploration of concepts 24

The Experiments of Redi and Pasteur 24

How Viruses Multiply 56

Protozoans 86

Plant Adaptations 118

A Leaf 149

The Life Cycle of a Gymnosperm 158

The Life Cycle of an Angiosperm 163
