- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵奂主编
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787118065428
- 页数:174 页
Part One Sounds of English 1
Unit One Introduction 2
1.1 Sound Production:Resonators and Speech Organs 3
1.2 Manners of Artieulation and Places of Articulation 4
1.3 General Classification of Speech Sounds 5
Unit Two Vowels and Diphthongs 7
2.1 Front Vowels 10
2.1.1 /i?/ 10
2.1.2 /I/ 12
2.1.3 /e/ 14
2.1.4 /?/ 15
2.2 Central Vowels 17
2.2.1 /?/ 17
2.2.2 /?/ 19
2.2.3 /?/ 20
2.3 Back Vowels 22
2.3.1 /?/ 22
2.3.2 /?/ 24
2.3.3 /?/ 26
2.3.4 /u/ 27
2.3.5 /u?/ 28
2.4 Diphthongs 30
2.4.1 /eI/ 30
2.4.2 /?/ 31
2.4.3 /aI/ 33
2.4.4 /au/ 34
2.4.5 /?/ 35
2.4.6 /?/ 37
2.4.7 /?/ 38
2.4.8 /?/ 40
2.5 Exercises 41
Unit Three Semivowels 47
3.1 /j/ 47
3.2 /w/ 49
3.3 Exercises 51
Unit Four Consonants 53
4.1 Plosive Consonants 55
4.1.1 /p,b/ 55
4.1.2 /t,d/ 57
4.1.3 /k,g/ 58
4.1.4 Incomplete Plosion 60
4.2 Nasal Consonants 61
4.2.1 /m/ 61
4.2.2 /n/ 63
4.2.3 /?/ 64
4.2.4 Nasal Plosion 65
4.3 Lateral Consonants 66
4.3.1 Variants of/l/ 67
4.3.2 Clear/l/ 67
4.3.3 Dark /l/ 68
4.3.4 Lateral Plosion 69
4.4 Fricative Consonants 70
4.4.1 /f,v/ 71
4.4.2 /?,?/ 72
4.4.3 /s,z/ 74
4.4.4 /?,?/ 75
4.4.5 /h/ 76
4.4.6 /r/ 78
4.5 Affricative Consonants 80
4.5.1 /?,?/ 80
4.5.2 /tr,dr/ 81
4.5.3 /ts,dz/ 83
4.6 Exercises 84
Part Two Sounds in Connected Speech 89
Unit Five Consonant Cluster 91
5.1 Initial Cluster 92
5.2 Final Cluster 94
5.3 Exercises 95
Unit Six Stress 97
6.1 Theoretieal Introduction 97
6.2 Word Stress 97
6.2.1 Stress Patterns 100
6.2.2 Stress Shifts 100
6.3 Sentence Stress 103
6.3.1 Content Words vs.Function Words 104
6.3.2 Rules for Variations in Sentence Stress 106
6.4 Exercises 109
Unit Seven Rhythm 113
7.1 Theoretical Introduction 113
7.2 Practice on Rhythm Patterns 115
7.3 Exercises 116
Unit Eight Weakening 120
8.1 Strong and Weak Forms 120
8.2 Other Forms of Weakening 125
8.3 Exercises 125
Unit Nine Elision 131
9.1 Vowels 131
9.2 Consonants 132
9.3 Exercises 133
Unit Ten Assimilation 134
10.1 Progressive Assimilation 135
10.2 Regressive Assimilation 135
10.3 Reciprocal or Double Assimilation 136
10.4 Exercises 136
Unit Eleven Liaison(Sound-linking) 138
11.1 Consonant+Vowel 139
11.2 Vowel+Vowel 139
11.3 r+Vowel 141
11.4 Exercises 141
Unit Twelve Intonation 149
12.1 Theoretical Introduction 149
12.2 Pitch 150
12.3 Method of Showing Intonation 151
12.3.1 Type One:Sentences of Falling Intonation 152
12.3.2 Type Two:Sentences of Rising Intonation 153
12.3.3 Type Three:Sentences of Fall-Rise 154
12.3.4 Type Four:Sentences of Rise-Fall 154
12.3.5 Type Five:Sentences of Rise-Fall-Rise 155
12.3.6 Type Six:Sentences of Level Intonation 155
12.4 Exercises 156
Unit Thirteen Analysis of a Passage for Pausing 164
13.1 Theoretical Introduction 164
13.2 Examples for Pausing in Passages 165
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