- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:樊怀宇,戴恒编
- 出 版 社:呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:9089·41
- 页数:655 页
一、英语语法表解 2
十大词类表 2
句子成分与词类关系表 3
名词分类图 4
名词复数的构成法及其读音规则 6
名词所有格构成法及读音规则表 8
名词句法功用表 9
人称代词分类及用法表 10
物主代词分类及用法表 11
反身代词用法表 12
相互代词的形式与用法表 13
指示代词用法表 14
疑问代词用法表 17
连接代词用法表 19
关系代词用法表 20
不定代词用法例解表 24
“It”的用法表 31
冠词基本用法一览表 33
名词前不用冠词的一般规律简表 36
数词简表 38
分数、小数、百分数及四则运算表示法表 41
年、月、日、时刻表示法表 43
动词分类图 45
动词的基本形式和主要用法表 46
规则动词变化表 48
动词时态变化一览表 50
八种常用时态构成及用法表 52
宾语从句与主句中动词时态一致关系表 58
被动语态的构成与用法表 59
动词语气分类表 62
真实条件句与虚拟条件句形式比较表 63
虚拟语气在条件句中的用法表 65
虚拟语气的其它用法表 67
各助动词主要用法表 69
各情态动词用法表 72
非谓语动词分类与时态语态变化一览表 77
非谓语动词句法功用一览表 78
非谓语动词用法辨异表 83
形容词和副词句法功用表 88
副词的构成与分类表 90
形容词与副词在句子中位置表 91
形容词和副词三级规则变化表 93
形容词和副词三级不规则变化表 95
形容词和副词比较等级用法表 96
表示动向、位置、时间的介词示意图 97
介词的分类和介词的宾语类型表 98
介词短语的句法功用表 100
常用介词用法简表 101
常用并列连词用法例解表 134
常用从属连词用法简表 140
常用感叹词用法简表 149
句子分类表 151
基础句型表 153
常用连系动词用法一览表 154
句型Ⅱ(主+不及物动词)常见类型表 158
句型Ⅲ(主—谓—宾)主要类型表 159
句型Ⅳ(主—谓—间宾—直宾)主要类型表 160
句型Ⅴ(主—谓—复合宾语)主要类型表 163
句型Ⅵ主要类型表 167
句子成份分类表 168
句子主语表示法简表 170
句子谓语种类及其表示法表 172
句子表语表示法简表 173
主谓语一致规则表 174
定语表示法简表 176
状语表示形式及其类型表 178
同位语表示法与判别表 180
独立成分类型表 182
并列句类型及判别表 183
复合句中从句分类及判别表 184
状语从句分类表 186
句子成分倒装类型及用法表 188
省略句的类型及主要用法表 190
非谓语动词作宾语常见句型及其例解表 192
常用非谓语动词作宾语的动词例解表 193
二、常用词语用法辨析 221
1.across,cross 221
2.against,oppose 221
3.?agree with sb. agree to sth 222
4.allow,permit,let 222
5.almost,nearly 223
6.also,too,either,as well 224
7.always,often,frequently 225
8.祈使句+and=if;祈使句+or=unless 226
9.and/or 226
10.announce,declare,publish 227
11.answer,reply 227
12.anxiety,care,concern,worry 229
13.any,every 229
14.any/not 230
15.anyone,any one,anybody,any body 230
16.arms,weapon 231
17.as far as,so far as 231
18.as for,as to 232
19.ask,inquire,question 233
20.ask after,ask for,ask…of sb 233
21.asleep,sleep,sleeping 234
22.as…as,(not)so…as 235
23.as well as,as well 235
24.at hand,in hand,on hand 236
25.at night,in the night,by night,during the night 237
26.at peace,in peace,in peace time 238
27.at play,at the play,in play 238
28.at school,in school 239
29.(all)at sea,on the sea 239
30.at(the)sight of,in sight of 240
31.at table,at the table 240
32.at that,in that,upon that,with that now that 240
33.at the beginni ng of(=at the start),in the beginining(=at first) 241
34.at the corner,in the corner,on the corner 241
35.at the end(of),at an end,in the end,on end 242
36.at the moment,in the moment 242
37.at the stores,in the store,in store 244
38.at the spot,on the spot 244
39.at the top of,at the top of the tree(ladder) 245
40.?automobile,ambulance,motor-car, car,bus truck,lorry,taxi 245
41.away,off 246
42.(be)at work,(be)in work 247
43.bad,badly,ill,wrong 247
44.be able to,can,could 249
45.be afraid of,be afraid to 252
46.because,for,since,as 252
47.become,get,go,grow,make,turn 254
48.be eager to(do),be anxious to(do) 255
49.before,in front of,in the front of 255
50.before long,soon,early,shortly 256
51.before long,long before 257
52.begin,start 258
53.behind,after,back 259
54.behind time,after time 260
55.be made of,be made from,be made into 260
56.beside,besides 261
57.besides,except,but 262
58.be tired out,be tired of,be tired with 263
59.between,among 263
60.be used to,used to,would 264
61.big,large,great 265
62.boat,ship 266
63.borrow,lend 266
64.break away(from),get rid of 267
65.break in,get in a word,break into 267
66.break out,break out of 268
67.bring,carry,fetch,take,get 268
68.by,at 269
69.by,beside 270
70.by half,by halves 270
71.by,with,in 271
72.call in,call up,call on,call at,call for,call off 272
73.can help,cannot help 273
74.cannot,can not,can't 274
75.close,closely 274
76.cloth,clothes,clothing,dress 275
77.cold,cool 276
78.come to,come to(do) 277
79.come out,come out of,come out with,come out for 277
80.composition,article,essay 278
81.count,calculate 279
82.country,state,nation 280
83.crop,harvest 281
84.cry,shout 281
85.cry,weep,sob 282
86.dark,dim 283
87.decide,determine 284
88.deep,deeply 286
89.defeat,conquer 286
90.defend,protect,guard 287
91.demand,require 288
92.desk,table 289
93.die for,die of,die from,die off,die out 290
94.different,various 291
95.draw,drag,pull 292
96.drink,drinking 293
97.drink,have,take 294
98.drop in(on sb.),look in(on sb.) 295
99.every,each 296
100.every day,each day 297
101.every other,each other,one another 297
102.every time,each time 298
103.except for,but for 299
104.excuse,pardon,forgive 300
105.expect,hope,look forward to 301
106.fairly,rather 302
107.famous at,famous for 303
108.far and near,far and wide 304
109.far,by far 304
110.far,distant 305
111.farther,further 306
112.fast,quick,rapid 306
113.fit,suitable,proper 307
114.foolish,silly,stupid 308
115.force,strength 309
116.for,to,towards 309
117.freedom,liberty 310
118.give an order for,give orders for 311
119.globe,earth 312
120.go to rest,go to one's rest 312
121.go on with+n,go on doing,go on to do 313
122.had better(had best),had(would)rather 314
123.hand in,hand on 315
124.hat,cap 315
125.?have sb.do sth.,have sth.or sb.done have sb.or sth.doing,have sb or sth+adv 315
126.?have something to do with; get in touch with keep in touch with 317
127.hear,listen 317
128.hot,warm 318
129.house,home,family 319
130.ill,sick 320
131.in bed,to bed 321
132.in fear of,be afraid of,be fearful of 322
133.in front of,before 322
134.in future,in the future 323
135.insist on(upon),persist in,stick to 323
136.in sight,in sight of,in the sight,at the sight of 324
137.in…stead,instead of,instead 325
138.in the east of,on the east of,to the east of 326
139.in the evening,at night 327
140.in,within,inside(of),after 327
141.in word,in a word 328
142.join,join in,take part in 329
143.kind,sort 330
144.keep doing,keep on doing 330
145.know,know of 331
146.language,speech,tongue 331
147.last,latest,final 332
148.learn,study 333
149.learn(get)by henrt,know(have)by heart 334
150.leave,leave for,leave off 335
151.let…alone,let alone,let sb be 336
152.lie,lay 337
153.like,love,be fond of,prefer 338
154.listen to,listen in,on the listen 339
155.live,living,alive 340
156.live in…,live on…,live by 341
157.loud,aloud,loudly 342
158.make an example of sb,set an example to 343
159.much too,too much 343
160.many,much 343
161.many,many a 344
162.maybe,may be 344
163.meet,meet with 345
164.much,very 346
165.no matter how,not on any account,on every account 347
166.no more than,not more than 348
167.?a number of,the number of,numbers of the number of,number of 349
168.older,elder 350
169.on account of,because of,owing to 351
170.on board,on the board 352
171.on business,in business 352
172.on Sunday last,last Sunday 353
173.or,otherwise 353
174.pay back,pay off,pay up,pay for,pay down 354
175.people,the people 355
176.persist,insist 356
177.practice,exercise,drill 358
178.prefer…to,would rather…than 359
179.promise,permit 360
180.put,place,lay 361
181.quite a,a quite 362
182.real,true 363
183.right,correct 363
184.rise,raise 364
185.rob,steal 365
186.round,around,about 366
187.salary,wage,pay 367
188.send for,send off,send sb for sth 368
189.separate,divide 368
190.small,little 369
191.smile,laugh 370
192.so,neither 370
193.so as to,such(…)as to,so…as to 372
194.so that,so(such)…that 372
195.some time,sometime,sometimes 374
196.some,any 374
197.speak,talk,say,tell 376
198.stop doing sth,stop to do sth 378
199.take,bring,carry,fetch 379
200.thank you for,thank you to 380
201.the other day,some day,one day 381
202.this day,this day week 382
203.throw,cast 382
204.till,until,by,before,up to 383
205.tomorrow is,tomorrow will be 385
206.too…to,only too…to 386
207.tremble,shake,shiver 387
208.total,whole,entire 388
209.towards,toward 388
210.try to(do),try and(do),try(doing) 389
211.used to,be used to 390
212.very good,very well 391
213.very,quite 392
214.very much,so,quite 393
215.wait,await 394
216.wake,awake,waken,awaken 396
217.water,the water,the waters 397
218.want,wish,desire,long 398
219.wear,dress,put on 399
220.west,western 401
221.who,what 401
222.whatever,no matter what 402
223.when,while,as 403
224.whether,if 404
225.with a pencil,in pencil,with ink,in ink 405
226.wound,injure,hurt,harm 406
227.worth,worthy 407
英语句型转换例解 410
怎样变句子为否定句? 410
怎样将肯定句变成一般疑问句? 417
怎样就划线部分进行提问? 419
怎样就句子由主动语态变成被动语态? 426
怎样将肯定句变为反意问句? 430
怎样将肯定句变为感叹句? 430
怎样将直接引语变为间接引语? 431
附录 434
英汉译音表 434
应用文 436
英文书信的格式 436
通知 445
便条 447
汉英对照词汇表 448
常用词组例解 572
构词法 626
不规则动词表 639
英语书写基本知识 645
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