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美英报刊阅读教程  中级精选本
美英报刊阅读教程  中级精选本

美英报刊阅读教程 中级精选本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:端木义万著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787301163788
  • 页数:332 页
《美英报刊阅读教程 中级精选本》目录

UNIT 1 第一单元 社会群体 1

Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress 1

Lesson 2  Who Are America's Hispanics? 9

Lesson 3  Women Leap Off Corporate Ladder 18

Lesson 4 Boomers Won't Go Quietly 26

UNIT 2 第二单元 衣食住行 35

Lesson 5 Food and Obesity 35

Lesson 6 The Roof That Costs Too Much 44

Lesson 7 Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places 51

Lesson 8 Our Love Affair with Cars 58

UNIT 3 第三单元 家庭婚姻 67

Lesson 9 No One Way to Keep Love in Bloom,Experts Say 67

Lesson 10 The New Mommy Track 75

Lesson 11 Why Every Married Couple Should Sign a Contract 85

Lesson 12 Another Thirty Years War in the Making? 91

UNIT 4 第四单元 行为风尚 99

Lesson 13 NYC Ban Sparks Smoking War 99

Lesson 14 Take Your Planet to Work 105

Lesson 15 More Businesses Cater to Canines 114

Lesson 16 The Price of Beauty 121

UNIT 5 第五单元 心理观念 130

Lesson 17 Days of Danger and Duct Tape 130

Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals 138

Lesson 19 It's a Glad,Sad,Mad World 147

Lesson 20 Abortion Wars,Once Again 155

UNIT 6 第六单元 文教体育 163

Lesson 21 Reining In the Test of Tests 163

Lesson 22 E-Learning Today 170

Lesson 23 Time to Get Moving 179

Lesson 24 The NBA's Global Game Plan 188

UNIT 7 第七单元 企业经济 196

Lesson 25 The Success of Wal-Mart 196

Lesson 26 How to Invest in Fast-growing Companies 203

Lesson 27 U.S.Workers Feel Burn of Long Hours,Less Leisure 211

Lesson 28 Death of a Pushy Salesman 221

UNIT 8 第八单元 社会问题 230

Lesson 29 Gambling and Its Abuses Invade the Youth Culture 230

Lesson 30 Business Affairs,Bedroom Aftairs 237

Lesson 31 In the University of Death 247

Lesson 32 Rags to Rags,Riches to Riches 256

UNIT 9 第九单元 科技军事 265

Lesson 33 Power Revolution 265

Lesson 34 Out of the Blue 276

Lesson 35 Spamming the World 285

Lesson 36 The Dark Side of Recruiting 293

UNIT 10 第十单元 世界风云 302

Lesson 37 We Need More Babies! 302

Lesson 38 Tough Terrain Ahead on Road Map 311

Lesson 39 Will There Be War? 319

Lesson 40 Lethal Blast Hits Jakarta Hotel 326
