大学英语教程 第3册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:廖根福主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787300115382
- 页数:243 页
UNIT 1 1
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Opinions 2
PART Ⅱ Text ABringing up Children(Ⅰ) 6
PART Ⅲ Text BBringing up Children(Ⅱ) 10
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Thanks and Congratulations 13
UNIT 2 15
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Trust and Distrust 16
PART Ⅱ Text AAir Pollution Linked to Stroke Risk 20
PART Ⅲ Text BGive a Man a Fish 24
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Introduction 27
UNIT 3 29
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Approval and Disapproval 30
PART Ⅱ Text AWhat Is Money and What Are Its Functions? 35
PART Ⅲ Text BInsurance 39
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Job Application 43
UNIT 4 45
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Possibility and Impossibility 46
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Olympic Games 50
PART Ⅲ Text BJohn Steinbeck 54
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Resignation 57
UNIT 5 59
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Ability and Disability 60
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Great Wall 64
PART Ⅲ Text BThe Thames Barrier 67
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Invitation 70
UNIT 6 71
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Remembering and Forgetting 72
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Meaning of a Glance 76
PART Ⅲ Text BMy Life as a Writer 80
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkMemorandum 83
UNIT 7 85
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Insistence and Opposition 86
PART Ⅱ Text AConquering Sicily 90
PART Ⅲ Text BEntertaining Kids on Thanksgiving Day 94
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkProposing Intention—Business Letter 97
UNIT 8 99
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Determination 100
PART Ⅱ Text AJob Training 104
PART Ⅲ Text BSchooling and Education 108
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Application 112
UNIT 9 113
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Hesitation and Uncertainty 114
PART Ⅱ Text AInteresting Clothes 118
PART Ⅲ Text BDivorce Rate 122
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Reference 126
UNIT 10 127
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Offering,Accepting or Declining Help 128
PART Ⅱ Text AOpen Government 132
PART Ⅲ Text BPolitical Parties 136
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLetters of Recommendation 139
UNIT 11 141
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Asking for Permission,Permitting and Declining Permission 142
PART Ⅱ Text ACyber Love 146
PART Ⅲ Text BCyber Criminals 150
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkSales Contract 153
UNIT 12 157
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsExpressing Invitation,Accepting Invitation and Declining Invitation 158
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Life of the Greatest Comedy Artist—Charlie Chaplin 162
PART Ⅲ Text BBenjamin Franklin 165
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkService Contract 168
综合练习 173
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