中国英语教学 第五届中国英语教学国际研讨会文集 5PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:文秋芳,金利民主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560091716
- 页数:510 页
Ⅰ.Keynote Speeches 3
中国少数民族双语的现状及对策&戴庆厦 3
语言问题·语言资源·语言权利&李宇明 8
"What Is Out of Sight Is Lost Forever?"—Lessons from the Johnsonian Tradition&Lu Gusun 13
计算语言学之基础研究成果及其应用&俞士汶 24
关于汉语教学的学科建设和汉语教学的本体研究&陆俭明 44
机器翻译技术的发展&冯志伟 51
Ⅱ.Second Language Learners 85
A Study on the Correlations Between Personality Traits and SLL&Hao Mei & Huang Liying 85
An Examination of Saito et al.'s Construct of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety among Chinese Foreign Language Major Students&Wang Guohua 104
Understanding Chinese Students'Motivational Change:During the Transition to the UK Higher Education&Qian Zhang & Anthony Green 124
From"I Did Not Understand Anything!"to"Things Are Much Better Now":APPRAISAL in Chinese Students'Narratives on English Learning/Use Experiences in Switzerland&Ping Tian 148
Exploring Digital Third Spaces—An Inquiry into the Use of Digital Support Systems by Chinese Students in a British University&Dave Burnapp & Mary Feng Yan 169
A Cross-cultural Study on the Reciprocal Relationships Between Cultural Values and Communication Competence&Zhou Gang & Niu Xiaochun 191
Chinese EFL Learners'Perceptions Towards Recasts in Speaking Classes&Liao Huibing 210
Ⅲ.Second Language Teaching and Teacher Education 231
A Study on Basic English Teaching Model Based on Constructivist Approach&Wu Shujing 231
A Preliminary Study of Cooperative Learning in Chinese EFL Classroom&Li Shoujing & Hu Bo 248
Using Graphic Organizers to Teach Reading for Academic Purposes&Alja Pirosok 266
Lessons from My Fair Lady About Quality English Language Teaching:Supervising Research Projects Relevant to Master Students'Careers Aspirations&Michael Singh,Qi Hongying & Hu Jin 286
Task-based Language Teaching,Case Study Method,and L2 Instruction&Yuan Fangyuan 313
Evaluating a Task-based English Course:A Proposed Model&Pamararat Wiriyakarun 327
Outside In/Inside Out:Bridging the Gap in Literacy Education in Singapore Classrooms&Peter Teo 346
Linguistic Structures of Chinese Teachers'Compliments&Chen Chenghui 374
Ⅳ.Second Language Production 393
An Investigation into the Development of Lexical Organization of Chinese Tertiary English Majors&Cui Yanyan 393
The Role of Intonation in Questioning and Grammar&Wang Jiazhi 417
Elicited Imitation as a Measure of L2 Formulaic Language Processing&Fei Fei 429
Topic and Genre Effects on Lexical Richness—A Tentative Study on the Effects of Task Features on L2 Writing Performance&Ma Rui 453
The Effects of Teacher Feedback on the Writing of Chinese EFL Learners:An Empirical Study&Wang Ying,Liu Zhenqian & Ji Yunxia 469
Ⅴ.Others 485
Progression Analysis:Tracing Journalistic Language Awareness&Daniel Perrin & Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow 485
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