议程设置 大众媒介与舆论 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)马克斯韦尔·麦库姆斯著
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787301165119
- 页数:183 页
1 Influencing Public Opinion 1
2 Reality and the News 21
3 How Agenda-Setting Works 36
4 Why Agenda-Setting Occurs 53
5 The Pictures in our Heads 68
6 Attribute Agenda-Setting and Framing 86
7 Shaping the Media Agenda 98
8 Consequences of Agenda-Setting 119
9 Mass Communication and Society 134
Epilogue 146
Notes 150
Index 179
1.1 Agenda-setting role of the mass media 5
1.2 The power of the press 7
1.3 Comparisons of the trends in news coverage and concerns of the American public for eleven issues,1983-6 13
2.1 Newspaper coverage and public concern about crime 26
2.2 The Acapulco typology:four perspectives on agenda-setting 31
3.1 Duration of major issues on the public agenda 41
3.2 Time-spans for appearance and disappearance of agenda-setting effects 46
4.1 Need for orientation and agenda-setting effects 56
4.2 Need for orientation and average level of interest in political information 59
4.3 Agenda-setting effects for obtrusive and unobtrusive issues(natural history perspective) 61
4.4 Agenda-setting effects for agendas of obtrusive and unobtrusive issues(competition perspective) 62
5.1 First-and second-level agenda-setting 71
5.2 Attribute agenda-setting in Spanish local elections 76
5.3 A comparison of attribute agenda-setting effects based on three measures of attribute salience among the public for an environmental issue 84
6.1 Compelling arguments:a third route for the transfer of salience between the media agenda and the public agenda 92
6.2 The effects of issue framing by the media on the public's perception of important campaign issues 95
7.1 An expanded view of agenda-setting 99
7.2 A metaphorical onion of media agenda-setting 100
8.1 Consequences of agenda-setting 121
8.2 Percentage of subjects who used equality and morality frames to explain their opinion 126
8.3 Individual behaviour in response to news of plane crashes and skyjackings 130
8.4 Impact on three behaviours of object salience on the media agenda 131
9.1 Patterns of social consensus with increasing use of the news media among demographic groups in Spain,(PRC)Taiwan and the US 136
9.2 A map of agenda-setting and its consequences 142
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