联想英语 第3册 教师用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)卡斯勒(Kassller,C.),(美)李(Lee,L.)等著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7111067088
- 页数:122 页
Unit 1:MAKING WAVESChapter 1:What Makes Waves?The Waves of Matsuyama(Japanese tanka by Saigyo) 1
The Sea Around Us(Excerpts by Rachel Carson) 3
Chapter 2:Ups and DownsEarth Shaker,Wave Maker(a Greek myth) 7
Chapter 3:People Around UsLetter from a Dutch Immigrant,1846 9
An Oral History(by Saverio Rizzo) 9
Could We Ever Forget?(a poem by Ok Kork) 10
My Name is Monique...(excerpt from a personal essay by Monique Rubio) 10
Chapter 4:ReflectionsHow Everything Happens(a poem by May Swenson) 12
At the Beach(a poem by Kemal Ozer) 13
Read OnThe Education of Berenice Belizaire(from a magazine article by Joe Klein) 14
Song for Smooth Waters(a Native American poem) 14
West Side(a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye) 14
Unit 2:GHOOSING PATHSChapter 1:Making Difficult DecisionsWho's Hu?(a short story by Lensey Namioka) 15
Chapter 2:Career PathsNicholasa Mohr(an autobiographical account) 19
Chapter 3:The Underground RailroadThe Underground Railroad(a magazine article by Robert W.Peterson) 21
The Douglass"Station"of the Underground Railroad(a play by Glennette Tilley Turner) 22
Chapter 4:Life ChoicesThe Road Not Taken(a poem by Robert Frost) 23
Jessica Berg(a poem by Mel Glenn) 25
Read OnFootpath(a poem by Stella Ngatho) 26
Harriet Tubman(a poem by Eloise Greenfield) 26
Unit 3:BREAKING DOWN BARRIERSChapter 1:Why Do We Build Barriers?Zoo(a short story by Edward Hoch) 27
Chapter 2:Breaking Through Mental BarriersBreaking Mental Barriers(a magazine article) 31
Chapter 3:Racism-A Barrier Between PeopleA Shameful Chapter(a book excerpt by Barbara Rogasky) 33
In Reponse to Executive Order 9066(a poem by Dwight Okita) 35
Chapter 4:Breaking Down Racial BarriersAiming for Peace(a magazine article by Scott Brodeur) 37
Read OnAs I Grew Older(a poem by Langston Hughes) 39
Those Who Don't(a poem by Sandra Cisneros) 39
Unit 4:GROSSING BRIDGESChapter 1:Bridge DesignsFar,Far Away She Was Going(excerpt from the Kim Van Kieu) 41
Chapter 2:Facing ChangeThe Old Man at the Bridge(a short story by Ernest Hemingway) 44
Chapter 3:TransitionsI Felt Like a Queen(a memoir by Suzanne Flores) 46
Chapter 4:Life SpansYou've Got a Friend(a song by Carole King) 48
Letter to My Sister Who Lives in a Foreign Land(a poem by Daisy Zamora) 49
Across Ages(a magazine article by Scott Brodeur) 50
Chapter 5:Bridges Across Time and SpaceAugust 2002:Night Meeting(from The Martian Chronicles,by Ray Bradbury) 52
Read OnThe Eighth Wonder of the World(historical overview) 53
Poetry of Friendship(a poem by JoséMarti) 54
Tapescript Book 3 55
Assessment Package 62
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