公司战略与风险管理 3
PART Ⅰ Strategy and Strategic Management 3
PART Ⅱ Strategic Analysis 6
PART Ⅲ Strategic Alternatives 11
PART Ⅳ Strategic Implementation 18
PART Ⅴ Risk and Risk Management 20
PART Ⅵ Internal Control 25
财务成本管理 29
PART Ⅰ Introduction to Financial Management 29
PART Ⅱ Analysis of Financial Statements 30
PART Ⅲ Long-term Planning and Financial Forecasting 35
PART Ⅳ Fundamental Concepts to Financial Valuation 35
PART Ⅴ Valuation of Bond and Share 37
PART Ⅵ Cost of Capital 38
PART Ⅶ Business Valuation 39
PART Ⅷ Capital Budgeting 40
PART Ⅸ Option Valuation 41
PART Ⅹ Capital Structure 42
PART Ⅺ Dividend Distribution 43
PART Ⅻ Ordinary Share and Long-term Debt Financing 44
PART XⅢ Other Long-term Financing 45
PART ⅩⅣ Working Capital Management 46
PART ⅩⅤ Product Costing 47
PART ⅩⅥ Standard Costing 49
PART ⅩⅦ CVP Analysis 50
PART ⅩⅧ Short-term Budgeting 51
PART ⅩⅨ Performance Measurement 52
审计 55
PART Ⅰ China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants 55
PART Ⅱ Fundamentals to Audit 59
PART Ⅲ Auditing Procedures 69
PART Ⅳ Transaction Cycles 72
PART Ⅴ Considerations for Specific Items 74
PART Ⅵ Audit Finalization and Report 77
PART Ⅶ Common Verbs for Auditing 81
经济法 87
PART Ⅰ Real Rights Law 87
PART Ⅱ Contract Law 90
PART Ⅲ Company Law 106
PART Ⅳ Security Law 113
PART Ⅴ Enterprise Bankruptcy Law 120
PART Ⅵ Negotiable Instrument Law 125
PART Ⅶ Law of State-Owned Assets of Enterprise 129
PART Ⅷ Anti-monopoly Law 131
税法 135
PART Ⅰ VAT Law 135
PART Ⅱ Business Tax Law 138
PART Ⅲ Enterprise Income Tax Law 140
PART Ⅳ Individual Income Tax Law 144
PART Ⅴ Others 146
会计 151
PART Ⅰ Fundamentals to Accounting 151
PART Ⅱ Financial Assets 152
PART Ⅲ Inventory 154
PART Ⅳ Long-term Equity Investments 155
PART Ⅴ Fixed Assets 156
PART Ⅵ Intangible Assets 158
PART Ⅶ Investment Property 158
PART Ⅷ Impairment of Assets 159
PART Ⅸ Liabilities&Equities 160
PART Ⅹ Revenue,Expense and Profit 161
PART Ⅺ Financial Reports 163
PART Ⅻ Contingencies 164
PART ⅩⅢ Exchange of Non-monetary Assets 165
PART ⅩⅣ Debt Restructurings 165
PART ⅩⅤ Government Grants 166
PART ⅩⅥ Borrowing Costs 166
PART ⅩⅦ Share-based Payment 167
PART ⅩⅧ Income Tax 168
PART ⅩⅨ Foreign Currency Translation 169
PART ⅩⅩ Lease 169
PART ⅩⅪ Changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates and Cor-rections of Errors 171
PART ⅩⅫ Events after the Balance Sheet Date 172
PART ⅩⅩⅢ Business Combinations 172
PART ⅩⅩⅣ Consolidated Financial Statements 173
PART ⅩⅩⅤ Earnings Per Share 174
附录一 176
附录二 179
附录三 195
附录四 202
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