![The Federal Reserve Act](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/75/s662bf98.jpg)
Sec.1.Short title and definitions 1
Sec.2.Federal Reserve Districts and stock of Federal Reserve Banks 2
Sec.3.Branches of Federal Reserve Banks 5
Sec.4.Organization and directors of-Federal Reserve Banks 6
Sec.5.Increase and decrease of capital of Federal Reserve Banks 13
Sec.6.Insolvency of member banks 14
Sec.7.Earnings of Federal Reserve Banks 15
Sec.8.Conversion of State banks into national banks 16
Sec.9.Membership of State banks 17
Sec.10.Organization of Board of Governors 27
Sec.10(a).Emergency advances to groups of member banks 31
Sec.10(b).Advances to individual member banks 32
Sec.11.Powers of Board of Governors 32
Sec.12.Federal Advisory Council 39
Sec.12A.Federal Open Market Committee 40
Sec.12B.Insurance of bank deposits 41
Sec.13.Collections,discounts and advances by Federal Reserve Banks 72
Sec.13a.Discount of agricultural paper 79
Sec.13b.Industrial loans and discounts 80
Sec.14.Open market operations and relations with foreign banks 83
Sec.15.Government deposits 86
Sec.16.Federal Reserve notes 87
Sec.17.Deposits of bonds by national banks 94
Sec.18.Federal Reserve Bank notes 94
Sec.19.Reserves of member banks and interest on deposits 98
Sec.20.Redemption fund for national bank notes 103
Sec.21.Examinations 103
Sec.22.Offenses of member banks,examiners,Officers,and directors 107
Sec.23.Liability of shareholders of national banks 112
Sec.23A.Relations of member banks with affiliates 112
Sec.24.Real estate loans by national banks 114
Sec.24A.Investments by national banks in bank premises 116
Sec.25.Foreign branches of national banks 116
Sec.25(a).Foreign banking corporations 119
Sec.25(b).Jurisdiction of suits 129
Sec.26.Repeal of conflicting laws 132
Sec.27.Tax on national bank notes 132
Sec.28.Reduction of capital of national banks 133
Sec.29.Saving clause 134
Sec.30.Reservation of right to amend 134
APPENDIX CONTAINING PROVISIONS OF OTHER STATUTES(See Table of Contents to Appendix at page 137) 135
Acts amending Federal Reserve Act 267
Acts amended or referred to by Federal Reserve Act 268
Acts or parts of Acts published in Appendix 269
United States Code sections containing provisions of Federal Reserve Act 271