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实用英语泛读教程 3
实用英语泛读教程 3

实用英语泛读教程 3PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《实用英语泛读教程 3》目录

Passage A:Passport to the Universe 1

Passage B:Mahalo to Donald Kim from a Grateful Alma Mater 6

Passage C:How to Talk to Anyone About Anything 9

Passage A:Nuclear Energy:Pros and Cons 14

Passage B:Bringing Power to the People 19

Passage C:Food Resources and World Hunger 22

Passage A:You Are What You Think 26

Passage B:He Led a Useful Life 30

Passage C:Using the Mind Against Disease 33

Passage A:The Shape of Things to Come:The New Doctor 37

Passage B:On the Shoulders of a Hero 40

Passage C:Technology Brings Court into 21st Century 44

Passage A:The Night the President Met the Burglar 47

Passage B:Playing Princess Diana 50

Passage C:Visit to a President 53

Passage A:E-Money 57

Passage B:The First Four-Minute Mile 61

Passage C:What Makes Olympic Champions? 63

Passage A:Will the Population Bomb Blow Up? 68

Passage B:Modernization Interrupted:Unprecedented Population Problems Proliferate 73

Passage C:Into the Forest:Survival of the Fitful 76

Passage A:The Interview 78

Passage B:If I Were a Boy Again 82

Passage C:The New American Revolution 84

Glossary 88

Phrases and Expressions 110

Key to the Exercises 113
