Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume VIII Calculus of Variations and Its ApplicatioPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1958
- 页数:152 页
On Variational Principles in Elasticity&BY ERIC REISSNER 1
Variational Principles in the Mathematical Theory of Plasticity&BY D.C.DRUCKER 7
Discussion of D.C.Drucker's Paper"variational Principles in the Mathematical Theory of Plasticity"&BY P.G.HODGE,JR. 23
A Geemetrical Theory of Diffraction&BY JCSEPH B.KELLER 27
Upper and Lower Bounds for Eigenvalues&BY J.B.DIAZ 53
Stationary Principles for Forced Vibrations in Elasticity and Electromagnetism&BY J.L.SYNGE 79
A Variational Computation Method for Forced-vibration Problems&BY H.F.WEINBERGER 89
Applications of Variational Methods in the Theory of Conformal Mapping&BY M.M.SCHIFFER 93
Dynamic Programming and Its Application to Variational Problems in Mathematical Economics&BY RICHARD BELLMAN 115
Variational Methods in Hydrodynamics&BY S.CHANDRASEKHAR 139
Some Applications of Functional Analysis to the Calculus of Variations&BY E.H.ROTHE 143